Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Final Report Essay Example for Free
Final Report Essay Information need not be passed down through physical means like mail or newspapers. It can be done through SMS (short messaging service), a phone call or even an email. Underlying such great inventions is the use of electronic devices to transmit and receive signals. Due to the demand for faster and larger data flow, complex systems such as Code-Division Multiple Access (CDMA) have been developed. This project is confined to the fundamental concepts used in digital communication. These key concepts include sampling, quantization and frame synchronization. The circuit designed is meant for one-way dataflow. It supports transmission by one user from any analog input. Hence, it is not necessary to select between multiple analog inputs using the frequency-division multiplexing technique. In transmitting wirelessly, a laser and photodiode are used instead of antennas. This choice is made because it is complex to build a Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) circuit. Without FSK, an antenna would need to be 75km long in order to transmit a wave of 4 kHz. 1. 2 Problem Identification In this project, a laser pointer is used to transmit analog signal wirelessly. In order to realize digital transmission, the analog signal must be converted into digital form using a Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) encoder. Before the signal can be decoded at the receiver end, frame synchronization must be achieved. Hence, a training sequence must be sent to synchronize the receiver and transmitter. Next, a Digital Phase Locked Loop (DPLL) is needed to lock on to the transmitted signal and generate clocks at the receiver end. In the final stage, the digital signal is converted back to an analog signal. This signal is then played through a speaker. 1. 3 Constraints Availability of Manpower Our main constraint lies in the shortage of manpower. Due to the complexity of the DPLL Circuit and Training Sequence Identification Circuit, more members should be allocated to these two subgroups. However, this is not possible as our group consists of only eight members. This constraint will be addressed in the implementation section of this report. Components The design of any combinational logic circuit is confined to the availability of chips (gates). In this project, we are not provided with AND and NOR gates. Hence, knowledge of Boolean algebra will aid us in realizing any logic with the universal NAND gate. In addition, the design of logic circuits also depends on the space of breadboard. Hence, minimizing the number of chips used takes higher precedence over the simplicity of design. This is to achieve compactness on the breadboard. Time A short time frame of seven weeks is given to build a laser communication system. Apart from building the prototype, our group must submit design and final reports for grading. Hence, it is critical that all group members adhere to the schedule. Further, since there are no extra lab sessions provided for testing and debugging, subgroups must build the circuits before going for the lab session. . System Design 2. 1 Project Requirements 1. 2. 048 MHz Master Clock, 64 KHz Bit Clock and 8 KHz Frame Synchronization: with rising edges aligned. 2. Clock signals into PCM encoder, training sequence generator and multiplexer. 3. Coder and decoder chips are needed for analog to digital conversion and digital to analog conversion respectively. 4. Model the photodiode as a voltage source. 5. Yield minimal noise in the photodiode circuit. 6. DPLL: Determine the value of K, N, M and constant phase difference between local clock and data sequence. 7. DPLL: Design a divide by N Counter. 8. Frame synchronization must be achieved. 9. Training Sequence must be generated. 10. A D flip-flop is required to switch training frame to data frame at the correct instance. 11. A logic circuit must be implemented to identify the training sequence at the receiver end. 12. Implement a â€Å"Divide by 8†counter to yield 8 KHz Frame Synchronization Receiver from the 64 KHz Bit Clock. 2. 2 Design of System The system consists of two functional components. They are the transmitter and receiver. In the discussion of this system, the transmitter side will be first discussed followed by the receiver end. 2. 3 Design of Transmitter The transmitter consists of several sub-blocks. These sub-blocks include the clock and counter networks, training sequence generator, switch, encoder and the laser link. 2. 3. 1 Clock and Counter Networks In this system, 2. 048MHz Master Clock (MCLK), 64 KHz Bit Clock (BCLK) and 8 KHz Frame Synchronization Signal (FSYN) are required. BCLK and FSYN are required by the training sequence generator and multiplexer (MUX) switch respectively. The encoder chip requires MCLK, BCLK and FSR. As such, the breadboard layout shown in Figure 1 is adopted. Figure 1: Breadboard Layout (Transmitter) Master Clock (MCLK) The Master Clock (MCLK) is obtained from the signal generators available in the lab. As a high speed clock is needed by the PCM encoder to function, the value of 2. 048 MHz is chosen. MCLK provides the timing signal to synchronize the other clocks in the system. In this manner, the rising edge of the generated BCLK and FSR will coincide with MCLK. Bit Clock (BCLK) The Bit Clock (BCLK) frequency is 64 KHz. This is generated by inputting MCLK into the Counter (74HC191) followed by a D Flip-flop (74HC74). BCLK is required because the frequency of bits generated by the encoder is 64 KHz. The BCLK allows the bit stream to be synchronized with the clock network. Frame Synchronization Signal (FSYN)
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Marketing McDonalds to Hispanic Americans Essay -- McDonalds Hispani
Product and competitive environment McDonald’s Corporation (MDC) known for its famous golden arches is the number one largest chain of fast food restaurant in the world. With headquarters in the United States and restaurants in 120 countries serving around 86 million customers a day. About 80% of the restaurants are operated by a franchisees or affiliates. McDonald's revenues come from the expenses paid by the franchisees such as fees, royalties, rent, as well as sales in company-operated restaurants. According to Hoovers, McDonald's Corporation in 2013 made and annual revenue of $28,105.7 compared to $27.5 billion made in 2012. Most of the restaurants are freestanding units offering dine-in and drive-through service, but McDonald's also has many restaurants located in airports, retail areas, and other high-traffic locations. The company has nine major markets – Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, the UK, and the US – that account for 75% of sales. Although McDonald is a lea ding brand, the top companies that give McDonald competition include: Doctor’s Associates Inc., YUM! Brands Inc., Starbucks Corporation, Darden Restaurant Inc., and Burger King Doctors’s Associates, Inc.: A company who owns and operates Subway. It has approximate 40,855 restaurants in 105 countries, in January, 1, 2014. The total annual revenue is of $32.1 million dollars. Yum! Brands, Inc. or Yum! Is the world’s largest fast food restaurant company- they have more than 40,000 restaurants globally and operates in 125 countries. YUM! Licenses Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut and Wing Street. The total annual revenue is of $13,084 million dollars. Starbucks Corporation is the largest coffeehouse company in the world, with 20,891 stores i... ..." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 13 May 2013. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. Llopis, Glenn. "5 Steps To Capturing The Hispanic Market." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 03 Sept. 2013. Web. 13 Apr. 2014. "Hispanic Fast Facts." AHAA. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2014. Michael Goodman. "The Power of Hispanic Consumers." MercuryMedia. Research and Analytics, Apr. 2010. Web. 16 Apr. 2014. "Sales & Marketing Slides." Marketing Strategy of McDonalds. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. "The Marketing Process A McDonald's Restaurants Case Study." Business Case Studies. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. "Maps and Data about the Hispanic Population." Pew Research Centers Social Demographic Trends Project RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. "U.S. Hispanic Country of Origin Counts for Nation, Top 30 Metropolitan Areas." Pew Research Centers Hispanic Trends Project RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Early Birds Catches the Worm
Each proverb has the features of time, and new ideas can be added to the old ones. The classic proverbs never worried about fading. Like the proverb â€Å"Early bird catches the worm†, people all over the world are still saying and using this phrase today. Although in different languages, we use completely different words, but still convey the same meaning. For example, In China, there is a similar saying: â€Å"The quick-footed mount first. †This proverb usually plays a traditional role in dally life, fitting well Into this competitive and materialistic society.Everybody wants to be the first, to stand on he top of the mountain. Although the university year is still in its early stages, students who are applying for graduate positions In 2009 have almost missed their chance. Companies have begun their recruitment earlier this year. These companies never worry about lacking in people to work for them, what they really need are those who are eagerly preparing his/her re sume to get into the company. Human life Is transient, so beginning a career at a young age is an â€Å"early-bird†and wise choice.American's Next Top Model has been a hot TV show for years, which I have been watching for a long time. Every time the contestants are surely to be at a young age, because if you get into the competition at 25,you are already too old and the Judges and other competitors will always use age as an issue, though unconsciously. Most people have their dreams when they are only children. And the dream remains In their minds as time goes by. Take action, be the early bird, even with mistakes along the way. Although some of them seem so far.Don't worry, there is also a saying: Clumsy birds start flying early. Upon closer analysis by changing or adding a few words in the proverb, a whole new perspective is shown: â€Å"Urban bird catches the arm. †Early birds may catch the worm but city birds prefer a little bit late. They don't rely heavily on wo rms from the trees. Instead the city birds visit bird feeders later in the day. The researchers believe the difference in feeding is due to the â€Å"urban heat island effect†, as the city becomes warmer, the birds don't need to get up early to replace energy lost overnight to keep warm.Within a word play, the anta-proverb has similar pronunciation as the original . Using the old frame is a good way to attract other people's attention, in a humorous demonstration. Let us not focus solely on the costive side, the usage of this proverb has a great limitation. Everything in this world is not absolutely right. Getting up early means less sleep. Recently research shows that â€Å"Night owls rule the roost,†scientists found out that the late risers tire less quickly than those who get up at the crack of the dawn, thus they could have more energy to do their work.To think more critically, the early birds catch the worm, and the early worms get eaten by birds. Do any of us wa nt to be the victim? It is easy to market's need and thus become the sacrifice. Coming late into the business world ND learning from the established competitors can offer an advantage. Rival birds can turn up pretty much whenever they want and still get a decent feed, as long as they hit the right spot, to say, there are plenty of worms hanging around everywhere.Here is a interesting one: â€Å"The early bird would never catch the worm if the dumb worm slept late†, the phrase also shows not every early-birds choice could be success. There are risks we need to undertake. In any cases, getting up early is often unnecessary. â€Å"Early bird†suggests that we should be more diligent in achieving our goals and desires. Taking more time to think, the proverb â€Å"think before you leap†always relates to the early bird wisdom. After comparing this proverb and illustrating so many examples, the proverb reminds me of the Darning's famous theory, Survival of The Fittest .Although the â€Å"Early bird catches the worm†need context to make it more conceivable, if all the people on the earth were willing to be the early birds, the scene would be chaos. The nature order among human competition, allows a functional world. The fact is early birds eat early worms, late birds eat late worms. Early bird catches the worm, this proverb impresses me so much is because mama always using it to wake me up, reminds me of home. That's the warm and positive side for me. There are so many things to list within one proverb.Every coin has two sides, I don't like to live in a competitive world, but welcome to the reality world, I need to face it whether I like the life style or not. Just to say I will never treat it as my lifetime guideline. To grow with a ordinary heart, to live each day with energy and happiness is the best for me. Find out what suits you best, that's the most important essence we could characterize as our own unique proverb. Citation: The Cou rier Mail. Night owls who rule the roost†. 25 April 2009. Lexis's.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Sophocles Play Oedipus the King in 60 Seconds
A tragic story from the Greek dramatist, Sophocles, Oedipus the King is a well-known and studied play filled with murder, incest, and one mans discovery of the truth about his life. It is the story that you may know because Oedipus murdered his father and married his mother (unknowingly, of course). Also known as Oedipus Rex, this drama has symbolism and hidden meanings scattered throughout. This makes it a compelling study for the theater as well as high school and college students. The story also contributed to the naming of Sigmund Freuds most controversial theory in psychology, the Oedipus complex. Appropriately, the theory tries to explain why a child might have sexual desire for a parent of the opposite sex. This play has alluded to psychological drama long before Freud. Written around 430 BCE, Oedipus the King has long thrilled audiences with its plot twists and compelling characters and an unbelievably tragic ending. It is a production that will remain in classical theaters register of the greatest plays ever written. The Backstory First of all, to understand Sophocles’ play, Oedipus the King, a bit of Greek Mythology is in order. Oedipus was a strong, young man who was walking down the road when all of a sudden, an arrogant rich guy nearly runs him over with a chariot. The two fight – the rich guy dies. Further down the road, Oedipus meets a Sphinx who has been plaguing the city of Thebes and challenging pedestrians with riddles. (Anyone who guesses wrong gets gobbled up.) Oedipus solves the riddle correctly and becomes the King of Thebes. Not only that, he marries an attractive older gal named Jocasta – the recently widowed queen of Thebes. The Play Begins The setting is Thebes, over a decade after Oedipus has become king. The Chorus (a bunch of citizens who talk and move in unison) complains to their king about the terrible plague.King Oedipus wants to solve the city’s problems.Apparently, Zeus and the rest of the Olympian Gods are angry that the previous king was murdered and no one bothered to find the murderer. Oedipus vows to find the killer and bring justice. He will punish the killer no matter who the culprit is†¦ even if it is a friend or a relative, even if he himself turns out to be the killer. (But that couldn’t possibly happen, now could it) The Plot Thickens Oedipus requests help from a local prophet, an old-timer named Tiresias. The aging psychic tells Oedipus to stop looking for the killer. But this just makes Oedipus all the more determined to find out who slew the previous king. Finally, Tiresias gets fed up and spills the beans. The old man claims that Oedipus is the murderer. Then, he declares that the murderer is Theban-born, and (this part gets seriously disturbing) that he killed his father and married his mother. Ooh! Gross! Yuck! Yes, Oedipus is a bit freaked out by Tiresias’ claims. Yet, this isn’t the only time he has heard this sort of prophecy. When he was a young man living in Corinth, another soothsayer claimed that he would kill his father and marry his mother. That prompted Oedipus to run away from Corinth to save his parents and himself from murder and incest. Oedipus’ wife tells him to relax. She says that many prophecies do not come true. A messenger arrives with news that Oedipus’ dad is dead. This seems to imply that all of the icky curses and destinies are not ordained. More Bad News for Oedipus Just when they think that life is fine (except for the deadly plague, of course) a shepherd arrives with a story to tell. The shepherd explains that long ago he found Oedipus as a child, a little baby left out in the wilderness. The shepherd took him back to Corinth where young Oedipus was raised by his adoptive parents. With a few more disturbing puzzle pieces, Oedipus figures out that when he ran away from his adoptive parents, he bumped into his biological father (King Laius) and killed him during their roadside argument. (Nothing is worse than chariot road rage mixed with patricide). Then, when Oedipus became king and married Jocasta, Laius’ wife, he was actually marrying his biological mother. Wrapping Things Up The chorus is filled with shock and pity. Jocasta hangs herself. And Oedipus uses the pins from her dress to gauge out his eyes. We all cope in different ways. Creon, Jocasta’s brother, takes over the throne. Oedipus will wander around Greece as a wretched example of man’s folly. (And, on can assume, Zeus and his fellow Olympians enjoy a mean-spirited chuckle.)
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