Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Thomas King's Truth about Stories and Its Impact on Social Workers Assignment
Thomas King's Truth about Stories and Its Impact on Social Workers - Assignment Example I think this is a message that is especially important for social workers to keep in mind as they struggle to help those who are not a part of the dominant culture or socio-economic class. One thing that makes Kings message so effective is the personal tone in which he tells all his stories. He frequently speaks to the reader and is not shy about telling us when he is aiming for a story-telling tone. In the first chapter, he tells two different creation myths, one Christian, and one Native. The tones he uses to tell them are very different, as he points out afterwards. â€Å"In the Native story†, he says, â€Å"I tried to recreate an oral storytelling voice and craft the story in terms of a performance for a general audience†(King, 2003, p.22). However, the Christian version told with a less playful tone, used a â€Å"sober voice†which â€Å"makes for a formal recitation but creates a sense of veracity†(King, 2003, p.23). Kings stories in the book usually use a mix of these two tones, and the result is one which speaks directly to people and seems realistic without being unengaging. Also, the storytelling tone is part of the problem King wishes to speak about, that Native people are never really taken seriously and understood from their own points of view, but lumped into one big category, Native, and viewed as a sort of childish un-advanced race of people. As he says of his Native creation myth, â€Å"the conversation voice tends to highlight the exuberance of the story but diminishes its authority†(King, 2003, p.22-23). This, usually in the guise of focusing on Native performers who had to struggle to figure out whether they were still Native Americans or something else entirely, is a central theme throughout the book, along with the stereotyping that causes this main problem.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Domestic Politics Essay Example for Free
Domestic Politics Essay Trade which means the exchange of goods and services for money is very important for the growth of any country’s economy. This business industry has continually changed over time. This can be clearly seen because a long time ago there was barter trade which is the exchange of goods with other goods or services. Initially there was no medium of exchange but later money was introduced. Traditionally, trade was also conducted within boundaries of countries that is local trade. However the arena has completely changed nowadays. This has been caused by the fact that the transportation of goods and services is easy. People, goods and services can be transported through air, rail, water or even road. This in turn means that space otherwise known as distance between the producer of goods and services and the consumer is not an issue. There is therefore a free flow of services, people and goods from one country to another. This means that there is international trade. However, international trade is affected by the domestic policies of the country as well and the politics of all other countries involved. This paper will study the effects of the politics of globalization in China. Yanrui argues that the economy of China has changed since the economic reforms which took place in 1978 (1). According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, her economy comes third. United States is ranked first followed by Japan. China’s economy has been growing very rapidly. It has been having a constant Gross Domestic Product growth rate of more than 10per cent. Her per capita income has also been increasing with time. Her economy is continually improving because she concentrates in ensuring that there is equitable sharing of resources as well as aiming at lowering the poverty levels. Additionally, (Dadush 1) notes that China is doing considerably well in the international market as she is the leading exporter and the second largest importer of services and goods. On the same note (Yanrui 2), states that there are two major factors responsible for the economic advancements in China. The first factor is growth of investments which between 1979 and 2004 grew at a rate of 12 per cent. The high growth of investments was caused by many foreign organizations investing directly and also the high rate of savings. This means that the foreign organizations invested in China as citizen and thus this is corporate citizenship. The organizations in turn save some money in the country. He observe that there was a very high increase in the ratio of domestic savings and Gross Domestic Product. The figure had increased up to 74. 8 per cent in 2004 compared to 10. 1 per cent in 1979. (Yanrui 2) continues to emphasize the fact that china’s economy has improved due to her increased exports. The exports rates were 18 per cent between 1979 and 2004. Yanrui continues to state that another factor to be considered in measuring the growth rate of China is the domestic consumption. The number of people acquiring cars increased at a rate of 24. 1 per cent per year between 2001 and 2004. This shows that they have money and thus the economy is doing well. It clearly indicates that due to the improvement in the country’s economy a lot of people had the purchasing power due to low prices of commodities and the taxes levied on the goods and services had reduced and hence most people could buy them. The economy of a country is highly affected by her politics Keohane (2). He continues to argue that the domestic politics of a country in turn affects the world economy. It is therefore necessary to consider how domestic politics, globalization influence each other in China. In China in 1949, the government used to control the prices of commodities, control some important policies such as the banking and financial policies. This hindered economic development and as a result her economy was not growing at a fast pace. After 1978 the Chinese government controlled only a few industries such as the one dealing with air travel. The Chinese government ensures that the activities in each sector of the economy are controlled by institutions or organizations such as Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture among others. The operations of some other organizations are supervised by the State Council. The State council has offices in other locations nearer to the institutions it supervises. The state council implements the policies regarding the economy. This is done by controlling financial operations of the organizations, ensuring that some resources such as transport, labor and raw materials among others are equitably shared and they also control the tax issues. Taxes can lead to a poor economy because they make the prices to shoot upwards if they are high. This in turn lowers the demand for the goods. Zhiyue (1) states that it is of paramount importance for China to attain democracy. However it is a hard task to decide which democracy model should be implemented in China. He (145) notes that there are four democratization models that china could use. They are: social capital theory, modernization theory, negotiation-pact and the modernization theory. Each of these will be elaborated. The social mobilization theory states that democracy is not achieved by mere economic advancement (He 147). The modernization theory on the other hand (145) advocates for the fact that if a country is economically developed it is most likely to achieve high levels of democracy. The third theory which is negotiation-pact stipulates that the learned and the political leader are very important in order for a country to achieve democracy (He 153). He also notes that it is viewed as the most secure model for transition. He (154) continues to elaborate that for a country like China to attain democracy various factors which include the culture, her economic development, the politicians and the social classes have to be considered. In addition to considering these factors any other important issue should be put into consideration. A balance should be stricken between the various factors in order to achieve democracy without violence which could lead to unnecessary loss of property and lives. Therefore in attempt to answer the question it is worth noting that China’s economy is doing well. This means that there is increased trade, income and saving are high, the prices and inflation rates are low. This basically means that the economic arena is good. However, China has not yet attained democracy. Yanrui (2006) observes that globalization is the ability of the Chinese economy to interact profitably with the international business community. He additionally states that a country’s level of globalization can be gauged by looking at how the international business affects its economy. China has made use of the international trade and thus her exports rose to 593. 4 United States billion dollars in 2004 up from 9. 8 billion United States dollars. It is at this point that I would like to note that the domestic politics of a country affects her globalization. The political system of a country determines whether there will be free flow of goods, capital, services and people in and out of the country. As has already been stated above for a country to be considered internationalized it has to engage in international trade. Thanks to the Chinese government which discovered this earlier and implemented the 1978 reforms. This encouraged international trade which has made her economy to improve dramatically. However, this should not cause the countries to lose their political identity in the name of being internationalized. China has an edge over any other country that has not reached her level. (He 139) notes that the China is almost developing to the level of the developed world. He also observes that though China has developed in terms of trade she still lacks in the democracy (140). This is therefore a clear indicator that China has a democratic deficit which is caused by its communist system. It is therefore important for China to look for a suitable democratic model which she should implement in order to avert the democratic deficit. He adds that ninety per cent of the people in China feel that they should have democracy (145). China has become a very important destination for any organization in the world. The Economists intelligence Unit (10) notes that there is no serious multinational that can afford to ignore China in its business operations. It continues to elaborate that the emergence of a stable market which is easily accessible makes China a preferred market for many multinationals. To ensure that the multinationals adhere to the expected standards China has introduced laws and regulations to cater for the organizations. Global Corporate citizenship is whereby a multinational company registers in a particular country such as China in order for it to conduct business in the host country. This is done in China and it is important because those companies who conduct business in China are conversant with her laws and hence security is maintained despite there being foreigners in China. The foreigners feel part and parcel of the country. It is important that each and every country discover that though the economy could be doing very well they should also ensure that they attain democracy. They should consider the democratization theories and and come with a model that will favor them. Domestic politics should ensure that country develops economy wise. The factors of production as well as the resources should be distributed equitably for the benefit of all citizens and any other party willing to conduct business in the country. Works Cited. Dadush, Uri. Global outlook: Not your average Crisis. Massachusetts, International Economic Bulletin, 2010. Economist Intelligence Unit. Coming of Age: Multinational Companies in China. Hongkong, Russell Reynolds Associates Economist Intelligence Unit,2004. He, Kai, and Huiyun, Feng. â€Å"A path to democracy: In search of China’s Democratization Model Vol 32, No. 3, 2008. Keohane,Robert, and Helen Milner. Internationalization and domestic politics. United Kingdom,the press syndicate of the University of Cambridge,1996. MIT department of political science. Politics of globalization. Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2009. Yanrui, Wu. Economic growth transition and globalization in China: advances in Chinese Economic studies. U. K: Edward and elgar Publishing Ltd. , 2006. .Zhiyue,Bo. China’s model of democracy. Chicago, Political Science Association, 2009.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Legality and Ethics of Internet Advertising Essay -- Exploratory E
The Legality and Ethics of Internet Advertising ABSTRACT: Recently,, one of the world’s premier Internet advertising firms was at the center of a Federal Trade Commission investigation on privacy. Consumer privacy advocates have charged the company with infringing on the privacy of websurfers because of the aggressive means it uses to gather data for profit. This paper discusses the legal and moral issues surrounding these tactics. Were the company’s aggressive tactics legally permissible? Were they ethical? Companies such as DoubleClick need to inform the websurfer that he/she is being monitored. The world of the Internet uses advertising as its central driving force. Internet start-up companies have spent millions upon millions of dollars on advertising, making Internet advertising a very lucrative business. In fact, right now the advertising market is estimated to be worth about $6.6 billion and is expected to be worth $27 billion by 2004.1 One of the leaders in the business,, has a significant market share of the industry with over 1,500 client sites. The aggressive means by which DoubleClick operates has made it the advertiser of choice by many Internet companies. The power of DoubleClick is in its usage of Internet "cookies" to gather information on web surfers. Every time you visit a website that is powered by DoubleClick, an Internet cookie is placed on to your web browser. The cookie helps DoubleClick track what your Internet habits are and which websites you visit most often. This information is then kept in a database that is later used by DoubleClick to target consumers with ads based on the information that it has on different user types. It is estim... ...m/NewWebstories/doubleclick_priv_2_23.htm Notes: 1 Frook, John E. â€Å"Tactics vary in race for ad network dominance.†BtoB. October 23, 2000 Vol. 85: 1. 2 Magill, Ken. â€Å"DoubleClick: Profiling Not Dead,†iMarketing News Vol.2 No.9 (2000):1. 3 IBID. 4 IBID. 5 â€Å"What Goes Up†¦(The DoubleClick Story).†Privacy Times. February 3,2000 <> 6 â€Å"FTC Closes Investigation of DoubleClick’s Privacy Practices.†January 22, 2001 press%5Frelease%5Fid=2489 7 Anstead, Mark. â€Å"Internet:Taking a tough line on privacy- New legislation threatens internet data collection.†Marketing. April 13, 2000. 8 IBID. 9 Hawkins, Dana; Mannix, Margaret. Personal Tech.†U.S. News & World Report. Vol. 129 No.13. 10 IBID.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Transcript of Character Analysis (Thank You, Ma’am)
Main Character She is the main character of this story, because the whole story is centered around her and her journey with the secondary character, Roger, after he tries to steal her purse. Physical Description Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones is a large african american woman with dark skin and hair. Slung across her shoulder is a very large purse in which she carries everything she would ever need. Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones by Isabelle Pozas 8-1 †¦Round This character is a round character because the author tells us quite about the type of person she is through her actions, like how she told Roger to go wash his face and how she wanted to help him instead of turn him in to the police; we find out that she is very kindhearted. We find out a lot about the house where she lives, the type of food she eats, and how she had some sort of troubled past as a young person. †¦ Static She character is a static character because her personality does not change very much th roughout the story.Her goal to teach Roger a lesson and help him become a better person is in place the entire story. †¦ Protagonist Thank You, Ma'am Character Analysis Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones is the protagonist of the story because the whole story is about her, and although it is told in third person, it sort of tells the story from her perspective. She did not react the way I was expecting her to react when Roger tried to steal her purse; instead of turning him in to the police, she genuinely tried to help him.This character also had a troubled life as a young person, and she did not want Roger to make the same mistakes. This character intrigues me because†¦ Emotional Description This character has a very kind heart. She does not want to turn Roger in, but she actually wants to help him and prevent him from making the same mistakes she did. She is very trusting with Roger when she leaves him alone in the room with her purse. This character was very generous to Roger, and she did not expect anything in retur Transcript of Character Analysis (Thank You, Ma’am) Main CharacterShe is the main character of this story, because the whole story is centered around her and her journey with the secondary character, Roger, after he tries to steal her purse. Physical Description Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones is a large african american woman with dark skin and hair. Slung across her shoulder is a very large purse in which she carries everything she would ever need. Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones by Isabelle Pozas 8-1 †¦RoundThis character is a round character because the author tells us quite about the type of person she is through her actions, like how she told Roger to go wash his face and how she wanted to help him instead of turn him in to the police; we find out that she is very kindhearted. We find out a lot about the house where she lives, the type of food she eats, and how she had some sort of troubled past as a young person. †¦ Static She character is a static character because her personality does not change very much thro ughout the story.Her goal to teach Roger a lesson and help him become a better person is in place the entire story. †¦ Protagonist Thank You, Ma'am Character Analysis Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones is the protagonist of the story because the whole story is about her, and although it is told in third person, it sort of tells the story from her perspective. She did not react the way I was expecting her to react when Roger tried to steal her purse; instead of turning him in to the police, she genuinely tried to help him.This character also had a troubled life as a young person, and she did not want Roger to make the same mistakes. This character intrigues me because†¦ Emotional Description This character has a very kind heart. She does not want to turn Roger in, but she actually wants to help him and prevent him from making the same mistakes she did. She is very trusting with Roger when she leaves him alone in the room with her purse.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Breastfeeding vs Formla Feeding Essay
Parents-to-be have a lot of things on their plate. One of those many things that parents should worry about is what their child is going to consume. The choice to either breastfeed or formula feed should be the main thing on an expectant mother’s mind far before the baby is born. The nutrition a baby takes in from milk for the first year of life is very valuable for a baby’s growth and health. The choice of breastfeeding or formula feeding should be looked at and thought about deeply before deciding a nutritional plan that will alter a child’s life forever. Furthermore, these choices will also affect the parent’s life. The main aspiration for this essay is to contrast the health benefits, cost, and convenience of breastfeeding as opposed to formula feeding. The first important difference between breast and formula feeding is the health benefits. Every time a healthy woman breastfeeds her baby, she is passing on natural antibodies and vitamins that has been known to keep the baby healthy and strengthen the newborn’s immune system. The immune system assists in fighting most infections and diseases that new babies may be susceptible to, such as ear infections, respiratory infections, diarrhea, and the common cold. Some of the illnesses are more serious and could cause sudden infant death syndrome, mainly whooping cough, meningitis, leukemia and other devastating cancers. Breastfeeding can help in the prevention and reduction of risk in developing diabetes, asthma, and allergies later in life. Formula milk, however, lacks all the natural antibodies that newborns need to strengthen an infant’s non-existent immune system to help fight off infection and illnesses. Formula milk is primarily a source of nutrition and does not contribute to the development of a newborn’s immune system. Shelby Medico 05/28/12 The second difference between breastfeeding and formula feeding is the cost. Breastfeeding is a smart choice because not only is it free, but it saves money. Instead of wasting money on manufactured milk, mothers can take advantage of the free milk produced by Mother Nature. Parents can use money saved by breastfeeding and use it toward other important items newborns need. On the other hand, formula is very expensive and the price of formula adds up. As a baby grows, the parents will have to keep up with the baby’s expanding appetite; therefore, parents will eventually find themselves spending double the amount of money on formula. Formula fed babies also will not be receiving the proper antibodies to help prevent the illnesses that lead to trips to the doctor’s office. Doctor appointments are expensive, not to mention the time off work a parent may have to take to care for a sick child. The final difference between breastfeeding and formula feeding is convenience. Convenience is the key to make feeding a baby an easier task for the parents. Breastfeeding is very convenient because it is always available day and night whenever the baby is hungry. When a mother plans to run errands or simply to go out to eat for lunch with her baby, she will not have to pack anything for the baby to eat. Another convenience of breastfeeding is that it is not necessary to prepare milk and warm bottles in the middle of the night for the half-asleep midnight feedings. Parents of formula fed babies, however, have to spend extra time boiling water to prepare the formula and sterilizing the bottles before the baby can eat. Parents also have to be cautious about warming bottles to make sure the formula milk is not too hot for the baby’s sensitive mouth. Extra inconvenient tasks that have to be done before feeding a hungry, impatient baby can be very frustrating. In conclusion, considering the health benefits, cost, and convenience of breastfeeding, it would be the most logical choice to better a new family’s life.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Honor the Brave With Happy Veterans Day Quotes
Honor the Brave With Happy Veterans Day Quotes Veterans of combat have hurled grenades and bombs and shot bullets. Theyve defended their brothers in arms and sometimes watched them fall to the firepower of the enemy. They have gone onto the battlefield, in fighter planes and bombers, on ships and submarines prepared to give the last full measure of devotion. They deserve that same devotion from a grateful nation every day, but one day Veterans Day is set aside especially to show that appreciation.Some of these famous Veterans Day quotes will bring a tear to your eyes. Cherish these words of inspiration and if you know a veteran, let him or her know how much you appreciate their devotion to their country. Veterans Day Quotes Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address ... We cannot dedicate we cannot consecrate we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. Patrick HenryThe battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Napoleon BonaparteVictory belongs to the most persevering. Thomas JeffersonFrom time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots. John F. KennedyA young man who does not have what it takes to perform military service is not likely to have what it takes to make a living. George S. PattonThe object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. George WashingtonThe willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of early wars were treated and appreciated by our nation. Mark TwainIn the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. Sidney Sheldon My heroes are those who risk their lives every day to protect our world and make it a better place police, firefighters and members of our armed forces. Jose NaroskyIn war, there are no unwounded soldiers. Sun Tzu Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys. Look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death! Cynthia OzickWe often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. Dwight D. EisenhowerNeither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him. ThucydidesThe secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom, courage. G. K. ChestertonCourage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die. Michel de MontaigneValor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul. Kevin Hearne, TrickedAs any war veteran will tell you, there is a vast difference between preparing for battle and actually facing battle for the first time. Bernard MalamudWithout heroes, we are all plain people and dont know how far we can go. Carol Lynn PearsonHeroes take journeys, confront dragons and discover the treasure of their true selves. James A. AutryI believe it is the nature of people to be heroes, given the chance. Benjamin DisraeliNurture your minds with great thoughts; to believe in the heroic makes heroes.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on A Day to Remember
A Day to Remember The events that took place on September 11, 2001 shocked many people. No American would ever believe that on that day terrorists would take our planes and fly them into our buildings. The terrorists succeeded in crashing three of our planes into our own buildings, but thanks to the passengers on flight 93 they would not crash another plane into our buildings. The passengers on that flight were determined that their plane would not have the same fate as the other three. As the other three flights were crashing into their targets, passengers aboard flight 93 were aware of what was taking place. They had talked to their families and friends on the phone and knew that their hi-jacked plane was probably headed for another American Building. As the passengers found out about what was happening they knew that they were going to have to try and stop the terrorists. So, they set out a plan to try and stop the plan that the terrorists were trying to complete. The ordinary peo ple aboard that plane were going to have to risk their own life to try to take back the plane that had been hi-jacked. Investigators are unsure of exactly what happened aboard flight 93; however, they do know a group of passengers said â€Å"let’s roll†right before the plane crashed in Pennsylvania. They do not know the intentions of the terrorists on flight 93, but could only speculate that the plane was headed for Washington D.C. and maybe even the White House. Thanks to the passengers aboard flight 93 the terrorists would not even come close to making their terrible plan complete. We usually think of a hero as a person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life (American Heritage Dictionary, 4th edition). I do not believe there is a better word to describe those who tried to prevent what was happening aboard flight 93.... Free Essays on A Day to Remember Free Essays on A Day to Remember A Day to Remember The events that took place on September 11, 2001 shocked many people. No American would ever believe that on that day terrorists would take our planes and fly them into our buildings. The terrorists succeeded in crashing three of our planes into our own buildings, but thanks to the passengers on flight 93 they would not crash another plane into our buildings. The passengers on that flight were determined that their plane would not have the same fate as the other three. As the other three flights were crashing into their targets, passengers aboard flight 93 were aware of what was taking place. They had talked to their families and friends on the phone and knew that their hi-jacked plane was probably headed for another American Building. As the passengers found out about what was happening they knew that they were going to have to try and stop the terrorists. So, they set out a plan to try and stop the plan that the terrorists were trying to complete. The ordinary peo ple aboard that plane were going to have to risk their own life to try to take back the plane that had been hi-jacked. Investigators are unsure of exactly what happened aboard flight 93; however, they do know a group of passengers said â€Å"let’s roll†right before the plane crashed in Pennsylvania. They do not know the intentions of the terrorists on flight 93, but could only speculate that the plane was headed for Washington D.C. and maybe even the White House. Thanks to the passengers aboard flight 93 the terrorists would not even come close to making their terrible plan complete. We usually think of a hero as a person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life (American Heritage Dictionary, 4th edition). I do not believe there is a better word to describe those who tried to prevent what was happening aboard flight 93....
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Wildlife and the Pittman-Robertson Act
Wildlife and the Pittman-Robertson Act The early part of the 20th century was a low point for many wildlife species in North America. Market hunting had decimated shorebird and duck populations. Bison were dangerously close to extinction. Even beavers, Canada geese, whitetail deer, and wild turkeys, all common nowadays, reached very low densities. That period became a pivotal moment in conservation history, as a few conservation pioneers turned concern into action. They are responsible for several key pieces of legislation which became the first North American wildlife protection laws, including the Lacey Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. On the heels of that success, in 1937 a new law was enacted to fund wildlife conservation: the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (nicknamed for its sponsors as the Pittman-Robertson Act, or PR Act). The funding mechanism is based on a tax: for every purchase of firearms and ammunition an excise tax of 11% (10% for handguns) is included in the sale price. The excise tax is also collected for the sale of bows, crossbows, and arrows. Who Gets PR Funds? Once collected by the federal government, a small portion of the funds go toward hunter education programs and target shooting range maintenance projects. The rest of the funds are available to individual states for wildlife restoration purposes. In order for a state to collect Pittman-Robertson funds, it must have an agency designated as responsible for wildlife management. Every state has one these days, but this caveat was originally a powerful incentive for states to get serious about taking steps toward wildlife conservation. The amount of funds a state is allocated any given year is based on a formula: half the allocation is in proportion to the state’s total area (therefore, Texas will get more money than Rhode Island), and the other half is based on the number of hunting licenses sold that year in that state. It is because of this fund allocation system that I often encourage non-hunters to purchase a hunting license. Not only do the proceeds of the license sale go to a state agency working hard to manage our natural resources, but your license will help funnel more money from the federal government into your own state and assist in protecting biodiversity. What Are PR Funds Used For? The PR Act allowed the distribution of $760.9 million for the purpose of wildlife restoration in 2014. Since its inception, the Act generated over $8 billion in revenue. In addition to building shooting ranges and providing hunter education, these monies have been used by state agencies to purchase millions of acres of wildlife habitat, conduct habitat restoration projects, and hire wildlife scientists. It is not just game species and hunters who benefit from PR funds, as projects are often focused on non-game species. Plus, most of the visitors of protected state lands come for non-hunting activities like hiking, canoeing, and birding.  The program has been so successful that a very similar one was designed for recreational fisheries and enacted in 1950: the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act, which is often referred to as the Dingell-Johnson Act. Through an excise tax on fishing equipment and motorboats, in 2014 the Dingell-Johnson Act led to the redistribution of $325 million in funding to restore fish habitat. Sources The Wildlife Society. Policy Briefs: Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act. United States Department of the Interior. Press Release, 3/25/2014. Follow Dr. Beaudry: Pinterest | Facebook | Twitter | Google
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Minorities Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Minorities - Case Study Example Let us remember however our families. Have already considering the reaction of the parents of a little boy who rather prefers play with dolls than videos games' However the same parents will not see anything scandalous if their daughter prefers the videos game than the same doll. If a boy want to be popular in he school he have to pratice a ''real male sport'' like soccer ,basket-ball football,hockey. When we talk about sexism often we are talking about discrimination against females . This vision is however erroneous because the only fact of thinking that a sexual kind is higher than other is already sexism. "Sexism is the discrimination based one gender, especially discrimination against women. It's also the attitudes, conditions, social gold behaviors that promote stereotyping of roles based one gender" ( Sexism is a form of discrimination which rests on the axiologic distinction several sexual kinds, it defines the hierarchical relationship between the two sexual kinds. It is form of a social, moral, political categorization and chocolate 'clairs which impose form of behavior. The word sexism thus covers also discriminations which apply to the men; as the kinds are defined one compared to the other, there is no sexism which is not at the same time applicable to the two sexes. But insofar as the sexism results most of the time in inequalities with the detriment of the women, it became current to indicate by this word the differences and inequalities undergone by the women. The discrimination based on the sex is illegal in many countries, but it do not have any less present. Let's talk about the most obvious discrimination ,against women. It starts sometimes even before birth and continues during the childhood. In some countries , contraception and the modern techniques of abortion are employed to privilege the birth of boys to the detriment of the girls, so that start to create disbalances in the population. Many stereotypes concerning the education of the young girls remained the same ones during the last decades and evolved. More than half of the girls of more than 11 years dedicate at least an hour to it, whereas only 30% of the boys take part in it, and only less than one half an hour. The electronic game are more offered to boys, which tends to inculcate a certain reserve among women who they will become in front of the techniques. In the everyday life, this disparity continues to exist. In the family and domestic world.,it was shown that the women are largely victims of the "double day". On average, they pass a much greater number of weekly hours than the men in family and domestic work. The tendency of the last decade seems to have worsened with unemployment and precariousness. In the professional field the situation is even
Flip the Funnel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Flip the Funnel - Essay Example The majority of companies are hard pressed to find new ways of bringing their products or services to a highly-competitive marketplace that is also becoming global. Technology has made the world â€Å"flatter†as barriers to entry are lowered and competition could be just around the corner or it can be halfway around the world. Technology has bridged both distance and time much shorter. Ironically, technology has also made the world more impersonal, because people want to deal with technology instead of dealing with each other directly and personally. It has become a convenient shield to hide behind actual human interactions, although technology has its merits. The rise of computer technology, and especially the Internet, has made the world much smaller. A good number of people put too much reliance on technology, forgetting that it is only a tool to an end, and not an end in itself. This subtly askew mentality pervades the world today. This paper discusses the merits of a new mentality in the world of marketing, a game-changer of sorts, or what management and business experts term as the new paradigm. This shift has been long in coming, because most so-called marketing experts are themselves so enamored with their own ideas, views, and perspectives it made it hard for them to see the light of the day, so to speak. The entire marketing process has been likened by the author of the book to a funnel which focused on acquisition instead of retention; this is the basis for â€Å"flipping†the funnel. Discussion The marketing function has been taken for granted for so long that people have a hard time trying to think up new things, or whether what they are doing is actually right or not. It is a primary aim of the author, Mr. Joseph Jaffe, to demonstrate how many time-honored traditions in the art of marketing had been wrong in the first place, by destroying most of the assumptions or accepted wisdom in this vital part of a business entity. People had always assumed marketing is a frenetic effort to always attract new customers, that this always-new incoming horde of buyers, consumers, or customers will save a company in the long run. The assumption can only be partly right, because at some point, the point of saturation will reached and no new buyers will come in. The economic recession certainly brought to the fore the many defects of previous thinking. It is a good idea to always challenge the reasoning, assumptions, or justifications in any practice, whether in business or not. This is particularly true in the area of marketing, because so much time, money, and effort are expended on the acquisition of new customers, but as the good author had pointed out, many of these newly-acquired customers get neglected once they made a purchase and taken for granted by the company. These disgruntled customers will soon leave if ever there is another offer by the competition, displaying their lack of loyalty because they were not treated right by the previous firm. It is only right that they leave, because no one should be in the bad position of being a good customer and not given enough importance by a firm. In a good example or metaphor, the recession is like a low tide, in which rocks previously unseen are now exposed for everyone to see. During high tide (or in good economic conditions), mistakes, errors, or wrong practices are not very material but a recession forces firms to re-examine everything. The author certainly did a good
Friday, October 18, 2019
CPD Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
CPD Nursing - Essay Example Center of discussion in this paper is continuing professional development (CPD) as the education that professionals in various fields undertake after their formal training. It mainly consists of any educational or training activity that helps professionals to maintain, increase or develop knowledge, technical skills, problem-solving or professional performance standards. It is therefore a means through which professional can demonstrate their continued commitment to competent performance in a framework that is relevant, fair, transferrable, inclusive and formative. CPD includes self-directed activities as well as formal activities. Formal activities include conferences, workshops and courses whereas self-directed activities include directed reading and preceptorship. Learning in CPD could be delivered in group sessions within the workplace or away from the workplace or work-based programmes specifically designed to meet the needs of individual professional and their employers. Daly e t al state that the main aim of CPD is to ensure that nurses and other professionals provide improved healthcare services to their patients and the society at large. In all professions, CPD as a learning initiative could be undertaken either as an initiative of an individual professional or the initiative of professional institutions, governments or employers. CPD is related to lifelong learning in that both CPD and lifelong education involve a continuous building of knowledge and skills. They both occur through experiences encountered in the lifetime of an individual and this means that their learning objectives are meant to address their inadequacies or incompetency in some specific areas an individual has noted. Both CPD and lifelong learning are continuous. This means that the acquisition of knowledge does not have a designated ending period (Bulman and Schutz 2004). Instead, it continues as long as the individual is still willing and capable of learning. Both CPD and lifelong l earning are a result of personal interest hence learning is voluntary and self-motivated according to Quinn (1998). Learning in both cases is learner directed hence education or curriculum is designed to meet the needs of the individual and their learning objectives and not individual fitting themselves into a pre-set curriculum and learning objectives. In both cases, the individual has a chance to learn through formal experiences like counselling, training, tutoring, apprenticeship, mentorship or higher education, as well as informal experiences like mass media. CPD and lifelong education are also related in that CPD takes place throughout the working life of a professional. This means it covers the individual’s working lifespan just as lifelong learning. How CPD can improve the standard and quality of nursing practice According to Chinn and Kramer (2004), CPD is a good means through which nurses are helped to have a better understanding
Math and what it is focused on Personal Statement
Math and what it is focused on - Personal Statement Example I explained to them that by cutting a dot on the mobius band I could return to this point by continuing to go forward in one direction. I gave the pupils addition items like two plus three and five minus one after I demonstrate to them how to add and deduct numbers. I taught them how to add and deduct it is the basic requirement the pupils must conquer. Since I taught them how use the adding and deducting of basic numbers in mathematics, I know that when be promoted the next levels of grade school., the will apply what I have been painstakingly teaching them every hour of every day. In fact, some day in the future, when they will become young men and women, some will become engineers and others will become accountants. Other pupils of mine will become teachers like me so that they will inculcate in their children pupils the latest trends of math computations that are an offshoot or improvement over my teaching methods. I gave the pupils ten numbers on adding numbers that range from one to twenty for two days. I then gave the pupils ten numbers on deducting numbers that range from one to twenty. This is because I want them to master addition. Mathematics is best learned by DOING. Repetition of the same function like adding and deducting makes one an expert for as the saying goes, experience is the best teacher. Mastery of adding and deducting not only includes getting a correct answer but also having a correct answer in as less time as possible. At first, I could feel their resistance to even look at math problems but I still pursued my objective to let them know the rudiments of math computations for I know that they will thank me in the end when they are young men and women. In fact, I know that some of them will be computer experts where proficiency in math is a requirement.I taught them to master or specialize adding and deducting numbers from one to twenty because this is the basic requirement for them to hurdle before then can work on higher and more complex numbers. I have to teach them to specialize in adding and deducting so that they can apply what they learned to real life situations. They will know how to add and deduct numbers such as how much to pay for a chocolate bar or a softdrink or even how much the pupil will ask as increase in allowance because food items in the school canteen have increased. Many of our present day businessmen, engineers and even plain housewives need the rudiments and the simple complexities of the math in order not only to solve daily math problems but also to entertain themselves by pondering over the intricacies of solving math questions. Their math understanding will be needed as they compute for higher math problems like geometry and like what is explained when they use the geoboard. The pupils will learn how to identify the different shapes of figures like the rectangle, square, triangle, octagon, pentagon and others. UNIT 3I have taught that students based how to add and deduct math numbers based on the mental capacity of the pupil. There are students who love math so that they spend a lot of time solving math problems. These students learn math
Thursday, October 17, 2019
URBAN GEOGRAPHY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
URBAN GEOGRAPHY - Essay Example According to Massey and Denton (1998) Geographical segregation can be described as spatial concentration of particular groups of population in separate areas. In simple terms, segregation means that certain groups of population get limited to different pockets of geographical areas. It can also be said that segregation is the level or extent to which particular groups reside separately from one another within the confines of a particular geographic area such as a city or state (Low, 2004). Segregation, in itself, is a complex phenomenon, where the groups are segregated in a number of ways. So, the spatial restriction of populations is based on a number of variables such as culture, income, ethnic origin, immigrant status or sexual orientation (Massey and Denton, 1998; Jackson, 1985). For example, people from a minority community are often overrepresented in some particular areas and underrepresented in some others (Yinger, 2001). In addition, a community may geographically restrict itself in way that its exposure to the other groups is minimized (Yinger, 2001). Johnston and Poulson add to Yingers theory by postulating that there are particular reasons because of which segregation takes place. These may range from legal restrictions as in the case of South Africa where Apartheid was in practice; to the social or economic status as in the case of rich people residing in the suburbs and the relatively poor residing in the downtown areas. However, the most prominent cause of segregation is found to be ethnicity or cultural background. This type of segregation can result from the emigrants’ need to find security in numbers which makes people from the same cultural or ethnic backgrounds to cluster together and segregate themselves from the rest of the society. Voluntary segregation is therefore where immigrants prefer to live in a
Compare and Contrast Videos Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Compare and Contrast Videos - Essay Example Social, political and economic aspects are highlighted in any form of information that perceives to be passed (Zelkowitz 186). This paper considers a comparison and a contrast prior to two videos in the context of passing intended information to the right audience. The video is about a laptop. The handler of this laptop is well aware of the task ahead of the team, but finds himself in a situation where he is asked to do a task that he is not in a position to using the computer. The second video is about cops. It presents a scenario of how cops overstep their powers to handle the public in an unethical manner, given their role in the society. Although the videos are set up on different contexts, similarities and differences can be noted in the procedural development of events prior to each video. Comparison 1. The two videos are used to convey a given message. The first video (about a computer) presents a scenario where the old generation does not know how to use computers. The person who had carried the computer thought that that was his sole duty although they want to break into an army base. The video therefore communicates the importance of knowing how to operate a computer regardless of the age. On the other hand, the video about the cops is aimed at mobilizing the public towards their rights and entitlements. It presents ways in which the cops harass the public, and therefore aims to put the public in notice that the police do over step human rights. Basically, the two videos have a message to pass. 2. Both the videos involve security issues. The team in the video about a computer is about to break into army base. It is expected that this action will trigger security concerns internally and externally. The aim of breaking into the army base is not presented in the video, but if a clean deal is expected out of the actions of this team, then they would use the main gate to get inside the army base. Their actions are therefore tailored towards jeopardizing se curity within and without the army base. Police forces are expected to maintain and order at all times (Gaines 348). When the cops fail to respect the integrity, rights and freedoms of the people, then they fail to observe set laws. This is set to trigger a conflict between the cops and the people as it is seen in the Cop Watch video. Both the videos therefore have aspects of security brought on board. 3. Ill motives While the computer team wants to break into an army base, the Cops in the Cop Watch video are violating human rights. Both the videos present a motive of undertaking an ill-oriented action against another party. In both videos, the characters understand who they are dealing with. That is, the computer team acknowledges that it wants to break into an army base, meaning that they fully understand their actions and they are well informed of the other party. This is the same case with the cops. They fully understand that they are dealing with the public. Although they are w ell aware of the rights and freedoms of the public, they are ignorant enough to act offended and overuse their power and authority. Contrast 1. Tools of work While the computer team is dependent on the computer to achieve their objective, the cops on the other movie are making use of assigned weapons, power and authori
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
URBAN GEOGRAPHY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
URBAN GEOGRAPHY - Essay Example According to Massey and Denton (1998) Geographical segregation can be described as spatial concentration of particular groups of population in separate areas. In simple terms, segregation means that certain groups of population get limited to different pockets of geographical areas. It can also be said that segregation is the level or extent to which particular groups reside separately from one another within the confines of a particular geographic area such as a city or state (Low, 2004). Segregation, in itself, is a complex phenomenon, where the groups are segregated in a number of ways. So, the spatial restriction of populations is based on a number of variables such as culture, income, ethnic origin, immigrant status or sexual orientation (Massey and Denton, 1998; Jackson, 1985). For example, people from a minority community are often overrepresented in some particular areas and underrepresented in some others (Yinger, 2001). In addition, a community may geographically restrict itself in way that its exposure to the other groups is minimized (Yinger, 2001). Johnston and Poulson add to Yingers theory by postulating that there are particular reasons because of which segregation takes place. These may range from legal restrictions as in the case of South Africa where Apartheid was in practice; to the social or economic status as in the case of rich people residing in the suburbs and the relatively poor residing in the downtown areas. However, the most prominent cause of segregation is found to be ethnicity or cultural background. This type of segregation can result from the emigrants’ need to find security in numbers which makes people from the same cultural or ethnic backgrounds to cluster together and segregate themselves from the rest of the society. Voluntary segregation is therefore where immigrants prefer to live in a
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The State Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The State - Essay Example There are various characteristics of a State that distinguish it from other forms of political organizations that are discussed below (Flint and Taylor 31). The first characteristic is that a State must possess defined land territory that are known and recognized in all aspects. This means that it must inhabit a certain part of the earth’s known surface and the boarders are recognizable. The boarders or limits though recognized they can be indefinite, unclear or disputed. The State territory varies with each country as it is with the population that inhibits within these boarders (Flint and Taylor 31). A State is also recognized when there is an enduring resident population regardless of their size. A place that does not have people who reside there regardless of how large it is cannot be defined as a State. When a place is only crisscrossed by migrants or occupied occasionally by researchers or hunters cannot be quantified as a State. From this analysis, a State denotes a hum an establishment that is generated by people to fulfill and serve parts of their specific needs. The people who make up a State do not have to be necessarily homogenous or sharing norms, customs, same language or an ethnic experience. For instance, people living in the United States are made up of varied cultural background and customs but they form a State (Flint and Taylor 31). In addition, another characteristic of a state is the essence of a government, which is an administrative system which accomplishes the functions desired by the population and governs various institutions. A State cannot exist if there is no political organization and it is important in making and imposing public policies. A government is necessary in a State to ensure that people are safe, free from fear, violence, and dangerous encounters with other countries (Flint and Taylor 31). Organized economy is a characteristic of a State which denotes the way people are able to trade with one another. A State has the duty to perform various economic activities regardless of how small or large. This economic system ensures directive of money and supervision of foreign trade even in a situation where activities are organized badly. In addition, a State needs a circulation system which ensures that goods, people, and services are transferred from one location of the territory to the other. This circulation is inclusive of all types of transportation and communication while modern States have sophisticated equipment (Flint and Taylor 31). The other two characteristics are not geographic but within the concept of political science as well as international law and they are sovereignty and recognition. A State must be sovereign which means it holds the highest and complete power within its own boarders and therefore, can make its own foreign and local policies. In essence, it is not inferior or accountable whichever other parts of authority or power. When a State is sovereign it can decide its for m of governance, structure an economic system, and direct its foreign programs. For instance, the states within the State of the United States cannot be sovereign since each one of them is accountable to the Constitution of the country (Flint and Taylor 32). Recognition is an important part of a State since it ensures that it is acknowledged as an international personality or as part of the international community. This means it is nominated into the
Monday, October 14, 2019
The ancient civilizations of Egypt and China Essay Example for Free
The ancient civilizations of Egypt and China Essay The ancient civilizations of Egypt and China were very similar in many different aspects. Their governments and their geography were extremely alike and the religions of the two civilizations had only tiny differences. The early Egyptians also had the same concept of writing as the Chinese people who lived across the continent from them. Suprisingly, these two ancient civilizations that existed very far away from each other show a enormous amount of similarities in almost every area. The government of Ancient Egypt was headed by a king (in the New kingdom, the king assumed the name pharaoh) with absolute power. Different dynasties, or a line of rulers from the same family, would rule Egypt. Each ruler was considered to be a god whose orders were undisputable. However, the government was not only a monarchy; it was a theocracy. The king would perform religious rituals to help the harvest because this would ensure prosperity in Egypt. Likewise, the Chinese government also consisted of an emperor that would belong to a dynasty. Like in Egypt, a dynasty could rule until it would be eventually overthrown. The Chinese kings would also perform religious duties; they prayed, sacrificed, gave offerings and used oracle bones to call upon their ancestors. Both the Chinese and the Egyptian governments had similar structure and duties. If one took a look at China and Egypts geography, one would notice that they are quite similar. The natural barriers of the two civilizations are akin to each other. China has the Pacific Ocean and the Bay of Bengal to protect it from an attack on land. Equally, Egypt has the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea as an effective natural barrier against non-naval attacks. Also, deserts protect the two civilizations. While Egypt has the Libyan and Nubian Deserts, China is equipped with the Gobi Desert. Both China and Egypt have huge rivers located in them. While Egypts pride, the Nile River, is a huge producer of food and life, China has three major rivers, the Huang He, the Chang Jiang, and the Xi Jiang. The ancient Chinese and the ancient Egyptians were both polytheistic, which caused them to be very similar. The Egyptians believed that the gods were usually part human and part animal each gods each played a different role. There were a few main gods that everybody worshipped and there were also local gods for different regions of Egypt. Egyptians also believed in a happy afterlife for everybody, in which you could only take along things you were buried with to your afterlife. The early Chinese peoples also believed in many deities and they thought that if they made sacrifices and offerings to their gods, then they would be rewarded. There were gods for everything, like in the Egyptian religion; each god would represent something. The ancient civilizations of Egypt and China were very similar. The government in both places was similarly set up and the geography of China was very much alike to the geography of Egypt. Religion was also a common trait of these two civilizations. Strangely, considering these two cultures developed isolated from each other, they share a lot of common traits.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Change of Shift Report in Nursing
Change of Shift Report in Nursing Change in Practice Assignment: Shift Report Elizabeth Campins Nurses communicate information about their assigned client at the end of each shift to the nurse working on the next shift. Shift report provides updated patient’s status for continuity of care. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the effectiveness of the change-of-shift-report at bedside and the implementation of evidence-based practice for an accurate and relevant report. The Problem There are different change-of-shift-report according to the institution rules and regulations. The different ways to give the end-of-shift report vary among institutions, and especially among different units in the same hospital. It constitutes a problem for nurses, particularly when they float from unit to unit (Dufault et al., 2012). Some common types of reports are orally in person, by audiotape, and walking- planning rounds. Oral reports are given in conference rooms, with staff members from both shifts participating. It has the advantage that they allow staff members to ask questions or make clarifications face to face. By audiotape recording question and clarifications have to be made after listening to the tape report. The problem is that orally and audiotapes reports are made without visualizing the client actual condition. The status of a patient, changes in vital signs, unusual response to treatments, and changes in client’s emotional condition can happen very quickly. These quick changes in a client’s condition can cause a gap of information between what is written or recorded in a report and what the client is experiencing at the moment. Inaccurate information can lead to treatment using outdated or even incorrect information that puts the patient and the nurse at risk. Nurse’s consent on taking the client with no direct observation are in danger of being responsible for any critical situation aroused at the last minute that it was not in the report, including death of the patient. Nurses accepting the assignment are responsible and accountable to the care of that patient they have not seen yet (Nelson Massey, 2010). Because nurse-patient relationship begins when the nurse accepts responsibility for nursing care, it does not matter the modality of the shift report, nurses are still accountable. Change in the way of giving an end-of-shift report is an implementation needed in every health care institution. Considering one format with the same protocol in every unit can be the most efficient strategy for bedside shift report. This implementation will reduce the possibilities of communication errors that is the most reported cause of sentinel events in U.S hospitals (Guido, 2013), and also has the advantage of involving the family in client car e. Practice Change The evidence-based change to practice propose in this assignment is a standardized protocol for bedside-shift-report. Evidence supports that breakdown in communication and medical errors occur during end-of- shift-report (Gregory, Tan, Tilrico, Edwardson, Gamm, 2014). The proposed standardized protocol for the report will use the SBARP format: Situation will review admitting information, problem list, and diagnosis. Background will include a review of past medical history, social history, resuscitation status if any, current orders and medication list. Assessment will be together with the oncoming nurse including validating progress notes and verification of the most recent vital signs. This step will be with nurses already in the patient room. Recommendation will be in front of the patient to discuss what the care plan for the shift is. Patient participation will consider patient concerns and questions. Gathering relevant information from medical notes and nursing documentation is the first step to initiate the report. It is necessary to validate all information with the actual status of the patient to facilitate the transfer to the recipient of the report. The oncoming nurse will review assignment sheet and read information on the computerized reports. At the time of meeting with the off-going nurse, it is necessary to review the information and to add what is not on the computerized report. This time outside of the patient room may be an appropriate time to discuss any sensitive information that may be considered an HIPAA violation if family members are present or when the patient is in semi-private rooms. Some staff members are skeptic in being able to discuss a sensitive topic as infectious diagnosis, HIV, drug abuse or psychiatric issues in front of and with the patient. In this case, both nurses could go to a private setting before entering the patient room. The study recommen dation is to adjust models as appropriate to attain and sustain the outcomes. Each off-going nurse will provide a verbal report at the bedside of the patient using the SBARP format (Dufault et al., 2012). Would be necessary highlight every critical area considering situation that include admitting information and diagnosis problem list. Nurse need to review past medical history, current orders, resuscitation status, med list, among others. At the time of the assessment oncoming nurse will verify the most recent patient assessment, review labs, vital signs and read progress notes. Any observation shared with the patient is useful for meeting their needs and also to find out what is not in need at that time. Both nurses need to discuss the proposed plan of care to move to the next level. Reporting in front of the patient reassures the patients that they are the priority and nurses are aware of the details in the client condition. Off going nurse will introduce to the patient the oncom ing nurse, and assess the patient concerns and the care plan for the day. This strategy will give to the patient a sense of security and wiliness to participate in their care with the recommended options. Finally, the off-going nurse turns over patient to the oncoming nurse (Dufault et al., 2012). Evidence Supporting the Proposed Change The first research study that supports the evidence for bedside shift report is Translating an Evidence-Based Protocol for Nurse-to-Nurse Shift Report (Dufault et al., 2012). The purpose of this study was standardizing communication practices to reduce the risk of patients in an acute care environment as a result of a gap in communication at the time of the shift report. It focuses on how to translate research into practice model to generate the best-practice-protocol for nurse-to-nurse shift handoffs in a Magnet designated community hospital in U.S. The project used the Collaborative Research Utilization (CRU) model with a six-step translating-research-into-practice approach. The model use three steps in this order: Identifying clinical problems related to change on shift report. The second is appraising and evaluating the strength of theoretical, empirical and clinical evidence. And the third one is the translation of this evidence into a best practice and standardized protocol for change of shift report. It has its basis in the Roger’s Adoption of Innovation Theory that considers three important factors to improve research translation into practice. The first one is the availability of a validated and predictable knowledge. Second, need of a competent staff using this knowledge with a favorable attitude toward the research. Third, a supportive policy-generating structure that promotes innovation (Dufault et al., 2012). Additionally to CRU model with its groundwork of Roger’s Adoption of Innovations Theory it was included Orlando’s Nursing Theory. It emphasizes in meeting the patient’s need and value the concept of nursing’s role as client-family advocate. The model gives tools to the review for validated literature on nursing shift reports. It provides a guide of research roundtables (experiential, problem-focused learning exercises) to evaluate and translate the empirical knowledge. Additionally, at the time to create the organizational structures within the hospital it provides the test; sustain evidence-based policies, and standards needed to cue clinical actions. While the transition to change, the above-mentioned model, paired in teams of clinicians, nurse researchers, clinical specialists, undergraduate and graduate nurse students. This strategy addresses the clinical issue, in this case, development of a standardized protocol for nurses’ shift report. The before mentioned approaches to change has been tested in other previously apply problems in which the evidence-based is strong. The second research study was Bedside Shift Reports: What Does the Evidence Say? By (Gregory, Tan, Tilrico, Edwardson, Gamm, 2014). This study summarizes a systematic literature review of BSRs and serves as a mechanism to relate the support for improving quality of care and patient safety. After strong evidence supporting the benefits of BSR, sustainability is still an issue. As a result, many studies recommend assessing staff attitudes before and after implementation to identify if periodic interventions are needed to sustain desired change in practice. Models of bedside report incorporating the patient into the triad have been shown to increase patient engagement and enhance caregiver support and education. This study analyzed Thirty-three titles divided into six categories: team-based variables, dynamic relationships, individual benefits, confidentiality concerns, accountability and cost efficiency. Twenty-five studies were reporting team-based variables that discuss positive attitudes and improved patient-centered care, team collaboration, and care coordination after implementation of BSR. In sixty-four percent of these studies (n=16) was noted an increased patient care. Only twelve percent (n=3) of the articles cited increased family-centered care within team-based variable. Enhanced team collaboration was observed in thirty-two percent of the articles. Nurses reported increased communication, timeliness, and consistency of information. Seventeen of the articles cited positive aspects of the nurse-nurse relationships. It included providing emotional support to on another, increased communication, mentoring and coaching and overcoming feelings of discomfort during BSRs. Twenty-nine articles highlighted individual benefits of BSRs for the patient, nurse, and even physician. Fifteen articles expressed confidentiality concerns with BSRs when discussing sensitive information about the patient especially during a family visit or semi-private rooms. Eight articles show advantage and disadvantage regarding accountability and reducing overtime accumulated between shifts changes. In resume, nurse shift reports are one of the most crucial processes in patient care were patient safety can be improved to reduce medical errors in the U.S. Evaluating the Change Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Survey data (Press Ganey, 2015.) was used to evaluate patient preference and nursing staff competence. It described the patient-centered, evidence-based, best practice protocol developed for the hospital, it made eight recommendations. The study evaluates the information content of the bedside-shift-report in a medium sized magnet-designated community hospital. It serves a high population of tourists, the military and older adults from the surrounding community. This population is similar in the percent of minorities, gender, and socioeconomic status to others community hospitals in the state. Bedside reports have been supported by improving patient safety, patient-centered care, and nurse communication as well as reduce medical errors by the Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goals (The Joint Commission, 2015). The project has a positive and sustained impact as an effective approach to handoffs report, and in other problem-solving in the future (Dufault et al., 2012). The results of the study indicate that standardized BSRs will increase compliance, increase patient’s and nurses’ satisfaction, and will saves nurses time. But it was found weak or little evidence to support the use of specific structure, protocol, or method for BSRs (Gregory, Tan, Tilrico, Edwardson, Gamm, 2014). The evidence is clear of the benefits to models of BSRs. The task is to identify the suitable model that fit each organization and patient population to attain and sustain the outcomes. Summary Bedside shift reports is a critical process in patient care that can improve patient safety, and reduce errors as a consequence of communication gaps during the transfer of information at the end of each shift. This assignment addressed the problem, and the evidence-based change to practice as with the standardized protocol for bedside-shift-report. We based our conclusion on two studies Translating an Evidence-Based Protocol for Nurse-to-Nurse Shift Report (Dufault et al., 2012), and Bedside Shift Reports: What Does the Evidence Say? By (Gregory, Tan, Tilrico, Edwardson, Gamm, 2014). After analyzing the data and evaluating the change proposed, we mention the most relevant results concerning to this change. References Dufault, M., Duquette, C. E., Ehmann, J., Hehl, R., Lavin, M., Martin, V., Willey, C. (2012, March 9). Translating an evidence-based protocol for nurse-to-nurse shift handoffs. Wiley Online Library, 7(2), 59-75. Gregory, S., Tan, D., Tilrico, M., Edwardson, N., Gamm, L. (2014, October). Bedside shift reports: What does the evidence say? JONA, 44(10), 541-545. Guido, G. W. (2013). Legal and ethical issue in nursing (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Nelson, B. A., Massey, R. (2010). Implementing an electronic change-of-shift report using transforming care at the bedside processes and methods. JONA, 40(4), 162-168. Press Ganey website. (2015). The Joint Commission website. (2015).
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Symbolism in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman Essay -- Death Salesm
Symbolism in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman In his play, Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller employs many symbols to illustrate the themes of success and failure. They include the rubber hose, the tape recorder, and the seeds for the garden. These symbols represent Willy's final, desperate attempts to be successful and the failure he cannot escape.   The rubber hose represents both success and failure. It is attached to the gas main in Willy's house and provides him with the opportunity to commit suicide.  Willy sees this as a way to finally do something for his family to make up for years of disappointment. He will no longer be a burden to them when he is gone, and they will remember him in a positive light. Yet Willy cannot even commit suicide successfully. His attempt is a failure, so he lies to his family and denies that he was going to kill himself. His wife Linda, who finds the hose, knows what he was going to do with it, as does Biff. When confronted by Biff, Willy not only denies that he was going to use the hose, but also denies ever seeing it before. Instead of being remembered as a successful businessman who died, Willy is seen by his family as a failure who cannot even commit suicide or tell the truth.  Another important symbol is Howard's tape recorder. It represents the many material objects wealthy businessmen could provide for their families and for themselves. Willy wanted this lifestyle; he wanted "something he could lay his hands on" (Miller pg.  ). It would not be enough to just be successful; Willy wanted to be able to show people material representations of his success. The tape recorder shows that Howard has reached this level of success. Yet while the recorder symbolizes ... ...o could acquire such technical wonders. Even if he could afford them for himself and for his family as other businessmen could, he couldn't figure out how to work them because he did not change with the times. Finally, Willy hoped to show his family that he could do something right and give them a little pleasure by planting seeds in the backyard. He hoped that these seeds would grow into a wonderful garden for all of them to enjoy. Then his family would appreciate him. But the garden fails, as does Willy. Willy Loman wants to be a successful businessman that his family can be proud of. The hose, tape recorder and seeds represent just a few of his attempts to do this. Yet as with everything in Willy's life, what initially stands for hope ends up symbolizing failure. Work Cited: Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman. New York: The Viking Press 1988
Friday, October 11, 2019
Fordism: Spawning New Management Styles
Introduction. In this essay the focus is on Henry Ford and Fordism. The first paragraph of the essay is an introduction of Fredrick W Taylor, and how Fordism is derived from the ideas of Taylorism. It also looks at the main ideas behind Fordism and scientific management. Further in the essay the importance is to look at the different ideas of Fordism (the mass-production, the $5 day, the division of labour and management style), and on why it was important at is time and the effect following from those ideas.The essay has two different paragraphs discussing the positive and the negative effects of Fordism on management and organisations, and workers and society. In the end of the essay there is some paragraphs about the new forms of management developed after Fordism, and the management styles discussed in this paragraphs are about Neo-Fordism and Post-Fordism. In the early 20th century the ideas of scientific management was created by Frederick W. Taylor, and these new ideas of mana gement style had a big impact on the economy at that time, and for many decades following.In this new form of management, the word efficiency became a central part of the manufacturing process. Some of the strongest characteristics of Taylorism are the division of labour, the structure of control over task performance and the implicit minimum interaction employment relationship. (Craig R Littler 1978) The new role of management was now to scientifically analyse the task that was performed in the manufacture, and then to design the jobs to eliminate all unnecessary time and motion waste.Fordism is derived from Taylorism, and in which Fordism added some new ideas to scientific management, like the assembly line. (RMIT University2012)Fordism is a term that is used to describe mass-production using an assembly line technology to make it possible for a better division of labour and time, with motion management techniques. (RMIT University 2012). It has derived from Henry Ford (1863-1947) a car manufacturer which was perceived as the inventor of mass-production, by installing specialized machines, the flow line of assembly work and using the ideas of Taylorism (Frederick W.Taylor) in his car-manufacture, which led to Henry Ford producing millions of identical cars at a lower production cost which made the cars more affordable. (Ray Batchelor 1994 ; Palgrave Macmillan 2012) The ideas of Taylorism that Henry Ford took into his car manufacturing were the ideas of maximising job fragmentation, minimizing of skill requirements, a minimization of handling component parts and material, separate indirect and direct labour and separate planning and doing. RMIT University2012) Fordism was important in its time, and some of the new ideas of Fordism played an significant role in change in the production, economy, and the relationship between the managers and workers. One of the main ideas of Fordism was mass-production, which made it possible to produce products at a lower cost , through spreading the fixed costs out on a large amount of outputs, and the cars could therefore be sold cheaper. Fred Thomsen 2007) Ford managed to produce practical cars which was within the reach of the average American person. (Robert J Antonio, Alessandro Bonanno 2000) One of Henry Fords main contributing to mass production was the standardization, and this had to be done at perfection, so he had to exploit in machinery tools which made is possible to use the assembly line, so every workers only had to perform one simple task. Fred Thompson 2007) At Ford’s manufacturing’s they made almost all they needed from the raw material, because he had a lot of knowledge about mass production techniques, and could therefore keep the business economic sustainable by doing all of the parts of the production in he’s own manufacture with his own workforce( even though it required more workers, which needed a lot of management to keep control over), but he also verticall y integrated because Ford had a scepticism about accounting and finance, but if he did it himself he would have more control, and could easier direct the flow of raw material. Fred Thompson 2007) But whit the mass production, it was also a small differentiation in the products, in Ford’s case the cars, and one example for that was Henry Ford once saying â€Å" you can have the car in what ever colour you like, as long as its black†. Fordism led the transformation from an agriculture to an economy growing because of mass production and mass consumption. Fred Thompson 2007)The mass production and mass consumption led to an economic growth and widespread material advancement (Fred Thomsen 2007; Robert Boyer 2010) One of the main principle of Fordism was the $5 day, which was double the normal pay and working less hours for those who were qualified, so the workers would stay loyal and work efficient, but also so his own workers would be able to afford the car he was produc ing, and the demand for Ford cars would increase.But for the workers to be qualified they had to have a satisfactory life-stile, like absence from alcohol (RMIT University 2012) But the $5 day was criticised, from example the socialist daily news people, saying is was a scheme to make it difficult for the competitors, but in the general public the $5 days was perceived as a risky move, but also bold, democratic and magnanimous. (Ray Batchelor 1994) It have also been said that Fordism and it higher wages led to productivity growth, economic growth but also an inflation growth. Mark Goodwin, Joe Painter1996) The higher wages was also created so the efficient and good workers still wanted to work in the Ford manufacturing with the new type of management. In Fordism it was a managerial hierarchy (top-bottom), technical controls and strict time-limits, and every task was separated into their simplest constituent elements, making the work routinized. (Robert J Antonio, Alessandro Bonanno, 2000; RMIT University 2012) But the work task of speeding it all up and making every work task easy led to a deskilling of the workers, and have been criticised on humanistic grounds. RMIT Universit 2012; F. Xu, T. Rickards 2007) With the deskilling of the workers the managers perceived the workers as stupid, and therefore all the decision making was taken away from them, and they were treated like replaceable parts of the machinery. (F. Xu, T. Rickards 2007) Fords business got the affect of the cooperation costs, because with the deskilling of workers, and wanting to have control over the quantity and quality over the workers performance, they needed to hire management to conduct those jobs, which were extra expenses. RMIT University 2012) And with the workers constantly being controlled and supervised, the relationship between the managers and the workers became tense and the workers lost commitment to Fords manufacture, because they were frustrated and dissatisfy, but this led t o management having to control the workers even more. (RMIT University 2012) It is important to highlight that there were positive affects from Fordism on the society and worker, and on management and organisation. For rganisations Henry Ford showed that products could be produced a lot more efficient by using machinery and technology, which led to a lower fixed production cost and firms could therefore make a bigger profit and get a bigger market share (Fred Thompson 2007) Ford kept continuous to improve the production on the car manufacturing process, as with for example the car T-model, where he had studied the shortest task cycle of the T-model assembly line, which reduced human effort that led to increased productivity level while reducing the production costs. Greg Grandin 2009) Henry Ford needed a lot of management staff in his business to achieve control over the workers and because he was running the business vertically integrated he needed more managing staff, which meant a higher form of bureaucratization, which set the steps for modern corporations, and in some cases even for local government. (Mark Goodwin and Joe Painter 1996) In the view of the society and workers Fordism gave them some positive contributions.As mentioned Henry Ford doubled the pay, the $5 day, and he reduced the working day down to eight hours, and he reduced the working week down to five days for the workers that was qualified and lived by a good lifestyle. (RMIT University 2012) This started a cycle of high real income which led to the mass consumption , and increased the demand for goods, as well as the car Henry Ford him self were producing. (RMIT University 2012) Also with letting his workers work less hours per week, they had extra time on hand which led to the start of a new industry which were focused on leisure.Fordism also had negative effects on management and organisation, and workers and society. After Fordism had lasted for a while in The USA, were Fordism origina ted from, the production growth and economic growth started to decline in the 1960s for various factors, but one of the main reasons were that the durable consumer goods and process technologies had entered the maturity phase of the life-cycle and they were not able to find any new mass markets which led to stagnation in growth and decline in jobs. (annemieke J.M. Roobeek 1987) Since one of the main concepts of Fordism was mass-production, it led to a major crisis because of the constrains of productivity slow down. (Robert Boyer 2010) As for the workers under Fordism they had to perform heavy workloads on rotation of relatively unskilled, repetitive tasks and with a assembly line that was speeded up as fast as it could contributed to a highly stressful work environment. (S. Edgell 2006) The new work tasks for the workers also led to a deskilling of the workers. RMIT University 2012) The deskilling of workers was highly criticized, even by Frederick W Taylor, saying that Fords assem bly line workers assembled gorillas. (Fred Thompson 2007) Fordism had some positive and negative aspects on management, but after Fordism hit the crisis of production slowdown in the 1960s it was clear that some changes had to be done, and the Hawthorn experiment that were conducted in the 1920s showed cleared in the experiment that one of the main issues were tha workers also had physiological and social needs in the work place, which should be included in a new form of management style. RMIT University 2012; Robert Boyer 2010) The first alternative developed was Neo-Fordism, which were later followed by Post-Fordism. (RMIT University 2012) Neo-Fordism was build up on modifications on Fordism, rather than abandon all the original ideas of Fordism. Some of the areas of Fordism that was modified were on the simplification and fragmentation of work, the control over the workers time limits working via the assembly line, and there were no longer a standardization of products and parts via single purpose machines. S. Edgell 2006) In Neo-Fordism the working practice were flexible to fit the contemporary operations work . (RMIT University 2012) One of the first car manufacturers that modified the ideas of Fordism into Neo-Fordism was the Swedish car company Volvo, which included a greater job rotation for the workers, with extended work tasks, as responsibility for the quality, which gave the workers job enlargement and they got to cooperate together as a work team. S. Edgell 2006) In the Volvo car manufacture the process of destandardization of the products and parts was achieved because of their flexible carrier system, which made it possible for the work rotation, team work, but the work stations were still divided into different station as in Fordism and Taylorism and they still used the time limits.Volvos attempt to re-organise their production was successful at many areas, the workers working conditions got better which led to a better job satisfaction among t hem, and the quality of work increased and they still managed to have the same times on their assembly lines. (S. Edgell 2006) Post-Fordism, also know as after Fordism was a new type of management that did not build on Fordism, but who broke with the main concepts of it, and focused on flexible specialisation instead. (S. Edgell 2006) The perspective of Post-Fordism was to focus on the need of flexibility, with innovation being of importance. John Mathews 1989) In Fordism the focus were on mass production, via special purpose machines and assembly line to get the mass production of standardized products, which also led to the deskilling of workers, Post-Fordism on the other hand is focused on flexibility and the skills of the workers to make high-quality customized products. (S. Edgell 2006) Post-Fordism is different from the competing Neo-Fordism because it is based on the skill inputs of the workers and the workers high level of responsibility, whereas in Neo-Fordism the focus is one improving the recognition and social cohesion of the work while using the ideas of Fordism. John Mathews 1989; RMIT University 2012) Post-Fordism have put the focus on the skilled worker, but the danger that comes with that is the threat of dualization, with a big class different between a skilled worker and the mass of unskilled workers. (John Mathews 1989) In Post-Fordism the focus is on the skilled workers, and skilled workers can use computer technology to adjust production in responds to demand quickly, and will therefore avoid some of the main problems of Fordism. To Be able to succeed in a competitive and ever-changing environment, flexibility is one character of main importance. S Edgell 2006) Conclusion: The history of Fordism shows us a management style that worked on some areas and failed in others. The production became more efficient, which made it more profitable for the owners, which also led to lower priced products and the introduction of the $5 wages. Fordism b rought with it mass production which led to mass consumption, and formed an economic growth in the society. But while people were able to earn more money and consume more, it also had a negative aspect of deskilling the workers, and who also had to work under though working conditions physically and socially.In the 1960s it was productivity slow down, and even though they could still mass-produce, the market didn’t longer have a big demand for it. When the crises of Fordism hit, new styles of management were developed, some just modifying Fordism, as Neo-Fordism and some styles that completely broke of with the ideas of Fordism, as Post-Fordism. In these new forms of management, the workers became a central part. Neo-Fordism kept many of the ideas of Fordism, but changed the ideas around the working environment, so the workers would be physically and socially satisfied.Post-Fordism has showed a complete difference from Fordism, and is more focused on flexibility and the skill s of the workers and customized highly qualified products. Fordism was good in many areas in it prime time, because it led to a economic growth, but as time goes by it brings changes to the economy and the need of society, which means that management styles should changes with it, and adapt to make it work. Reference list: †¢RMIT University (Ed). 2012. ‘Introduction to Management’. Palgrave Macmillan, South Melborune. †¢Grandin, G 2009. Forlandia; The rise and fall of Henry Ford’s forgotten jungle city’, Metropolian Books, New York. †¢Matthews, J 1989, ‘Ages of Democracy; the politics of Post-Fordism’, Oxford University Press, Normanby Rd, SA. †¢Edgell, S 2006, ‘The sociology of work: Continuity and change in paid and upaid work’, Sage, Thousand Oaks, London †¢Goodwin, M, Painter, J 1996, ‘Local governance, the crises of Fordism and the changing geographies of Regulation’, Transaction of the i nstitute of British Geographers, new series, vol 21, No 4, pp 635-648, Wiley Blackwell †¢Boyer, R 2010, ‘Is a financial-led growth regime a viable alternative to Fordism?A Preliminary analysis’ [https://dx. doi. org/10. 1080/030851400360587] †¢Xu, F, Rickards, T 2007, ‘Creative Management: A predicted development from research into creativity and management’, Creativity and innovation Management pp 216-228 †¢Thompson, F 2007, ‘Fordism, Post-Fordism and the flexible system of production’, viewed 29. September 2012. [http://www. willamette. du/~fthompso/MgmtCon/Fordism_%26_Postfordism. html] †¢Batchelor, R 1994, ‘Henry Ford, mass production, modernism and design’, Manchester University Press, Oxford Rd, Manchester †¢Antonio, RJ, Bonanno, A 2000, ‘A new global Capitalism? : â€Å"Americanism and Fordism†to â€Å"Americanization-Globalization†, pp 33. 77 [https://ojsprdap. vm. ku. edu/index . php/amerstud/article/viewFile/3102/3061]
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Legal and regulatory environment that influenced the Internet Essay
The internet is a dynamic field which is a product of several influences, which at times are contradictory. The constitutions of several countries were created before the advent of the internet, the need to create and amend laws and regulations governing the internet have influenced the internet. However, two major issues that have been of legal and regulatory contention are privacy and security; this is because privacy seems to be conversely related with security. The internet has made it possible for detailed personal information to be easily availed and shared, this has however infringed on the personal rights of privacy, according to Frackman, et al. (2002), several acts such as Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Federal Trade Commission Act have influenced immensely the internet since firms have to comply with the provisions of the Acts on all the personal information they collect ,and the personal information availed as content in the internet, since availing much information infringes of personal rights . However the issues of electronic commerce, cyber crime, network and state security, intellectual property rights, consumer rights and exchange of credit information have called for sharing of more information on the internet. Laws and regulations, such as Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010, have called for extensive sharing of personal information on the internet, due to security concerns which in essence contradicts the objective of privacy. The privacy and security legal and regulatory environment have therefore greatly influenced the Internet. Explain how Dell initially used software and the Internet to increase sales and yield cost savings Dell is an international company offering computing services and products. Facing increasing costs in product distribution, the company founded the Integrated Dell Desktop (IDD); this offers simple desktop functionality to sales representatives, who are connected together via the internet. The system offers the clients the possibility of ordering bespoke systems directly from hence eliminating the middle men, therefore saving costs; this has been made possible by the company’s website dell. com and call centres. Dell was able to increase sales due to increased customer satisfaction, as a result of customers having the product of their selection. IDD also saved costs for dell, and improved profit for the company as well as offering competitive strategic advantage since the sales personnel were empowered to get any relevant information , since all the back end systems were integrated. In addition, the company was also to save on personnel costs, costs on offering training to the sales representatives were reduced as well as customers being able to get all the relevant information concerning the products from the website. Moreover, storage costs were reduced since the machines were produced depending on the customers’ customization and shipped to customer. IDD and the internet have therefore contributed to reducing costs and increasing sales at Dell.
Sand Casting Techniques
MME 3210 Materials Processing Techniques Laboratory Assignment – Sand Casting of an Aluminium 13wt% Silicon Alloy 1) Process Attributes Waste shown yellow* Waste shown yellow* After taking part in the sand casting laboratory session it was made clear that the process possessed many advantages and disadvantage, both from the process itself and from the final part produced. Observing the process step by step it was noted that the tasks carried out by the operator were not very difficult (i. e compacting sand, pouring liquid metal) and so giving the advantage of only requiring a low skill level.However, although the process did not involve a large amount of skill it was observed to be very labour intensive and took a long time to complete one cycle of the process (around 30mins). Having a long cycle time is clearly a disadvantage as time is money in the manufacturing industry but this could be slightly reduced if multiple moulds were prepared simultaneously. Another advantage obs erved during the sand casting procedure was that the equipment used was not very expensive and unlike other casting processes the mould was reusable.With only a low capital investment needed this would make short production runs viable. Probably the most noticeable disadvantage to the sand casting method was the low material utilization. In the labs example (seen left), almost a third of the material used is lost to the riser, runners and feeder. Particularly in today’s waste conscious culture this can cause many problems, however it can be tackled by better design. 2) Process Problems Shrinkage: Shrinkage defects in the final product are usually the result of a feeding defect.As shrinkage naturally occurs during the solidification process, if liquid metal is not sufficiently fed through the feeding system to compensate then it will result in an indented surface. The surface defect was clearly shown in the lab example (shown left). A shrinkage defect normally occurs on the la st part to solidify, so logically in the labs case the shrinkage occurred on the surface of the thickest part Furthermore the big defect problem of a surface sink was observed in the sand casting lab session (shown left).A sink such as this would give major dimensional inaccuracies and would probably have to be redone as it would be unsuitable and uneconomical for further processing. Solution: One way in which an engineer could reduce the effects of shrinkage is to design the mould to compensate for the shrinkage during solidification (i. e making the mould larger). Also due to shrinkage being mainly associated in being a feeding problem, the redesign of the feeding system would reduce the set back. Making the feeding sprue thicker would ensure that the system continues to feed liquid metal to the cavity, thus preventing shrinkage.Furthermore utilizing a uniform part thickness would also tackle the problem reducing residue stresses and leading to uniform cooling. Rough Surface Textu re: The defect causes an undesirable distorted surface finish and is formed due to the texture created from the compacted sand used to create the mould cavity. The effect was observed in the part created from the lab session and can be seen right. Solution: The rough surface effects created from the mould sand can be significantly reduced by using sand with very small grain size.Particularly for the face sand which lines the surface of the mould cavity, if the grains used are very fine then surface finish will be improved dramatically. Porosity: The defect of porosity occurs because of the liquid metal used to create the part can hold large amounts of dissolved gasses. As the liquid metal solidifies, the materials new solid form can no longer hold these gasses and so they form bubbles. These bubbles can be generated both on the surface of the material and internally, thus they effect the strength of the materials solid form and resulting in a decrease in mechanical properties.Effect s of porosity shown above* Effects of porosity shown above* In the lab example holes were added in the sand to allow gas and moisture to escape, however effects of porosity were still clearly visible. Solution: The solution to eliminating the undesirable effects of porosity is based around minimizing the amount of gas that is in the liquid metal. One way in which gas inclusion to the liquid metal can be reduced is to minimize the effects of turbulence experienced during the filling process.Similarly to solving the problem of shrinkage, this can be solved by redesigning the filling system. The design used in the lab example used the bad design set up. With the sprue placed at the top of the mould cavity, the liquid metal flows fast splashing in to the mould cavity below and resulting in turbulence and gas inclusions. If the good design set up is implemented then the liquid metal will flow slower and because runner is fed into bottom of the mould cavity with several gates, splashing w ill be significantly reduced, turbulence minimised and inclusion of gasses eliminated.Good design Good design Bad design Bad design 3) Advantages for using Aluminium – Silicon alloy having 13wt% Si: * Aluminium alloys supply reasonably high tensile strength in relation to density, compared with other alloys such as cast steel. * Corrosion resistant in normal environment. * High fluidity of composite melt provides easy transfer and pouring of material to mould (demonstrated in lab shown below). * Utilizes a Eutectic system, reducing defects such as porosity. * Silicon within eutectic results in: Increased corrosion and wear resistance. * Reduced thermal expansion coefficient. * Improved casting and machining characteristics. *Increasing silicon content within alloy will magnify these properties accordingly * Different Al and Si within Eutectic act as a hindrance to dislocation movement. * On part completion, alloy material can be easily polished and painted for an aestheticall y pleasing surface finish. 4) Nucleation Solidification does not happen instantaneously but occurs by a process of nucleation and growth.All pure crystalline solids have a given melting temperature (Tm), although when above this temperature the material will be in a stable liquid state, if cooled to a temperature equal to Tm then the material will start to crystalize. This usually involves some degree of undercooling for crystal nuclei to form. Free Energy Of system Free Energy Of system From the graph above it can be seen that by increasing the undercooling ? T, the free energy also increases ? G. Gets steeper as T is decreased Gets steeper as T is decreased There are different types of nucleation, homogeneous and heterogeneous.Although homogeneous almost never occurs in real life it can be used to build a model of the more realistic heterogeneous nucleation. Heterogeneous occurs on an existing nucleant but unlike homogeneous the nucleated cap is a solid rather than a sphere, thus less atoms are required. Process usually requires liquid to wet the nucleant surface. Growth For growth to be sustained, the temperature of the melt must be less than the melting point. The speed in which growth occurs can be controlled by the amount of undercooling applied, with a large amount of undercooling resulting in rapid growth.In addition the growth also depends on how fast latent heat is removed during crystallization. Both these aspects contribute to the temperature gradient of the melt which affect crystal formation. Constitutional Undercooling Usually caused by non-equilibrium concentration gradient, constitutional undercooling is more likely to be found in alloy casting rather than in pure materials. Seen in the diagram right, the amount of constitutional has a large impact on the type of crystal growth. Looking at the solidification of Al 13% Si, it would be expected to solidify under eutectic solidification.Due the fact that it is a composition of two materials, alum inium and silicon, and that during the lab the material solidified at a single temperature (room temperature). Furthermore it also provides the lowest melting temperature for the materials used. This is an energy savings in a production area. 5) From the many defects created during the creation of the lab example part it was clear that something in the process needed to be changed in order to produce a part of a more acceptable quality.As highlighted earlier, a main area for improvement was with the method of delivering the liquid material to the mould, particularly focusing on the design of the feeder. The current feeder design used is very basic and can be seen right. The set up uses a thick single vertical cylindrical shaft with a very small taper, delivering liquid metal directly to the cavity via a single runner. Concentrating on feeder design, one way in which defects can be reduced is by supplying the cavity with a smooth constant volume of flow.As the current feeder is very thick, the material is delivered very fast to one area of the cavity causing turbulence and inclusion of unwanted gas. This undesired effect could be minimized by changing the set up of having one large feeder to possibly 3 smaller ones. The use of multiple feeders would allow a more evenly distributed and constant metal flow. In addition the angle of taper could be increased to assist constant volume flow. Cavity Cavity Multiple feeders Multiple feeders Each of the feeders used should be reduced in thickness as much as possible, still maintaining the desired flow rate.This is important as although deliverance of material is critical, the amount of waste material must be reduced as much as possible. Although only visual inspection was applied to the produced lab part, if it was discovered that the defects main cause was that of impurities within the solidified material than the Cosworth ‘’upward fill’’ system could be employed. Due to its upward fill the p rocess eliminates the problem of impurities within the liquid melt and impurities that sink or float are discarded. References http://www. acetake. com http://www. rheocast. com www. electrochemsci. org/papers/vol4
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