Monday, September 30, 2019
Quantitative marketing research Essay
A. Market study The researchers used descriptive method because the sudy needs detailed analysis and understanding of the proposed business. Survey questionnaires served as the research instrument in gathering information about the needs and wants of the target market so that demand and supply will be determined and analysed. The result of the survey will determine the feasibility of the proposed business. The researchers will make use of questionnaires that will be give to random by chosen respondents. The respondents of the study are the students of Saint Columban College. The researcher will use random sampling, by which random students is given an equal chance to be chosen as respondents. The survey questionnaire will be distributed to the students and they will be interviewed for further acquisition of significant information. In gathering data, the researchers will use the survey method by distributing the questionnaires in the main entrance, exit, and in the campus of Saint Columban College. The survey questionnaire will be submitted to the experts for validity and reliability purposes. After gathering all the data from the respondents, the researchers will tally the results and the total responses will be tabulated. The data will be interpreted and analysed to serve as the basis of the feasibility of the pizza haus. B. Human Resource Study The researcher will conduct a personal interview as an instrument of gathering data. The researcher proposed the type of ownership which is sole proprietorship for this type of organization. The company’s identification name and its structure were determined through sharing of ideas, opinions and suggestions by the researchers. The researchers will visit the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) for personal interview about the labor laws in the Philippines that must be observed in hiring employees, the right compensation of the employees, proper handling of employees and establishing operating policies. The researchers will also visit other business to gather information in recruiting personnel in the creation of organizational structure, the researchers will make use of their ideas and knowledge that they learned from human resource management. C. Socio-Economic Study The researcher will conduct personal interview to catch a relevant information for the socio-economic study. The researcher will visit the local government to gather information about the unemployment rate of Pagadian City and what would be the effect if this proposed business will be established in the community. D. Environmental study In this study, the researchers will take precautionary actions in the proper disposal of waste and the list of the possible effects or the impact of the business to the environment. The researchers will conduct personal interview to the local government officials to gather suggestions and idea on proper disposal of wastes created by JAS Pizza Haus. Also with respect of the Law, the proposed business will take some precautionary actions with the legal documents that is required to establish this business. E. Technical Study In this study, the researchers will use a set of questionnaires in order to gather information. The questions will be focusing on the suppliers for the operation of the business. The group will go to Pagadian City to visit the area and to inquire for a vacant space outside Saint Columban College campus for the location of the Pizza Haus. The researchers will also visit a pizza parlor to consult and inquire for the equipment needed for baking a pizza, the suppliers of the pizza ingredients especially the dough and the service processes of the business. Also, the group will canvass the prices of the plastic chairs and tables from plastic wares store, and lastly, the group will talk to the owner of the space’s terms and conditions in renting. F. Financial Study The researchers will conduct a personal interview from our adviser of this study and also from the CPAs for the means of gathering information of how much will be the capital needed for this proposed, and this capital will be taken from the investment of our proponent. Questions will focus on how much will be the cost of purchasing of those needed materials. The researchers will compute it properly to know the estimated budget for the overall initial investment of the proposed business.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Business Torts Wk 2
Business Torts Pearl leos University of Phoenix Buisness Law/ 531 Kelly Dickson June 10, 2010 Proposed actions a company may take to avoid tort liability and litigation are vital to organizations. Proposed actions a company may take to avoid product liability risk may be a way out of liability issues. Assessing methods for managing legal risk arising from domestic and international regulatory matters is the best way to beat business torts. an integral aspect of a business liability practice is to take ongoing proactive measures through direct collaboration to avoid lawsuits before they are filed.Seeking advice from government authorities, specialists and risk-management consultants is a technique buinsess should use. It is in every company’s business interest to allocate resources to identify risks and avoid descrepancies within the buisness (Parchomovsky, 2008). Business Torts In order to develop methods to reduce or eliminate torts, risks need to be identified and step s need to be taken. Proposing actions for a company to avoid tort liability and litigation is a way to keep ahead of the game.A company may take actions to avoid product liability risk such as; identifying risk, risk management, analysis and risk control to avoid torts. Assessing methods for managing legal risk arising from domestic and international regulatory matters is vital. Employing risk and management principles will not always prevent a businesses from being sued or from suffering loss but financial burdens can be significantly reduced. Identifying Risk An integral aspect of a business liability practice is to take ongoing proactive measures through direct collaboration to avoid lawsuits before they are ever filed.Not all companies understand how to completely guard themselves of outside entities that have ill will and malice intent therefore it is important to completely understand how to handle these circumstances. Such risks have an impact on a company’s exis ting assets, earnings, and often, reputation. In the context of tort liability arising out of noncompliance of government regulations, it is in every company’s business interest to allocate resources to identify those risks, and to implement action plans to avoid such risks.Assessing methods for managing legal risk arising from of domestic and international regulatory matters (Wilson, 2009). Regulatory risks and tort liability are nothing new to companies within the business world of todays’ society. Business members should be aware of specific goals, business needs, economics and the impact of potential liability as well as managing risk and risks associated with the failure to comply with a whole host of governmental regulations. In the event those risks do develop, the company needs to have system in place to properly manage and contain monetary and repetitional loss to the company.Additionally, companies will also benefit by anticipating what regulatory changes are upcoming instead to adjust the business practices accordingly, thereby minimizing the exposure to tort liability arising out of noncompliance of regulations (Wilson, 2009). Risk Management This may be as simple as continuing to operate as usual or as complicated as restructuring or abolishing an entire department. Risk IdentificationThe first step in the risk management process is to identify all potential losses facing a municipality. Risk identification is an on going process that changes with each new situation.Risk identification, or exposure identification, requires the development of an inventory of all municipal operations, knowledge of the potential liabilities that may be imposed by either statute or common law, and knowledge of the worth of all municipal assets and sources of revenue. This step must include an evaluation of all potential events that might adversely affect the finances of a municipality. Contracts should be reviewed thoroughly, before being signed, to ensu re that the municipality is obtaining the best deal possible.In some cases, risks can be transferred to the contracting party. Potential losses of income and extra expenses that a municipality might incur are two areas often overlooked in risk identification. (Parchomovsky, 2008). Other areas where risk management principles should be applied include vehicle usage, maintenance of property and facilities, public use of facilities, use of independent contractors and consultants, personnel questions and personal injury and property injury exposure. All municipal activities should be evaluated and facilities inspected.Court decisions and legislation that affect municipalities must be reviewed. Insurance and risk management publications should be studied for the latest information on loss avoidance. Attending courses on risk management may prove beneficial. The importance of the human element cannot be overemphasized when identifying risks. Asking employees and supervisors for their inpu t because they are in the best position to identify risks. It is important to communicate with people in other municipalities who are involved in risk management that might have faced and solved a similar problem in the past.Obviously, a great amount of guesswork is involved in risk identification, and some potential losses may be overlooked. However, by making a conscientious effort, the most common losses can be reduced or perhaps totally avoided (Marcus, 1986). Analysis The next step is to calculate the potential severity and frequency of losses facing the municipality in each of the identified risk areas. A review of the past experience of the municipality, as well as statistical information and probability analysis, is necessary. The impact of a particular risk on a municipality is difficult to determine.The use of statistics and probability analysis involves guesswork. To determine where a municipality should concentrate its risk management efforts, the risk analysis should be performed carefully. Some risks may involve such a small amount or probability of loss that the municipality will decide to simply absorb any losses which occur. The potential loss may be so large and difficult to avoid that insurance might be the only recourse (Marcus, 1986). Risk Control Once the risk areas are identified and analyzed, the next step is to eliminate, reduce or transfer the risk.Steps toward risk control are taken prior to suffering a loss, with the primary goal being loss prevention. However, when a loss cannot be prevented, risk control principles may help reduce the financial liability suffered by a municipality. Elimination of a risk is the most desirable goal. If a municipality discovers a way to eliminate a risk, there is no need to worry about its future effect or to insure against it but risks cannot always be eliminated. For instance, abolishing the police force will eliminate all loss exposure in that area, but in most cases, that action is not desirable. After an analysis, a municipality may decide to stop performing some activities or to transfer the risk to a private operator. If a risk cannot be eliminated, the next choice is to attempt to reduce the risk. Risk reduction primarily involves safety. Some common techniques for reducing risks include adoption of policies for, and proper training of, personnel, particularly for the police and fire protection services, and proper inspection and maintenance of equipment and facilities. Segregation of equipment may also help avoid the loss of all equipment at one time during a disaster such as a fire at a storage site (Gray, 2003).Steps Reducing Risk If the risk cannot be eliminated or reduced, two last options are available. First, if the risk is not large, a municipality may decide that the best option is to retain the risk and fund it itself. The municipality must be aware of its financial condition, its cash flow and the availability of additional funds before deciding to assume a ri sk. Retaining the risk is the appropriate action in many cases. Studies have shown that municipalities retain far fewer risks than they are financially able to. By deciding to retain a risk rather than purchasing insurance, a municipality may save money in the long run.Again, this decision can only be made after the financial condition of the municipality has been analyzed in detail (1964). Second, a municipality may be able to transfer the risk to another party. This does not always mean obtaining insurance. The most common form of risk transference is probably the †hold-harmless agreement,†in which a supplier or contractor agrees in the contract to assume risks for which the municipality would normally be responsible. Of course, the added cost to the supplier or contractor of obtaining insurance or otherwise guarding against loss may be passed on to the municipality.In such case, a municipality must calculate costs to determine if transferring the risk in this manner is the best option. In some instances, insurance remains the ultimate solution to a risk management problem. A municipality may want to retain some of the risk of an activity and transfer (1997). Identifying Risk Program Developing a Risk Management Program on a practical level, is the first step in developing a municipal risk management plan to define the scope of the program. This definition should be in writing and should set out the objectives or reasons for establishing the program.Second, it is important to delineate the responsibilities of all persons involved in the risk management function. All persons engaged in identifying and analyzing the risk and implementing the risk management program should be included. Cooperation is one of the keys to successful risk management. Third, a municipality must develop a formal risk retention policy. Once the retention limits are established after a thorough survey of the financial strength of the community, the working policy should be drawn up as a formal policy (Del,n. d).A municipality or board may want to form a safety committee which will be responsible for the conduct of a mandatory safety program for employees. This committee should recommend safety policies to be carried out by administrative personnel and should review all accidents and claims against the municipality. Most of fee accidents and claims are usually found to result from the performance of a relatively few activities. Concentrated efforts can be devoted to the correction of procedures in these areas, thereby minimizing possible losses.The second principal duty of the committee should be that of inspection of municipal procedures and installations, concentrating the search on possible defects which might cause injury and liability. Finally, the committee should confer with insurance carriers and their representatives for the cost of insurance coverage in areas where liability dangers are greatest (Del, n. d). Professional input and guidance b ecome necessary and a professional consultant is best suited to help a municipality determine what steps should be taken to protect against torts. ConclusionRegulatory risks and tort liability are nothing new to companies within the business world of todays’ society. monitoring the risk environment in a structured way is vital. Looking at legal activity elsewhere and seeing how that might impact the business is a technique to use to avoid torts. There is a lack of awareness among employees about why their companies get sued. It's not just the board's responsibility but must be spread throughout the corporation. Other priorities compete for a worker's time, so there needs to be mechanisms put in place to identify, monitor and address risks.Put in place a strong in house legal team with clear lines of responsibility and accountability. There are a number of cases that have escalated into litigation because of the failure of companies dealing with customers when they register a complaint. Capturing issues at the outset and dealing with them, thereby avoids an escalation of problems and is the best way in tackling situations that pertain to protecting businesses agains torts.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Abortion and Writing Professor Hyde
Technical and Business WritingProfessor Hyde The Advantages of Abortion? For many years, abortions have been performed and so has the controversy over abortion. Today, I have decided to write about the advantages of having an abortion. Some may argue that there are no advantages to having an abortion, but that’s what makes this topic such a debatable one. Abortions have been performed since the 1800’s. Not until the infamous decision of Roe v. Wade that abortions became legal medical procedures. It was also the year the United States Supreme Court recognized abortions as part of women’s civil rights. To the average person whether male or female, abortion should be against the law, but I beg to differ. Abortion gives couples the option to choose not to bring babies with severe and life-threatening medical conditions to full term. Aborted fetuses contribute to medical science through stem cell research that cure diseases and re-grow lost or damaged limbs. It’s almost like donating organs of the decease to someone alive in dire need. In cases of rape or incest, forcing a woman who was made pregnant by the violent act would cause further psychological harm to the victim. No child should be born into this world unwanted. Statistics show that unwanted children are raised in a home with no love or supervision. They become adults who commit crime and are sentenced to prison. Another reason women have abortions is they don’t have the financial resources needed to support a child. The majority of the population has Medicaid as health insurance coverage so termination of pregnancy can be free or low cost. If they decide to keep the baby and raise it, the cost to taxpayers could be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. I chose to title my paper â€Å"The Advantages of Abortions†because your life doesn’t have to stop because you chose to end your pregnancy. Women shouldn’t feel ashamed or embarrassed because they chose a different decision than most. An unplanned pregnancy may be a burden now, but years from now it may become a miracle or joy because you had a chance to grow and mature as a person. Before you can raise a child you need to finish raising yourself first.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Fundraising for a charity Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Fundraising for a charity - Literature review Example While reviewing a search in EBSCO Host turned up 297 results. Of the 297 results, 6 articles were used. The articles used cane from various different sources. All of the sources used are peer reviewed by a University Library. The articles gave an I depth explanation of popular theories and means of creating a successful charity. After narrowing the search from fundraising to charities, the search performed by EBSCO turned up 210 results. Of the 210 results found, 6 sources were used. The literature chosen to review was peer reviewed only. Many of the sources that were not used contained information that did not pertain to the topic. Other information that seemed to contain biased information was not used. I intended to only use information that strictly pertained to direct theories on fundraising for charities. The findings made for amazing research. The articles gave much insight as to how charities are able to host fundraisers and receive the money that is deeply needed. As described by Ben Goss 2005, Charities must be accountable in order form individuals to want to donate. A person willing to give to a charity wants to know that the charity is not a scam. This leads into another topic that was researched regarding whether or not the charity has positive reviews. An individual can go online and research the charity. The search is likely to find reviews by others whom have donated to the charity. As explained in the journal by Miller 2009, networking is the new way to raise money for charity. Networking allows for those giving donations to go on the charities web page to donate, volunteer and see the charity in action. Seeing accomplishments that the charity has completed is important and a means of proof that the charity is an accountable charity. Accountability can also be discovered by the age of the charity. Most charities are may struggle when first starting out. Many making donations are giving large portions of money and
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Diamond theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Diamond theory - Essay Example But heavy sustained investments lead to competitive advantage thru expansion or improved service facilities. Porter argues that a lack of resources often actually helps countries to become competitive. Abundance generates waste while scarcity generates an innovative mindset. Such countries innovate to overcome their problem of scarce resources. Examples: a) Switzerland was the first country to experience labour shortages. They abandoned labour-intensive watches and concentrated on innovative/high-end watches. b) Japan has high priced land and so its factory space is at a premium. This lead to just-in-time inventory techniques (Japanese firms can’t have a lot of stock taking up space, so to cope with the potential of not have goods around when they need it, they innovated traditional inventory techniques). c) Sweden has a short building season and high construction costs. These two things combined created a need for pre-fabricated houses. b. Demand Conditions - Porter argues th at a sophisticated domestic market is an important element to producing competitiveness. Firms that face a sophisticated domestic market are likely to sell superior products because the customers demand higher quality and after sales services and a close proximity to such markets consumers enables the firm to better understand the needs and desires of the customers. If the nation’s discriminating values spread to other countries, then the local firms will have to be competitive in the global market to survive.
Xi Jinpings Negative Effect on China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Xi Jinpings Negative Effect on China - Essay Example This paper examines how subsequent Chinese leaders, through China’s Communist Party (CCP) have helped the country reclaim its lost glory. In essence, former leaders such as Deng Xiaoping advocated for decentralized and non-personalistic leadership as the only way through which China could prosper. However, Xi Jinping, the current State President, and Party leader seems to be deviating from this ideology and is leading China to a darker period than that witnessed in the Mao era. Prior to the 1800s, China was experiencing an economic boom as a result of silver inflow into the country in exchange for Chinese exports. However, according to Naughton the British felt threatened by the Chinese and started importing excess amounts of opium into China1. The attempt by China to stop the influx of opium led to the opium war during which China suffered degrading defeat and severe economic meltdown Naughton2. Consequently, Chinese leaders started formulating ideologies that were geared towards regaining national pride. However, as Naughton writes, most of these strategies continued concentrating on centralized and personalistic leadership especially during the Maoist era3. These are the same strategies that Xi Jinping is continuing to advance on China, thus leading China on a dark retrogressive path. Deng Xiaoping is one of the most celebrated Chinese leaders credited for bringing about reforms aimed at controlling the abuse of power by the Party’s general secretaries. As a supreme leader, Deng was able to ensure the decentralization of power within the government, going as far as removing secretary generals whose policies were in conflict with national interest. For example, according to Lawrence and Martin, before his death in 1997, Deng had removed Jiang Zemin and Zhao Ziyang from the Party secretariat for leading the Tiananmen massacre4.However, China today has no such supreme leader with such powers. As such, when an opportunistic leader such as Xi Jinping comes into the office and tries to amass personal power, there are limited avenues of stopping controlling such personal interests.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Personal Perspective Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Personal Perspective Paper - Essay Example Since I faced short timeliness and limited information at hand, I just could satisfice with one good enough solution using my judgmental heuristics. In my daily life, since I am free to make my own choices about the things I do like choosing a picnic point on a vacation, what to eat in a restaurant, which dress to wear, so I do not use this model in general because I do not feel bounded by constraints. The Rational Model I have always wished that I could use this model in my human resources management because I always faced short timeliness which did not enable me to follow the comprehensiveness of this model. However, in my daily life, whenever I face a problem like changing my residence, I have always made use of this model by first identifying the problem; thinking out different solutions; choosing the best possible solution; and, then implementing the solution (Robbins, Judge & Sanghi, 2010, p.44. Thus, I break down my decision-making process into short modules as is offered by t his model and work on each module separately to come to the best solution that is practical and logical both at the same time. This model has helped me in solving as small a problem as finding my lost tie, and as big a problem as solving a dispute with my spouse. Incremental Model I have widely used this model whenever I faced conflicts with my co-employees.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Is toleration necessary for citizenship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Is toleration necessary for citizenship - Essay Example Problems of toleration are generated by dislikes towards important differences manifesting in other individuals or groups, with subsequent interference in their activities. Hence toleration is defined as the â€Å"suspension of the power of interference towards disliked or disapproved differences†so long as no harm is caused to anyone by the existence of these differences (Galeotti, 1993: 587). The purpose of this paper is to examine the importance of toleration for citizenship. It will be determined whether political tolerance exercised by the government has an influence on the practise of toleration by citizens in society. The importance of the cultivation of friendship between diverse people for beneficial impact on toleration among citizens, and toleration towards sexual minorities and their inclusion will be discussed. The argument detailing how toleration and citizenship cannot be completely free from exclusion, the paradoxes in toleration and the contradictions in citizenship will serve to give a different perspective to the debate. In a planned or deliberate democracy, there is more expected from citizens than the mere silent toleration of attitudes and reasons that they dislike; especially if it is acknowledged that an important goal of democratic functioning is to find optimal and mutually agreeable solutions to problems and conflicts. Since citizens have to critically engage with each other, toleration pertaining to non-interference would not help for confrontational yet cooperative discussion. Further, when toleration is exercised by a majority, it may even be undemocratic. A deliberative theory of tolerance underscores how deliberation across differences can be both tolerant and democratic. â€Å"In a democracy, tolerance is exercised in resolving conflicts, and in making disagreements fruitful†(Bohman, 2003: 758, 762). Further, it is found that a
Monday, September 23, 2019
General Principles of Law in the Eu Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
General Principles of Law in the Eu - Essay Example It has been said that there were two main aspects for achieving a common market; the first being "negative integration" which required removal of existing barriers and the second requiring "harmonization" of rules so as to be in compliance with the set community rules which require positive steps so that the products can move freely within the EU this is known as positive integration1. When making an analysis of free movement it is necessary to differentiate between monetary barriers which are illustrated under Art 23-25 or under Article 90, which is discriminatory taxation and other barriers which do not deal with charges which are covered under Article 28-30. There have been at time quantitative restrictions which have restrained either the quantity of exports or imports. A restriction can take the form of a ban, quotas, or the requirement of obtaining licenses. For the purpose of ascertaining what a good is the ECJ stated in Commission v. Italy2 that the provisions of free movement of goods applied to any produce which can be valued in money and can form the basis for a commercial transaction. It can be clearly stated from the fact that Synthostein is a good and so the provisions for free movement of goods do apply to it. By the facts it can be said that there has been a quantitative restriction placed by Loamshire Borough Council on the import of Synthostein and so Art28 will be discussed along with its interpretation to the facts. Article 28 states that 'quantitative restrictions on imports and all measures having equivalent effect shall be prohibited between member states'. In Geddo v Ente Nazionale Risi3 quantitative restrictions was said to be total or partial restriction on imports, exports or goods in transit. This tends to include a complete ban. (Commission v. Italy (Re Ban on Pork and Imports)4. It also includes quotas as stated in Salgoil SpA v. Italian Ministry for Foreign Trade5. Furthermore, even if it is found that the ban on imports is only on a certain or part of the member state, it would still be classified as a quantitative restriction. This was illustrated in the Ditle v. Bluhm6e case where a prohibition on import by Danish on a small island named Laeso of bees or reproductive material was found to be a quantitative restriction even though it was only for the island and for the purpose of protecting the Laeso brown bee. In order for the Article 28 to be applied it has been found necessary that a state measure should have been taken. This is what was found in the case of Commission v. Ireland 'Buy Irish' 7where it was found that the Irish Goods Council had the involvement of the state in the appointment of its Managing Committee and that it was run on state funding. However it has been seen that measures taken by state have been interpreted in the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Response to the Right Stuff Essay Example for Free
Response to the Right Stuff Essay David Suzuki in his essay â€Å"The Right Stuff†stresses the importance of sex education and human biology, in the course of science, in high schools. He urges that in high schools sex education should be taught first than any other subject. Suzuki argues that the impressions made in high school are very deep and are unforgotten than any other stage of life, so in this age, whatever they will learn, will always remember and will be very beneficial throughout their life. So, he urges the need of educating human sexuality in high school. Although Suzuki’s idea of teaching sex education in high school is interesting, the argument he makes is less than convincing. Suzuki’s main purpose for writing essay is reflecting the importance of sex education in high schools. He wants that science education in high schools should be taught practically and in more interesting way. He argues that the students in high school are enough mature to understand about sex education, and the lessons they learn at high schools will be helpful for their whole life and they will always remember those lessons. He says that all students do not choose science course at university level, so sex education needs to be taught in high schools. He informs that the students are interested and pay more attention towards the topics of human biology, drugs, and sex, so in science class sex education should be taught first. Suzuki in his essay uses the information from his personal knowledge and from his science background. He sees everything in a scientific way because of a science background, and suggests teachers that first they go through practically from every subject in science before teaching to students. He also wants in high schools, sex education should be plan around human biology. The major part of the essay covered his personal narration, which is his visit to a small town to judge a science fair. Suzuki also uses some information in his essay, from the book â€Å"Is There Life After High School?†that he read and some given by a high school teacher of a small town about the interes t of students towards sex, drugs and cars. The consequences of Suzuki’s reasoning are that some of the parents and religious persons maybe on the other side because maybe they do not want that their children know about sex education, that is why, they may be disagree. On the other side, if students get all the information regarding sex in their early age at high school, they might be grow too quickly, and probably get into sexual activities in their young age. In some of the religions, sex education is not allowed in high schools, if it kept compulsory in schools, so maybe some religions will oppose it. And also students may not pay much attention to other subjects, or they start watching erotic films, so that will affect their life. In his essay, Suzuki does not provide strong evidences to support his idea. He first describes the life of students in high school and the changes occur in that period, then he suddenly shifts to his personal experience in a small northern town with 400 high school students. But his main points are not properly argued. Suzuki wants sex education to be taught in high school, but he didn’t think about the bad impact of that education on students. Some students will probably do a lot of bad things, which they don’t need to do, if they will get the knowledge about sex in their teenage. So, his main point is not convincing.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Jane Eyre Vs Wuthering Heights
Jane Eyre Vs Wuthering Heights The Bronte sisters definitely played a major role in the English literature. They wrote in a style which is called Gothic fiction or sometimes Gothic Horror, this style is an extension of the Romantic Movement. The Bronte family had six children, Charlotte was the third child, and Emily was the fifth child in the family of Bronte. They novels were admitted as sensational and now they count as a part of the English Classicism Literature. Jane Eyre is the most famous novel of Charlotte Bronte and one of the most famous novels in Great Britain. The novel reflects perfectly the fundamental relationships of the society of that time in Great Britain. Passion, search for love and family, differences between social classes and role of the women in society of that time, all is included. Wuthering Heights is Emilys Bronte only novel, which tells about passions which can rise in the heart of lovers, about how circumstances may change the way of life and what is most important, it is a portrait of womans heart. Jane Eyre is a novel written by Charlotte Bronte which was published for the first time in 1847. It tells a story about a young girl Jane, which had lost her parents in the early childhood. Because of that, she must life with her aunt and cousins, the Reeds, at the Gates head Hall. They treat this innocent orphan very badly. Later on, Jane finishes a religious boarding school for orphans, after that she works as a teacher for two more years, until she is eighteen years old. At eighteen she decides to leave the institution and begins to work as a governess. Her duty now is to watch after a little French girl, Adele Varens, at a country house called Thornfield. At Thornfield she meets Mr. Rochester and they both fall in love with each other. All is going well, but Mr. Rochester has some dark secrets from his past. At the day when Mr. Rochester and Jane should marry, two men arrive at the church and claim, that he is already married. Mr. Rochester tries to explain, that his wife is not mentally normal and that his father made him to marry her, because of the familys money. However, Jane refuses to listen and runs away from him. With no money for existence she almost dies, however a kind Rivers family finds her and provides a shelter for her. Later on it turns out, that Rivers siblings are actually her cousins. They live quite well, but then St. John (her cousin) offers her to marry him and travel to India as missioners. Jane almost agrees, but then one night, she sees a dream where Mr. Rochester is calling her from the void. After this strange dream, she decides to visit Thornfield. As she goes there, she finds out, that the house has been burnt to the ground, and that Mr. Rochester, while trying to save his mad wife from the fire has lost one eye, one hand and is blind. Jane now finds Mr. Rochester, he tells how hard he tried to find her and could not succeed in it. She offers her help as a housekeeper or a nurse, but deep inside she wants, that Mr. Rochester off er her to marry him. After a short period he does so, they have a quiet wedding and after several years, his vision is gradually turning back to him. Wuthering Heights is a gothic novel written by Emily Bronte and it is her only work. It was first published in 1847. The story is set in Yorkshire moors, in winter 1801 a man named Lockwood in the search of solitude rents a country house called Thrushcross Grange. Here he finds out about his landlord and neighbour, Heathcliff a man who lives in exaltation. Nelly Dean is the housekeeper of Thrushcross Grange, and Lockwood asks her to tell the story of Heathcliff. Nelly starts her story with remembering her childhood; when she worked as a young girl at Wuthering Heights as a servant girl for Earnshaws family. Once Mr. Earnshaw left his family, because of the business in Liverpool, he returns back home with an orphan boy. At first Mr. Earnshaw children, that is Hindley and Catherine hates the dark hair orphan, but soon Catherin feels love for young Heathcliff and they start to spend all their time together. However, Hindley feels nothing, but disgust and hate to Heathcliff. Later on, Mr . Earnshaws wife dies and as time is passing Mr. Earnshaw starts to prefer Heatchcliff over his own child. He even sends Hindley away to the college. Passes three more years, and death takes away Mr. Earnshaw. As Mr. Earnshaw dies, Hindley returns to Wuthering Heights from his banishment. He returns with his wife, Frances, and immediately starts his revenge on Heathcliff. Hindley forces Heathcliff to work on fields as a common worker. Catherine still feels love for Heathcliff. One day they both decide to visit Linton family, who inhabited Thrushcross Grange at that time. As they approach Thrushcross Grange, the dogs come out and Catherine is bitten by one of them. Lintons take her to their house, however Heathcliff leaves it immediately. Because of injuries, she is forced to stay at Thrushcross Grange. She stays there for almost five weeks and during that time Mrs. Linton, who feels interest for Catherine Earnshaw, teaches her how to behave properly and how to be a lady. Another thi ng is that as Catherine returns to Wuthering Heights, she is already charmed by Edgar, the son of the Linton family and her relationship with Heathcliff, becomes much more complicated. Soon, another tragedy happens in Wuthering Heights, Frances (Hindleys wife) dies when giving birth to a son. After this happens, Hindley starts to abuse alcohol and his attitude towards other people in Wuthering Heights change dramatically, and the most cruelty and rage is turned against Heathcliff. Catherine after inhabiting Lintons house for almost five weeks and meeting Edgar Linton, feels need for social status improvement and becomes engaged with Edgar. Heathcliff banishes himself from Wuthering Heights for three years. As he returns, Catherine and Edgar are already married. Heathcliff feels rage and is full of hate; moreover he has a mysterious fortune in his hands. Hindley is continuing abuse the alcohol and Heathcliff is lending money to him without any mercy, knowing that it will increase Hin dleys total debts. Hindley dies. Heathcliff buys Wuthering Heights and marries Isabella Linton, so he can become a master of Thrushcross Grange. He treats Isabella very cruelly after the marriage. Meanwhile, Catherine gives birth to a beautiful daughter, also named Catherine, and dies during the childbirth. Heathcliff feels desperate and crushed; he begs Catherine to remain on Earth and be with him. Isabella goes to London and gives birth to a son of Heathcliff and stays there. Nelly Dean serves as a nurse of Heathcliffs daughter for thirteen years at Thrushcross Grange. After thirteen years, Isabella dies and her son is forced to move to Wuthering Heights to live with his father, that is Heathcliff. After three years, young Catherine meets Hareton (Hindleys son) near the moors of Wuthering Heights. Later on she decides to visit the estate and meets a young Linton. They both begin romance in letters, however this romance is not real, Heathcliff forces Catherine to write to Linton, b ecause of hope, that she will marry him, so he could claim all rights on Thrushcross Grange. Later on Edgar falls ill and is near to death; Heathcliff steals Nelly Dean and Catherin; until Catherin agrees to marry young Linton. Soon after their marriage Edgar dies, and soon after that, the death takes away young Linton as well. Heathcliff now becomes a master of both estates. Catherine is all alone and Heathcliff makes her life in Wuthering Heights as a nightmare. At this point Nellys story ends and reaches the present moment, when Lockwood arrived. Lockwood shocked ends his visit in Thrushcross Grange and turns back to London. After the six months Lockwood decides to make a second visit. There he finds out, that Heathcliff has died one night. Also, Catherine lives and feels interest for Haerton, even though at first she made a laugh at his appearance and illiteracy. Later on Lockwood decides to visit the grave of Catherine and Heathcliff. Definitely more mysterious mood and plot is in Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre do not show so many mysteries in its plot. However, in Jane Eyre Jane sees a dream where Mr. Rochester is calling her from the abyss, same is in Wuthering Heights also, after reading strange letters in Heathcliffs house Lockwood sees a ghost. If look at Wuthering Heights one can see that work is written according to restrictions of time, place and manner. However, if place and manner is included in this work, the restriction of time is not, because the events take more than 24 hours until the culmination of the drama. Contrary, Jane Eyre does not follow these three restrictions. As for drama, Wuthering Heights definitely outscores Jane Eyre, more events happens in the first novel, even though they are all around the estate. What is similar in both stories is happy end, if we look at Jane Eyre Mr. Rochester marries Jane, however he is invalid and his vision is damaged. In Wuthering Heights, Haerton and Catheri ne also at the end live together and plan to marry, but we cannot say that it is a happy end of the story, because so many deaths happened during the storyline. Another similarity of these two stories is their semantic similarity. During my research, I pointed out, that for both stories semantic fields would be as follows: death, marriage, family life. And for conclusion, one more similarity can be distinguished, Jane becomes an orphan and Heathcliff was brought to Wuthering Heights as also as an orphan. Conclusion Probably, if one will read at least one of the two discussed works and will like it, he will read the other offered work by Bronte family as well. Both works are rich with context, which describes the way of life during the 19th century.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Importance of Dr. Kevorkian case for Medical Ethics :: Medical Ethics Assisted Suicide Essays
Importance of Dr. Kevorkian case for Medical Ethics The Dr. Kevorkian case is important for medical ethics, because it brings up the issues of physician-assisted suicide and physician-assisted death. Physician-assisted suicide is where the doctor is assisting the patient in suicide, but the patient actually performs the act. Physician-assisted death, also known as euthanasia, is when the doctor does the act to bring about the patient’s death based on the patient’s request. This brings up the limitations of beneficence. Does a doctor have the right to end a patient’s life to relieve their suffering? We can use the principle of double effect to analyze this case. There are four criteria for an act to be ethical according to the principle of double effect (Garrett et al., 2001): 1) â€Å"The action itself must good or morally indifferent. 2) The person must intend only the good effect and not the bad effect. 3) The bad effect cannot be the means to the good effect. 4) There must be a proportionality between the good and bad effects†Killing or assisting in suicide is not a morally indifferent act. Dr. Kevorkian says, â€Å"My intent was only to relieve their suffering, an act that inevitably killed the person.†He justified his acts, because most of his patients had Lou Gehrig’s Disease and could not feed or care for themselves (Murphy, 1999). Although only the good effect was intended, the bad effect (death) was the means to the good effect. The proportionality between the good and bad effect must be analyzed for each specific case. Dr. Kevorkian’s acts violated at least two of the principles of double effect, so they are not ethically justified. Importance of Dr. Kevorkian case for Professional Standards A profession involves the following elements (Garrett et al., 2001): 1) â€Å"a dedication to a particular way-of-life, supportive of a particular expertise 2) a deep involvement in activities important to the function of society
Essay on the American Dream Revised in Song of Solomon -- Song Solomon
The American Dream Revised in Song of Solomon    America was founded on the belief that "all men are created equal." However, a question must be posed which asks who constitutes "men" and what is "equal"? Africans were taken from their country and enslaved in America. They had to fight to retain dignity and grace in circumstances that were deplorable. Even slaves who were well taken care of were not able to realize the dream of being free again.  In her work, Song of Solomon, Toni Morrison relates a story of the dream of Milkman. Although he is not a slave, Milkman is enslaved by the fact that as a child, he was forced to participate in a shameful act that he wanted no part of. Even his nickname was derived from this horrific act:  When he came into the little room she unbuttoned her blouse and smiled. He was too young to be dazzled by her nipples, but he was old enough to be bored by the flat taste of mother's milk, so he came reluctantly, as to a chore, and lay as he had at least once each day of his life in his mother's arms, and tried to pull the thin, faintly sweet mild from her flesh without hurting her with his teeth. (13)  This act embarrassed Ruth and Macon Jr. because he was never able to shake the nickname and it did not improve either one's relationship with his father. Milkman could not control the whims of his mother though he suspected the act was wrong. Macon did not respect his son's voice as seen when Milkman strikes his father for striking his mother. Milkman does not want to hear Macon's explanations for his behavior and is appalled that Macon insists on describing the indiscriminant nature of Ruth's attachment to her father as the excuse for Milkman's father's treatment... ...m is not an open invitation to Africans like it is to other immigrant groups. They are not voluntary participants in American society; therefore, they must settle for less than others have to. They must fight twice as hard to have half as much as others.  Works Cited: De Arman, Charles. "Milkman as the Archetypal Hero." Obsidian: Black Literature in Review 6.3 (1980): 56-59. Moraru, Christian. "Reading the Onomastic Text: 'The politics of the Proper Name' in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon." Names: A Journal of Onomastics. 44.3 (1996): 189-204. Morrison, Toni. Song of Solomon. New York: The Penguin Group, 1977. Peterson, Nancy J. Toni Morrison: Critical and Theoretical Approaches. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1997. Storhoff, Gary. "'Anaconda Love': Parental Enmeshment in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon." Style 31.2 (1997): 290-309. Â
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
body image :: essays research papers fc
Sometimes it's easy to tell what is on a person's mind by the way they position their body. Facial expressions also give clues as to what other people are thinking. The way a person stands, positions their arms, and smiles can tell a lot about them. Men and women typically have different movements, which mean different things. People position their bodies in many different ways when standing. The most intimate of them being, face to face, hip to hip (Fenney 102). This is something that usually only men do when they're mad. When conducting an experiment, in which she acted like a man for a day, Susan Fenney stood this way towards a male coworker. He would keep inching away from her. Within five minutes he had done two complete circles (Fenney 102). Men usually take up more space while sitting down. It is not necessarily because they are bigger; men were raised believing that they have more power then women (Fenney 102). They are also more likely to take an armrest, and least likely to give up a subway seat to a pregnant lady (Fenney 102). The way men and women greet people is very different. Contrary to popular beliefs, men are more likely to touch women when they greet them, then women are to touch men. Men usually touch people on their upper body, for instance, back-slapping. When Susan Fenney tried this on her boss on her day as a man, he was startled and took a moment to answer her. It is more like women to touch people on the shoulder or arm (Fenney 102). Facial expressions are great indicators of what is on people's minds. The face has 44 muscles, nerves, and blood vessels, which can twist into 5,000 different expressions (Blum 34). Facial expressions are not always easy to read though. As Dr. Paul Ekman said, "In a sense, the face is equipped to lie the most and leak the most, and thus can be a very confusing source of information" (Blum 34). The face is able to signal emotions in a second, and it is also able to hide emotions just as well (Blum 32). Researchers have come up with 6 basic and different expressions that are usually the most easy to read and make. Those are: anger, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise, and happiness (Blum 34). Smiles are the most easily recognized way of showing happiness.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Lexis Nexis Uk Newspaper Database Article Education Essay
This annotated bibliography will see issues associating to a male influence within a schoolroom environment and to detect whether or non it benefits kids ‘s acquisition. Why is there a deficiency of male instructors in the twenty-first century? Do male instructors deliver a better acquisition experience than female instructors?Cardinal Footingsâ€Å" male instructors in early instruction †â€Å" male instructors †â€Å" pupil reaction to male instructors †â€Å" male influence in school †â€Å" learning males in school †â€Å" work forces in the schoolroom †â€Å" work forces in early instruction †.BeginningsEducation Resource Information Centre ( ERIC )Sumsion, J. ( 2005, 1st One-fourth ) . Male instructors in early childhood instruction: issues and instance survey. In Diamond, K, E. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 20 ( pp.109-123 ) . USA.Searched for â€Å" male instructors in early instruction †in ERIC. Full text version was non available. Full article provided by SciVerse database through a journal hunt on Strathclyde Universities SuPrimo. This subdivision of the diary identifies positive statements for the enlisting of work forces in early instruction. The research was compiled in three bunchs of statements: benefits for society, for the instruction business and for the infant pupils. This first statement declares that with an increased figure of males in the instruction profession that there would be an altered attitude to premises in relation to gender functions and duties. This is briefly conveyed ( Cameron & A ; Moss 1998 ) that differentiates between male and females in relation to childcare – contradictory of sensed stereotypes. Additionally, the following bunch argues that with more male input in the profession there would be an addition in the position and of instructors ( Lyons et al. , 2003 ) and besides would better workplace kineticss and staff interrelatednesss. Besides there is grounds that supports work forces keep higher paid administrative places that could potentially be transferred to the learning profession. The 3rd statement is that work forces can assist develop kids ‘s attitude for a diverse hereafter. By exposing kids to non-traditional buildings they can get down to go more compassionate and morally right.Sternod, B.M. ( 2011, Issue 2 ) . Role Models or Normalizing Agents? A Genealogic Analysis of Popular Written News Media Discourse sing Male Teachers. In Thiessen, D. Curriculum Inquiry. ( pp.277-286 ) . California, USA.Searched for â€Å" work forces in the schoolroom †in ERIC. Full text version was non available. Full article provided by Wiley Online Library through a journal hunt on Strathclyde Universities SuPrimo. This diary identifies adult females as a menace to the development of immature males as they override the masculine impact that is attempted to be conveyed. Evidence supports the deficiency of male instructors in simple schools with merely 9 % being male. Some school kids have no male influence in their lives and urgently necessitate an influential figure to larn and draw a bead on from. Male instructors besides supply concrete subject within the schoolroom but besides can understand immature male behaviorism. Males are besides, more austere doing kids more alert within the schoolroom and they besides are able to link with pupil, in bend bettering acquisition. Michael Gurian ( Hein, 1998 ; Peterson,1998 ) claims that male childs learn through a â€Å" masculine nurturing system †which revolves around â€Å" regard. Male childs can derive regard from an older/wiser male and this has to be earned. If a male child acts unsuitably the higher ranking male will loss regard for that person and it is up to the person to accomplish it back. This relationship has a inclination to be around males – therefore it would be good for male influence to be in school community. Lack of male influence both in and out of school physiques up a inclination for Acts of the Apostless of force and other offenses. Without a powerful influence in a kid ‘s development their natural maleness is free to make what it wants. Without positive counsel immature male could easy fall in to the incorrect paths and may non hold good ethical motives and could arise against what is really good. This diary continues to look at different facets of what makes a function theoretical account and what it has been based on.Lexis Nexis UK Newspaper database articleClark, L. ( 2012 ) . 1 in 5 male childs at primaries have no male instructors while some could travel through their full instruction without one. MailOnline, 16th November. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // .Searched for â€Å" Male instructors †on hypertext transfer protocol: // . This newspaper article presents an statement that there is a demand for male primary pedagogues. The article cites that there is a astonishing sum of female instructors in relation to male instructors with 360,485 male childs aged 4 – 10 holding attended a school with no qualified male presence. Within these statistics 61,060 of the pupils are having free school repasts due to low income – highlighting that the job is countrywide. There is a deficiency of male influence within primary students taking to claims that excessively many male childs are holding small or no interaction with males before making high school. With a altering nature within places there potentially may be pupils who reach early maturity and holding no male influence – making a ‘distorted ‘ position of society. Professor John Howson at Oxford Brookes University agrees stating: â€Å" If you ne'er acquire a opportunity to interact with one gender, so you are non acquiring a rounded instruction †. The article continues, speaking about how immature professionals can be persuaded to come in the instruction profession and how bad imperativeness and other influential factors can do this hard.Internet Research ArticleKoutros, M. ( 2010 ) . The Lack of Male Teachers and it ‘s Effect on Student Development. Brooklyn College: USA. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // .Searched hypertext transfer protocol: // for â€Å" student reaction to male instructors †. This article was produced by a pupil at an American University who was bring forthing an Action Research Project on the deficiency of male instructors in a schoolroom. The survey identifies that the National Education Association ( NEA ) , revealed that less than one-quarter of all instructors were male. Recent surveies show that the deficiency of male instructors is due to low wages and issues associating to gender stereotypes. The paper is garnering research on the deficiency of a strong male function theoretical account in schoolrooms holding a harming impact on a kid ‘s sustainable development. Male instructors are viewed as function theoretical accounts ( Martino, 2008. p.192 ) . â€Å" Recuperative Maleness Politicss †are a agencies to change stereotypes and convey back a male influence into the schoolroom. This is significantly of import for immature male childs as they look for a function theoretical account, person to draw a bead on to. Gender besides plays an impact on schoolroom direction techniques which differ from male and female. Males within a schoolroom have a better impact in relation to females as kids respond to bids from a male more instinctively ( Kesici, 2008 ; Bryce & A ; Blown, 2007 ) . The article continues to detail the sum-up of the pupil ‘s research and his program of what he is traveling to make to garner relevant grounds.Andersonian library BookJames, A.N. ( 2007 ) . Teaching the Male Brain: How male childs Think, Feel and Learn in School. ( pp. 157-159 ) . USA.Searched â€Å" learning males in school †in the University of Strathclyde ‘s SuPrimo database. This book analogies ‘ that maleness is an indispensable facet of a kid ‘s development – kids should be able to see that there are many alternate ways of seeing the universe from a gendered position. Male function theoretical accounts are critical: with many an increasing figure of one-parent households a dominantly female influence disenable male childs to specify what it means to be a male child ( Neall, 2002 ; Pollack, 1998 ) . A job arises with a chief female influence on a immature male: what if in seeking to move like a male, a child Rebels against the influence of a female and acts the complete antonym. He may hold decided that the right behavior for work forces is ill-mannered, angry, noisy and vocal. This acts as a cardinal defect to a feminist position within a school environment ( Mac and Ghail, 1994 ) . A male instructor can besides impact originative subjects such as art in a positive mode. By giving the kids a mechanical point of view the pupils took it in on their pace and completed a undertaking as holding thought about it alternatively of a stereotyped female originative expressional side. The book is all about the manner boys learn and how they can be influenced and taught in different ways.Online Library ArticleBittner, M. T. and Cooney, M. H. ( 2001 ) . Work force in Early Childhood Education: Their Emergent Issues. In Jalongo, M. R. Early Childhood Education Journal. ( pp. 77 – 82 ) . USA.Searched â€Å" male instructors early childhood †on Strathclyde University ‘s SuPrimo library hunt engine. This subdivision of the diary explores the different issues that affect work forces within a schoolroom environment. It looks at influential factors such as salary, household reaction and pre-conceptual stereotypes of being male and a member of the instruction profession. The goes on to look at the advantages and disadvantages of holding a male influence in a schoolroom. Children can profit both straight and professionally from a skilled, good educated male instructor. There are two analogies that back this up both giving grounds that male pupils have wholly altered behavior, assurance and ability with the impact that a male presence has had on the persons. Besides experiments have revealed that pupils are more watchful and concentrate on a adult male within a category – therefore would larn more. However, male instructors have a inclination to experience stray and uncomfortable being in a female dominant environment. This was besides apparent from one of the focal point groups the research workers carried out: one individual declared that some pupil ‘s parents were non happy with a adult male assisting their kids with toilet demands and another instructor disclosure that he feels judged when a kid harmlessly sits on his articulatio genus. To try to decide this ‘touch ‘ issue the group devised a procedure of constructing positive relationships with both pupils and parents in an effort to attest this issue. This article concludes by placing a demand for a declaration in the manner male instructors are perceived within the schoolroom.ComparisonSternod, B.M. ( 2011, Issue 2 ) . Role Models or Normalizing Agents? A Genealogic Analysis of Popular Written News Media Discourse sing Male Teachers. In Thiessen, D. Curriculum Inquiry. ( pp.277-286 ) . California, USA.Bittner, M. T. and Cooney, M. H. ( 2001 ) . Work force in Early Childhood Education: Their Emergent Issues. In Jalongo, M. R. Early Childhood Education Journal. ( pp. 77 – 82 ) . USA.Sternod and the Bittner, Cooney partnership both conducted research into what portion a male instructor dramas in the development of an early twelvemonth ‘s pupil. Sternod declares that there is a despairing demand for a male figure in the successful development of kids, particularly boys. The laterality of female staff overruling the really few male instructors highlights a defect in the instruction system with a deficiency of right gender stereotype instruction. Cooney and Bittner look at the learning profession and how it affects work forces. They besides explore the influence a male has on the schoolroom and how it can be perceived by others. Bittner and Cooner found that work forces may experience uncomfortable and uneasy with a schoolroom when kids are trying to be fond and ‘touchy-feely ‘ – non due to the males personal edginess but by the fact that in today ‘s milieus that would be judged by others and seen as incorrect. This provides grounds in favor of female instructors as they are conveyed as loving and lovingness. This stereotype besides differs from sternods article as he argues that adult females are the 1s doing the deficiency of full development chances of kids. Particularly, Sternod looks at male childs larning through a â€Å" masculine nurturing system †where regard is indispensable. Male instructors can utilize different methods of learning kids and have fluctuations in schoolroom behavior direction which differ from females. This method gives male instructors a measure up on females as they have an about point system with male pupils and that the pupils will take to affect -work harder- their male instructor. This strong personal instructor pupil relationship contradicts Cooney and Bittner as they argue that male instructors can non hold a strong relationship with pupils. It is deserving observing that both research workers agree that there is a demand for more male ‘s instructors within the learning profession. They merely somewhat differ on the methodological analysis in which should be set in topographic point to further better male standing in the schoolroom and for the development of kids.DecisionA male influence within the learning profession decidedly has an impact on how kids are educated, the manner kids are educated and the effectivity of schoolroom behavior direction. Without surrogate, new methods of educating our immature people there would be a deficiency of effectual instruction manners that push and develop kids to endeavor to what they can go. A male function theoretical account is critical in guaranting that kids understand the difference between muliebrity in being a miss and maleness in being a adult male. As it is chiefly female instructors in early phases so kids develop more feminine properties and hence deficiency in maleness which is particularly refering for immature male childs. If there was no male presence so at that place would non merely be a deficiency of confident important figures but there besides would be an underlined defect in a kid ‘s gender stereotype instruction. A adult male in a schoolroom gives kids a modern point of view that kids aspire that anyone can make anything they want – non all instructors are females, non all pilots are male. There is grounds that supports males have a better controlled schoolroom with kids holding a inclination to hold better behavior in the pretension of a male. It could be the fact that kids are scared to how a male may respond to bad behavior or it could be due to the regard that the kids have for the pedagogue. Young boys normally behave better around older males as they are seeking to affect them and derive regard. Personally, I think that without males in the instruction profession there would be a batch less compassionate and credence within this modern, of all time altering epoch. Male teacher partly maintain kids up-to-date with altering tendencies within society and hence do the coevals of tomorrow more diverse and accepting. Besides without the first male instructor to animate the following coevals at that place would n't be draw a bead oning instructors such as me.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Case Study-Duraweld
1. List the 5S and compare to the lean implementation at Duraweld. If there are differences, explain them. The ‘5S’ principles which originated from Japanese terms of seiri (sort), seiton (set in order), seiso (shine), seiketsu (standardize) and shitsuke (sustain) are used to create efficient, clean and well organised working environment. Sort – refers to ensuring that each item in a workplace is in its proper place or identified as unnecessary and removed.When â€Å"sorting†is well implemented, communication between workers is improved and product quality and productivity are increased Set in order – The second stage of 5S involves the orderly arrangement of needed items so they are easy to use and accessible for â€Å"anyone†to find. Orderliness eliminates waste in production and clerical activities. Shine – refers to a clean work area. This maintains a safer work area and problem areas are quickly identified. An important part of à ¢â‚¬Å"shining†is â€Å"Mess Prevention†. In other words, don’t allow litter, scrap, shavings, cuttings, etc. , to land on the floor in the first place.Standardized – means to formalized procedures and practices to create consistency and ensure that all steps are performed correctly. Orderliness is the core of â€Å"standardization†and is maintained by Visual Controls. Sustain – means to keep the process going through training, communication and organisation structure. This last stage of 5S is the discipline and commitment of all other stages. Without â€Å"sustaining†, the workplace can easily revert back to being dirty and chaotic. That is why it is so crucial for the workers to be empowered to improve and maintain their workplace.When employees take pride in their work and workplace it can lead to greater job satisfaction and higher productivity. Among the benefits of implementing 5S System:- * Improve safety * Decrease down time * Raise employee morale * Identify problems more quickly * Develop control through visibility * Establish convenient work practices * Increase product and process quality * Strengthen employees’ pride in their work * Promote stronger communication among staff * Empower employees to sustain their work area Duraweld applied ‘sort’ and ‘set in order’ principles by using a shadow box as proper tool storage.Storage areas for quick moving materials were set line-side. Labels were used to ensure tools were stored in proper place. These implantations have help to reduce worker’s travel time as all machines, tools, and information related to their task is set within a defined area. Duraweld ensure ‘shine’ / cleanliness is practice at the factory. Cleaning and maintenance procedures are advertised in the factory. The floors under the machines were purposely painted in white so as to ensure that spilled/oil leak can easily detected – w hich can prevent corrective maintenance. Duraweld created two-cell manufacturing units for repeat stock products.The floor was painted to define the work area, aisle space and location of necessary items. By linking the routes together, the production team managed to reduce conveyance and set-up time, build awareness of previous/next process and increase productivity. This ‘standardized’ process was further enhanced by the implementation of Kanban cards – the visual management system that incorporates scheduling and maintenance. The Kanban cards indicate what to produce, when to produce and how much to produce. These standard operating procedures has help to reduce over-production at Duraweld.Furthermore its ‘pull’ as opposed to ‘push’ system allows better regulation of intermediate stocks in the production cycle. Among the key factors which lead to successful lean implementation in Duraweld is through its ‘sustain’ processe s. The company ensures its employees from shop floor to the top managements are committed to the lean programme. Proper communication sessions via workshops, training were held to explain about the changes, how it affect them, the benefit etc. This helps to instil positive values and make everyone be part of the system – employee engagement.Duraweld has also invested in an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to micromanage stock variation and seasonality. This system link operation across the organisation. The practicality of 5S principals can be seen through various implementations in Durawell as explained above. What makes the implementation of these principles throughout the organisation a big success is its employee’s engagement that makes the lean system as part of their culture in their work place and organisation as a whole. The principle aim of a 5S system is improved safety, efficiency, and employee morale.By deciding what should be kept, where it should be kept, and how it should be kept, 5S eliminates wasteful clutter and creates ownership of processes among workers. The results of 5S are both visually and economically dramatic. 2. Describe which kind of waste was eliminated for each lean implementation at Duraweld. Can you think of other types of waste that could be eliminated? Waste is defined as non-value added activity or expense that the customer is not paying for. By eliminating waste in the operations, we can reduce lead times, increase quality and decrease costs.Before we can eliminate waste from the processes, we need to be able to identify it. The following are the wastes most commonly associated with Lean. * Transportation: Is there unnecessary (non-value added) movement of parts, materials, or information between processes? * Waiting: Are people or parts, systems or facilities idle – waiting for a work cycle to be completed? * Overproduction: Are you producing sooner, faster or in greater quantities than the cu stomer is demanding? * Defects: Does the process result in anything that the customer would deem unacceptable? Inventory: Do you have any raw materials, work-in-progress (WIP) or finished goods that are not having value added to them? * Movement: How much do you move materials, people, equipment and goods within a processing step? * Extra Processing: How much extra work is performed beyond the standard required by the customer? At Duraweld, the 5S (Sort, Set to order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain) was the cornerstone that helps the organisation eliminating the waste. The first step taken by Duraweld was converting a ‘push’ manufacturing flow to a ‘pull’ process by creating a visual management system of Kanban card.The cards indicate what to process, when to process and how much to produce. Not only it reduces over-production but allows better regulation of intermediate stocks in production cycle. Only the required amount is produced in every stage. This process eliminate waste – no work was carried out unnecessarily, machine time is lesser, better utilisation of space in factory. The use of shadow boards helps to organise the essential tools. Relevant machines and tools were aggregated in cells. Floors were painted in white to assist warning of maintenance issues or detect early wear.Labelling program ensures item/tool used returned to their designated location. This helps in reducing motion of workers i. e. one of the wastes in production line whereby workers can find all machines, tools, and information related to their task is set within a defined area without having to travel around to find what they need. The preventive maintenance by ensuring early detection of wear machine or tools can reduce maintenance cost. The 3S – sort, sort in order and shine exercises as explain above also found waste from plastic cuts from the production line which can be recycled and reinserted the manufacturing cycle.The implementatio n of visual management technique and clear work area organisation ensure people were kept working which means the resources are fully utilised. This eliminates unproductivity among the workers – their movements are fully controlled not only by the supervisors but also by the workflow process/schedules. Duraweld made big investment by using an integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to manage stock variation and seasonal stock adjustments. The system allows materials movements, stocks, and production schedules to be managed and monitored through a database in a computer.By using this technology, Duraweld can reduce its manpower cost whereby less supervisor is require to monitor the database as compared to more supervisor required to monitor each tasks if it’s done manually. Communication is the key success to sustain the lean implementation in the organisation. Clear message was sent across the board on how the changes is require to be done, the benefits an d the impact of the implementation to the workers effectively communicated. This not only gets rid of grievances among the workers which are a waste in any organisation but improve employee morale and create sense of belonging to the organisation.The tracking and elimination of waste is an on-going process. When waste is not actively sought and removed, it will continue to build in your company. 3. Considering Duraweld’s situation, explain which elements of the lean system you would further implement and what would be their positive consequences on the company. As discussed in question no. 2, one of the important elements in the lean system is eliminating the waste which in Duraweld’s case, the 5S systems are used as a tool to eliminate the wastes within its factory.On top of that the use of Kanban cards system help to increase efficiency in its production cycle by replacing the ‘push’ system with the ‘pull’ system. In my opinion, the followin g elements of Lean can be further implement at Duraweld:- 1) Visual Management: A Standard Operating Procedure and a step-by-step instruction which implemented through the visual management such as a manual board/instruction board at each workstation and machine can be used to show how each task is perform or machine is operated.When this visual management is fully utilised, not only the production flows are in order, job rotation among workers can be perform effectively – any employees can be trained to do any task or operate any machine by referring to the instruction board. This will reduce the company dependency of particular skilled workers. Everyone in the shop floor is multi-tasked. 2) Quality at the source: The quality at source require the production line to do things right the first time. This will eliminate the opportunity of waste i. e. waste of raw material, defect outputs etc. hich will help to reduce cost. At the early stage of production cycle, the workers wil l inspect, analyse and control their own work to guarantee that the goods and services passed on to the next process stage meet the specification/requirement. 3) Continuous improvement: Conventional wisdom told us â€Å"if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! †The reality of today’s business environment is that if we’re not improving our business processes and meet and exceed customers’ expectation, our business will not survive. Many organizations create change either by vision or by crisis.The latter seems to be the most prevalent. A major crisis takes place that forces a company to make an improvement. When a crisis hits, it’s because the vision or change efforts were not sufficient to avoid it. Quick fixes are then applied, and teams are formed to root out the problems. We have to take the time to step back, identify, and analyze what the real issues are, and the type of method to use. There are numerous improvement choices; Kaizen, Lea n Manufacturing, Six Sigma, TQM, Process Reengineering, Value Propositions, etc. 4) Standardized OperationsOne of the most important tools of lean manufacturing is standardized work. When starting a 5S program, the cleaning, organizing, and developing of sustainable practices is done so the elements of work can be standardized. In lean product development deployments, by developing and releasing design guidelines, we are in effect implementing standardized work for engineers. The principles of lean and flow production do not work well when everyone is allowed to choose the method or sequence in which to do the job; quality suffers, and productivity drops.This reduces throughput and the carefully developed production system develops unanticipated bottlenecks. Standardized work is a detailed, documented and visual system by which associates develop and follow a series of predefined process steps. It should be used whenever the work requires completing a series of tasks. Production wor kers, shipping departments, and warehousing teams all can benefit from implementing standardized work. References:- 1. Implementation of Lean Manufacturing Techniques. Retrieved December 1, 2012, from Implementation of Lean Manufacturing Techniques | eHow. com
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Change †Analysis of ‘Growing Old’ by Matthew Arnold Essay
Growing OldWhat is it to grow old?Is it to lose the glory of the form,The lustre of the eye?Is it for beauty to forego her wreath?Yes, but not for this alone. Is it to feel our strength -Not our bloom only, but our strength -decay?Is it to feel each limbGrow stiffer, every function less exact,Each nerve more weakly strung?Yes, this, and more! but not,Ah, ’tis not what in youth we dreamed ‘twould be!’Tis not to have our lifeMellowed and softened as with sunset-glow,A golden day’s decline!’Tis not to see the worldAs from a height, with rapt prophetic eyes,And heart profoundly stirred;And weep, and feel the fulness of the past,The years that are no more!It is to spend long daysAnd not once feel that we were ever young. It is to add, immuredIn the hot prison of the present, monthTo month with weary pain. It is to suffer this,And feel but half, and feebly, what we feel:Deep in our hidden heartFesters the dull remembrance of a change,But no emotion -none. It is -last stage of all -When we are frozen up within, and quiteThe phantom of ourselves,To hear the world applaud the hollow ghostWhich blamed the living man. Matthew ArnoldGrowing oldTitle: Growing oldText type: PoemComposer: Arnold, Matthew’Growing old’ is a poem which shows the changes everyone will eventually go through when ageing. It explores a person’s feelings towards old age, and how they change as a feeling of being old takes over. The composer sees growing old as much more than most people, he sees it as a loss of spirit and soul, and the last stage of humanity whereas many people associate growing old with a loss of attraction and energy. This can be seen when he addresses the old person as a ‘hollow ghost’ in the last verse. There are two aspects of change shown in this poem. A person can change physically such as appearance and can also change mentally such as thoughts and feelings. Through age, our physical change is easily observed and is beyond our control. As we step into old age, we realise that we are less remarkable. What is it to grow old?Is it to lose the glory of the form,The lustre of the eye?Is it for beauty to forego her wreath?Yes, but not for this alone. The composer writes about the physical change which occurs through old age, but suggests that that is not all that changes. The composer also pinpoints on the desolation and tiresomeness suffered through the process of old age and creates a feeling that it is almost the end of the road for a person’s life, â€Å"A golden day’s decline!†Even though an old person is still living, their spirit no longer remains. How the old person now looks at life is very different to how he/she looked at life when he/she was young, looking backwards at life as opposed to looking forward. ‘Tis not to see the worldAs from a height, with rapt prophetic eyes,And heart profoundly stirred;And weep, and feel the fullness of the past,The years that are no more!The composer suggests that living in old age is tedious and tiresome, quietly waiting day after day for the same thing. Our spirit which was once shining brightly is now like a dimmed candle, waiting, slowly, to be blown out. At old age, all we have left to live off of are the memories of a time when things changed for us, a life which was more hopeful than the one we are now living, where we are always awaiting a change in our life. It is to suffer this,And feel but half, and feebly, what we feel:Deep in our hidden heartFesters the dull remembrance of a change,But no emotion -none. In this poem, old age feels as though a trap is placed on us, keeping us away from opportunity and joy. This is felt when we begin to feel old. We are only released from this trap when we let go of this world, being at the â€Å"last stage†of humanity. â€Å"The phantom of ourselves†, suggests that we are what we want to be, if we set out to be lonely in our old age, we will only expect to be lonely. It is -last stage of all -When we are frozen up within, and quiteThe phantom of ourselves,To hear the world applause the hollow ghostWhich blamed the living man. From this text, I have learnt that old age is not what affects us. It is our mentality that affects us the most. Even when it is close to the end of the journey for us, we can still choose the type of life we want to live. We can choose to have a joyous end from this world, so it doesn’t have to be long days of â€Å"weary pain†.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Nursing Opportunities in NYU Downtown Hospital
Nurses are indispensable members of the work force unit division in health care system whose main role is to provide for doctor’s assistance and cater to the health status and palliative care of the patients. Technically though, the nurses have higher specialized forms or masteral degrees which elevates them to a higher position in hospital departments (e.g. perioperative nurse). The NYU Downtown Hospital is the only hospital in Manhattan that caters to the healthcare of the Lower Manhattan Community specifically that of the Chinese community. The hospital employs wide and diverse medical professionals to provide for quality healthcare of the community and amongst the members of the workforce are the nurses. In NYU Downtown, the hospital’s selection of nurses for a specific job requires a basic New York Registered Nurse qualification and related experiences. The nursing opportunities for the hospital vary from jobs descriptive of leadership, staffs and per diem positions. Vacancies in leadership positions are on the following types: Nurse Manager for the peri-operative division, clinical nurse specialist in the Maternal Child Health Division, Nursing Administrative Supervisors for morning and evening shifts, and Registered Nurse Case Manager. For the staff positions, there are vacancies in the following departments and the corresponding time table: Emergency Room, Operating Room and Labor and Delivery for 12 hr duty day or night and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) positions for 7.5 hr per day. Per diems are available for all units in the hospital on all shifts. The workplace is suitable for nurse employment because aside from sufficient wages and benefits, the hospital meets the standards of the healthcare system in terms of management and services rendered. The salary of registered nurses in the district is $53, 065 as of 2002 with an annual increase rate of 1% per year. Benefits include health,  dental , liability insurance, disability and  compensation programs, refunds and  annuity plans. Subsidies for houses, parkings and discounts are also available for employees. NYU Downtown Hospital’s vacancies for nursing positions mirror one of the stigmas of the New York medical profession nowadays  nursing shortage. As previously mentioned the singularity of the hospital in the area implies a huge demand for medical practitioners including the nurses. Unfortunately, in the entire New York, the supply of nurses does not meet the high rate of nurse demand. Although there are more than 234,000 Registered Nurses and 68,900 LPNs in 2001, the prediction for nurse sustainability is bad since there was an overall drop for the 1999 to 2001. Slow growth rate for Registered Nurses may indicate problems for the quality healthcare and  according to he National Sample Survey of registered Nurses, the state ranked second to the last in terms of RN percentage employment. The nursing shortage in New York are caused by several factors: aging workforce, increased job opportunities for women, low wages and benefits and other related factors which caused a decreased in the supply. Manhattan’s Downtown Hospital is aggravated, because as the lone hospital they must cater to both the resident and the non-resident community. (Non-residents are approximated at almost 400,000 per day.) The general trend for nursing shortage creates opportunities for work in the nursing arena in the New York Downtown Hospital. Although, the workplace and the salaries are sufficient enough for nursing occupation, NYU Downtown’s nursing problems may be fueled by a larger economic workforce crisis in the nursing arena. References Beu, B. â€Å"The nursing shortage and the nurse reinvestment act.†AORN Journ., 79(2004):1061-1063. Downtown Hospital. (2008). New York Downtown Hospital. Retrieved February 14, 2008, from New York Downtown Hospital database. Mitchell, G. J â€Å"Nursing shortage or nursing famine: Looking beyond numbers?†Nursing Science Quarterly, 16(2003), 219-24. The Registered Nurse Population. National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses- March 2000. Preliminary Findings, February 2001. Bureau of Health Professions, Division of Nursing. Â
Friday, September 13, 2019
Tanglewood Stores - Measurement and Validation Essay
Tanglewood Stores - Measurement and Validation - Essay Example The table gives a clear analysis of various variables. It shows an estimate of the correlation between some of the common predictors like education, managerial interviews, job experience and the measures /variables of performance, citizenship, absence along with other correlations between the proposed predictors like biodata, applicant exams, extraversion, consciousness and retail knowledge. Content validity of the methods of selection is one of the key questions that have to be addressed.There are quite a number of scales that Tanglewood proposed which perfectly match the content that they are intended to measure.And they also correspond properly with the specific work of store associates. First, we have the retail market knowledge exam which comprises of questions that pertain to the industry and the uniqueness of Tanglewood in the industry. This is properly done and very relevant in the sense that it is related to the basic knowledge of some of the vital marketing principles.Marshfield applicant exam which aims at helping individuals to get some problem-solving abilities, accuracy and fluency in numerical concepts.The personality exam is aimed at identifying the various personality types of those intending to work with Tanglewood.This is necessary for it assists the management to understand the kind of employees to put in various departments. If Tanglewood is interested in getting some of the best people to work for them, there a quite a number of things that they must do. They should focus more on aspects like education of the individual, his or her competencies, the experience he or she has in that particular are to avoid hiring people who lack the know-how and ensure that they give them more training pertaining the kind of duties that the organisation offers. For instance, those in the human resource have to be assisted on how to hire the best people for particular jobs within the stores. The above names predictors are some of the best because they will ensure that the organisation has people who are competent and know what they are required of by their employers.Â
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Opening Premier Inn hotel in Mauritius Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Opening Premier Inn hotel in Mauritius - Essay Example There is also the strategy of wholly owned subsidiaries a form of foreign direct investment that includes acquisitions and the Greenfield investment. The Greenfield investment is preferable if there are no competitors in Mauritius and it is a high-risk strategy. In addition, the hotel can consider acquisitions since it is a technique that can help to actualize higher human potential. It also contributes to lower risk than most of the entry models (Hill, 2014). The best design for the hotel is Foreign Direct Investment by procuring land, plant, and workforce in the host country. The hotel can set up a subsidiary that is wholly owned in the country by establishing a branch from the ground. In doing so, the hotel will be using the Greenfield strategy; on the other hand, it can also acquire a plant in the target foreign market (Hill, 2014). The hotel will experience significant benefits in the acquisitions. Firstly, purchases are quick to execute. The hotel should acquire an already established enterprise in Mauritius, by doing so it can quickly build its presence in a foreign target market. Therefore, the Premier inn hotel should do the same (Razin and Sadika, 2007). Secondly, the hotel should make acquisitions as a tool to pre-empt competitors since in Mauritius there are many investors in the hotel industry. The need for the pre-emption is especially prominent in markets that are rapidly globalizing. Thirdly, managers of the Premier inn hotel may view acquisitions as less risky than a Greenfield venture. Practically when the hotel purchases another hotel in Mauritius, it buys a number of assets that generate a known profit stream and revenue. On the contrary, the profit stream and income produced by a Greenfield venture is indeed uncertain simply because it does not yet exist. Acquisition made at the Premier Inn hotel in Mauritius; it does not only acquire a number of tangible assets. For example, it will
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
End-to-End Hiring Initiative Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
End-to-End Hiring Initiative - Assignment Example With these types of unanswered questions to keep in mind, most organizations cannot really put a final closure to the duration of the hiring period. Because of the expectation that the right applicant has not been interviewed, the notice of a job opening is not yet closed. Another concern faced by the organization during this period is "how many managers are available to help out with this task?" The task of hiring is not included in the daily function of managers. They are normally busy with their daily workloads. A related question would be "how can the organization hire effectively under such circumstances?" To resolve such predicament, strategically integrating and re-engineering the five components established in the hiring process validate personnel selection procedures. The five components consist of; workforce planning, recruitment, hiring, security and suitability, and orientation. The entire process starts with the first component; workforce planning as its foundation. Work force planning, being a system process in identifying which individuals will be beneficial to the organization, these selected few can meet the establishment’s mission and goals. The second step procedurally moves on to recruitment, which is an on-going process. If job vacancies exist, this is where the hiring process becomes active. It can overlap into the next component, which is security and suitability where the candidate is assessed if his or her character, abilities, and behavior are in favor of the organization’s welfare. If the candidate for the job proves appropriate for the position, the organization’s responsibility is making sure the person is oriented to their rules and regulations.Â
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Analysis of The Samurai Spirit Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Analysis of The Samurai Spirit - Article Example Paradoxically, a more careful study of the Samurai, their code of conduct, and their philosophy show their way of life to be simple, austere, balanced, and contemplative. These attributes are reflected in their customs, art, and architecture. The Samurai originated as Japan’s pre-modern warriors who quelled the uprising of the native Emishi tribe during the Heian Period. Subsequently, these warriors found themselves in the hire of wealthy landowners (known as feudal lords) who grew apart and eventually declared themselves independent from the central government and raised their own private armies. When the country was finally reunited again late in the 1500s under the Edo period, the Samurai were positioned at the top of the social caste system. Because of their mandate to defend their feudal lord or emperor, the Samurai developed an unquestioning loyalty and a reputation for fierce fighting skills and, therefore, were regarded In order to preserve the caste distinctions that emerged during the Edo Period, the Samurai were forced to reside in districts designated for them, in homes with a characteristic architectural style. The typical Samurai residence (sometimes called Samurai castle) is expansive and spacious, partly because the Samurai is accorded a level of prestige, and partly because he housed a sizeable retinue. As an illustration, the Aizu Bukeyashiki (Aizu Samurai residence) is depicted in the pictures shown at the end. This edifice served as the quarters that housed the highest rank and most revered Samurai, his family, employees, and servants (, 2012). There are a variety of rooms and section, numbering several dozen; these would include a teahouse, gardens, an archery range, a rice mill, and of course several guest rooms. The Samurai is also known as ‘bushi,’ from the term Bushido which literally translates to â€Å"The Way of the Warrior†(some bifurcations of the word could be more closely translated to à ¢â‚¬Å"way of the sword†- Marshall, 2012). The Bushido is the unwritten code of conduct and morality that embodies the standards of moral principles by which the Samurai were sworn to live by. The code, while evolving through the centuries, manifests the profound influence of Zen Buddhism, Confucianism, and Shintoism. These elements may be found in the painting, poetry, and lifestyle of the Samurai; for instance, the preparation and serving of tea (a Chinese legacy) has been elevated into an art form in the cha no yu or ‘tea ceremony’. The cha no yu is a metaphor for the Zen Buddhist influence in the Samurai lifestyle as well as the Japanese way of life – ‘Complicated and yet utterly simple, at once straightforward and deep’ (West & Seal, 2012). Â
Monday, September 9, 2019
Significant life changing moment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Significant life changing moment - Essay Example e, entire fate gets changed from even very small changes in life, in this discussion I would tell you what turning points my life took and how I changed my self entirely. I was born in a lower class family with so many problems and I saw my parents fighting all the time with no mercy, both of my parents were quite opposite to each other and they had no match, still I wonder why God made such a terrible match, but now I realize that it all happened because God was willing me to get birth from that couple, I was never comfortable as a child, though I was the only one to take birth and had no one around except my parents, as a kid I never gained attention of my parents because of numerous reasons, firstly my father who was a sports person, used to have very less earning and what ever he used to earn he never gave it to me and my mother, this was the first clash between my parents, secondly my mother also had to do part time jobs in order to support me and herself, so there was no way to get individual attention from either of my parents, life was never easy for me, I still remember when I used to walk and visualize all the happenings of my life at an ea rly age, I tried my level best to bring my parents closer but was failed each time, may be because they were also never comfortable with each other and also they never thought of sacrificing their lives for me and one day they both got apart forever, I was five when they got divorced, it was decided that I would live with my mother as my father was never willing to keep me and that is what exactly happened, â€Å"Modern childhood is often portrayed in terms of enhanced democratic relationships between parents and children, with the assumption that childrens negotiating power has increased over time†(Jensen, 1: 2003). My father was a strange person and he was said to be psychotic by my mother in which she was quite true, my father remarried to his old time friend who was a nurse at some hospital but he was again a
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