Wednesday, July 31, 2019
An Argument for a SMART Board Grant
The support of this grant would pay for the purchase of a SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard on a nomadic floor base for the Pace University School of Education Department. The SMART Board allows professors to include and incorporate multimedia elements into lessons, such as pictures and synergistic presentations, as a consequence devising lessons and lectures more exciting. Students will be able to hear, see and take part with the information they are larning for that peculiar class. The SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard system comes with Notebook package. This package provides a assortment of tools to assist distinguish direction. By holding a SMART Board, professors and pupils are able to compose with a digital pen or with their finger, onto the SMART Board screen. Files from Notebook can be saved in different formats, printed, emailed or posted ; hence, giving pupils complete entree to class stuffs. Basically, anything that can be done on computing machines can be improved by holding a SMART Board available. In the simple and secondary degrees, instructors are invariably seeking to make lessons and activities that meet the demands of all scholars. I think that at the high instruction degree, this mentality gets lost. The bulk of classs are lecture based with essays and written scrutinies. Because of this set up, I feel that college pupils loose their love of acquisition and attending and engagement in classs begin to drop. If a pupil was a ocular scholar in high school, he will still be a ocular scholar during college. The synergistic whiteboard caters to all different scholars because it incorporates images, sounds and stimulations. Students are able to see, hear and interact with what they are larning. Pace University needs more engineering. Pace University has been looking for ways to increase their enrollment Numberss, every bit good as keeping rates. Installing and absorbing engineering onto their campuses could be merely one factor in carry throughing those undertakings. As a former Pace University pupil embassador and representative, I was invariably asked inquiries about the types of engineering that are in the schoolrooms and what pupils are being exposed to. By holding synergistic SMART Boards on campus, I think these inquiries would be eliminated because you can physically see them. Pace University besides has an full school dedicated to Computer Science and Information Systems. I feel that by holding engineering seen in the schoolroom, will besides nicely reflect the impact of that single school on campus. The pupils at Pace University would profit from the purchase of an synergistic whiteboard in a assortment of ways. Students will look at go toing category as something exciting. Students will besides derive a better apprehension of the course of study and constructs being taught, due to the mixture of tools and resources that the SMART Board has that can be incorporated into lessons. Pace University, itself, would profit from holding SMART Boards in campus because pupils will be working on their communicating and engineering accomplishments for the twenty-first century, hence dividing themselves from alumnuss from other colleges and universities. Pace University ‘s slogan is â€Å" Work toward Greatness †. I believe that by incorporating the usage of an synergistic whiteboard into different classs that Pace has to offer its pupils, professors will animate their pupils more. The Pace University School of Education ‘s slogan is â€Å" Making brooding practicians who promote justness, create lovingness schoolrooms and school communities and enable all pupils to be successful scholars. †I believe that the pupils within this school, specifically, will profit enormously from the synergistic whiteboard. They will be exposed to a new engineering that is widely being used in schools all throughout the United States. Students will be able to hold an unfastened head when it comes to engineering and integrating in simple and high schools. Not fiting these pupils with these accomplishments would be harmful to their well-being. Today ‘s universe is filled with different types of engineering, from cell phon es to IPads. Students are invariably surrounded with engineering throughout their day-to-day lives, which merely makes sense to hold that same engineering go a portion of their instruction.2. Aim3. Activity4. MeasurementTo enrich and better Pace University ‘s plans and set of classs through synergistic engineering and engineering integrating. To promote pupils to be independent critical minds and booming scholars at the collegiate degree. To increase pupil motive, engagement, accomplishment and success. To hold pupils program and behavior research, work out jobs and do informed determinations utilizing appropriate digital tools and resources. To hold â€Å" future instructors †become educated on a company and engineerings that is on a regular basis being used in school territories soon. To distinguish direction for all pupils. To use the assigned class clip in the most effectual manner possible. Assign web pursuits: Students will be encouraged to utilize Pace University ‘s resources from the library, databases and dependable beginnings from the Internet. Students will utilize the research and engineering available to them to assist them decode jobs and answer inquiries. Synergistic lessons: Students will actively prosecute within the lessons. Students will acquire out of their seats to take part and foster their acquisition. Videos/Lectures: Teachers can implant videos cartridge holders that demonstrate the same constructs that are being taught in their class. Teachers can enter notes from the class, salvage them and post/email them to pupils. Virtual Field Trips: Teachers can take their pupils on a trip during their assigned class allotted clip. Presentations: Students can show their undertakings utilizing the SMART Board in several ways: making a NoteBook file, digitally making it, entering their voices, etc. Exams/Reviews: Teachers can make games/activities that can assist the pupils review constructs for scrutinies. Teachers can make scrutinies on the SMART Board. Workshop Session: Provide pupils with the chance to larn how to really utilize the SMART Board. Students will be able to utilize the cognition gained in their field arrangements and future occupations. Pre-course study: Conducted on the first twenty-four hours, inquiring pupils about their involvement in the class, anticipations of their engagement throughout the class, class and terminal of class experience. Post-course study: Conducted on last twenty-four hours, inquiring pupils about their apprehension of the class stuff, if they were successful in the class, if they enjoyed the class, would they urge the class and impact of engineering used in the class. Informal appraisals: Teacher observation, pupil diary entries/blogs on the subject of usage of the SMART Board. Formal appraisals: Lessons/lectures/activities can be video taped. Samples: Student work samples will be saved to be included in a portfolio. Attendance Preparation Engagement Behavior
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
How Music Defines You Essay
â€Å"I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music. †This famous quote said by Billy Joel does a good job describing the way music can affect people. Different songs can impact people, change their moods, or bring back memories related to a certain tune. Each person, however, has their own unique taste in music; one song can be loved by one but hated by another, it all depends on our personal taste and what we can relate to. This made me wonder, what does the music I listen to say about myself? Do the lyrics define who I am as a person, or do I simply like songs because of the beat? As I looked at my top ten playlist, I saw that some of my favorite songs do describe me to a certain point. The first song I examined in my playlist was â€Å"Kids†by MGMT. I have always loved the beat of the song, but the lyrics of it never made sense to me. The words are like a collage of random thoughts strung together with what seems like no relation. However, as I looked deeper into the lyrics, I started to realize the meaning of the words. This song is filled with many emotions of a typical college student. Feelings of happiness, sadness, naivety, and nostalgia are present throughout the entire song. Upon further digging, I discovered that this was the first song the artists, Goldwasser and VanWyngaeden, wrote on arriving at college. They were nineteen, in a fantasy college world, and had a happy-go-lucky attitude. At the same time, however, they were longing for childhood; they had a fear of growing up and losing innocence. â€Å"Kids†is a great example of the way many college students feel. For me, I do not fear growing up, but I often find myself missing the past. Childhood was bliss and easy. As I grow up, I long for the days when I was younger, when work, homework, school, and the stress of everyday life did not matter. When you are young, you have no responsibilities to deal with, and although I live a happy balanced life, I often find myself wishing I was a kid again. The second song I analyzed was â€Å"Paradise†by Coldplay. Similarly to â€Å"Kids†, the song â€Å"Paradise†starts with the idea of childhood. â€Å"When she was just a girl she expected the world. But it flew away from her reach so she ran away in her sleep and dreamed of paradise†is the opening verse for this tune. It talks of a young girl with big dreams expecting the world. As the girl in the song grows up she finds that life is not as simple as she believed. â€Å"Life goes on, it gets so heavy. The wheel breaks the butterfly. Every tear a waterfall. In the night the stormy night she’ll close her eyes. †Those lyrics are a good example of how life has some downs, tears, and storms, but it talks of how the girl stays positive when the song says, â€Å"She’d say, ‘I know the sun must set to rise. ’†I think this song is a good reflection of me. I have big dreams for myself, but as life goes on I go through some bumps in the road. I have encountered many of my own stormy nights, but I know the sun will rise to a clearer and brighter day in time. I have learned not to expect things to be handed to me, but to chase after my dreams, and my own perfect paradise to a path of success. My final and favorite song I looked at was the song â€Å"Pursuit of Happiness†by Kid Cudi. Kid Cudi is my favorite artist, so it makes sense that my favorite song is one of his most popular. However, when I tell people my favorite artist is Kid Cudi, they give me weird looks because most of his songs do not describe me. The song â€Å"Pursuit of Happiness†is actually fairly dark and depressing. It talks of a person being empty and doing things such as drugs, smoking, and getting drunk. The character in the song finds these things as his only escape from reality. I personally think the song is brilliant. When I uncover the deeper meanings of the song, Kid Cudi is someone who I can relate to. The person in his song has been through some real tough times. I see his journey of trying to escape the pain of the real world by getting involved in all these things that give temporary bliss, but at the end of the song it is obvious that partying, drugs, and alcohol will not give you true happiness. My three favorite songs â€Å"Kids†, â€Å"Paradise†, and â€Å"Pursuit of Happiness†ended up describing some aspects of my life. I found that I could relate to all three songs which could be the reason why they are important to me. However, I am unconvinced that every song I like defines the type of person I am. I love music and it was hard for me to narrow down my top three songs. If I were to go on and look at every song I love, I am positive more than half would not be a reflection of who I am. My ultimate songs may describe some aspects of me, but I am confident that they do not define who I am.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Construction Project Management - Connecting the UK with Europe Coursework
Construction Project Management - Connecting the UK with Europe - Coursework Example Boring from one end of the English Channel would ensure that the tunnels would progress without major concerns for aligning tunnels to each other. In contrast, if boring was initiated from either end of the English Channel, it would be technically demanding to ensure an accurate alignment of the tunnels when the tunnels met in the middle of the English Channel. The other constraints such as costs of extra machines for boring also had to be balanced against concerns for a time required to complete the project. This and other such aspects of the Channel Tunnel project required that project management expertise and technical expertise be employed to execute the project. Once the project was initiated, the technical risks on the job were managed well enough including some famous overkill such as the useless procurement of new equipment when old equipment was just as effective. As the project progressed, it was affected negatively by two factors inimical to project management – cost variances and schedule. On the one hand the technical risks associated with this iconic project had been well managed and dealt with but on the other hand, a new set of risks had been left alone to be dealt out on their own. Largely the risks left out of the initial planning phase included dealing with government bureaucracy and the associated delays and changes to project scope. While the Channel Tunnel project can be seen as a major achievement in terms of technical progress but it is otherwise a pure project management failure. There is little doubt in anyone’s mind that the Channel Tunnel project was less than a Pyrrhic victory. The initial costing for the project was estimated at some $5.5 billion but the eventual execution cost the project team some $14.5 billion. There was little change in the overall scope of the project but there were myriad changes in the details of the project scope. It was decided initially that the Channel Tunnel would consist of 32 miles (51.5 kilometers) tunnel under the sea to serve two railway links separately.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Final report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Final report - Essay Example For Burger King, food and paper for the three years ended June 30, 2004 to 2006 were $391 million, $437 million, and $470 million respectively, constituting 23.26%, 24.43%, and 25.03% of the total operating costs and expenses respectively (Burger King Holdings, Inc. a, 2006). Food and paper are only incurred with each burger sold. For McDonald's, payroll and employee benefits for the three years ended December 31, 2003 to 2005 were $3,411.4 million, $3,726.3 million, and $4,039.2 million respectively, constituting 23.84%, 24.00%, and 24.57% of the total operating costs and expenses respectively (McDonald's Corporation, 2005). For Burger King, payroll and employee benefits for the three years ended June 30, 2004 to 2006 were $382 million, $415 million, and $446 million respectively, constituting 22.72%, 23.20%, and 23.75% of the total operating costs and expenses respectively (Burger King Holdings, Inc. a, 2006). Although payroll and employee benefits for support staff such as finance and human resources are more or less fixed cost, we can reasonably assume that they are only a small proportion of total payroll and employee benefits. Since McDonald's has more than 8,000 restaurants worldwide (McDonald's Corporation, 2005) and Burger King has more than 1,200 restaurants worldwide (Burger King Holdings, Inc.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Russia Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Russia - Term Paper Example The negative effects of World War 1 were responsible for sparking Russian Revolution in 1917 since the government was experiencing a shortage in food reserves, ammunition, factories and low morale among the soldiers. Corrupt Czarist government and massive treason among the top military ranks created a crisis that paralyzed the normal national life. The peasants and workers in factories experienced poverty and denounced the war and killed the rich peasants in order to seize control of productive agricultural land (Wade 5). Russia was predominantly an agricultural economy and the clergy, nobility and royal families owned much of the agricultural land and controlled much of the agricultural production. The Czarist government did little to improve the economic system and a majority of the peasants in the villages suffered from diseases and extreme poverty. The economic system had created an imbalance in the social structure thus hindering education, public health and medical relief thus occasioning discontent among the masses that were addicted to vodka due to misery and poverty (Wade 6). Workers strikes were considered as the only option to the ruthless and repressive Czarist government in dealing with protesting workers and Russian soldiers fired at the protestors. Subsequently, the heavy losses suffered during the World War 1 undermine the strength and morale of Russian soldiers and many of them deserted their battle fronts to join the factory workers and peasants in the ongoing revolution (Wade 7). Other attributable causes of the Revolution include the increase in politicized urban workforce especially ironworks and factories that associated themselves with industrial society. Although Czarist government had tried to entrench socialist trade unions, such unions were remained neutral during workers protests. The expanding population in Russian cities caused social problems like poor housing, bad wages and disregard for employment rights. The censuring of books, newspapers and unwarranted police swoops on dissenting citizens created mass discontent among the middle class and ultimately led to the demand of freedom of expression (D’Agostino 27). Why Bolsheviks prevailed in Civil War and control of Russia By the end of February 1917, two organisations that include Provisional Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers and Provisional Committee of the Duma had emerged. The first one represented the social revolutionaries, factory workers, Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. The Czarist ministers were held under house arrest, and Czar Nicholas II abdicated on at the beginning of March. A provisional coalition government was entrenched and was soon recognized by the allied powers as the legitimate successor of Czarist government (D’Agostino 28). However, a civil war broke in June 1918 with the Whites including the liberals, monarchists and socialists rebelling against the Reds who included the Bolshevik regime. Bolshevik regime was worried that Whites would eventually free Czar and the royal family members thus ultimately leading to restoration of the previous monarchy. However, Czar and his immediate family members were shot dead in July 1918 thus demoralising the efforts of the Whites. Bolsheviks considered themselves as revolutionary working class that was determined at addressing the needs of the peasants and
Friday, July 26, 2019
Sourcebased Case Study NaziSoviet Pact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Sourcebased Case Study NaziSoviet Pact - Essay Example The Source shows the successful mission of Stalin because it has been able to "spear" down Hitler finally to a good political maneuver. The wreath on Stalin's right hand suggest the death of the fascist forces with the subsequent death of Hitler and under the false pretence of the restorative pact (for Soviet Union) that shall keep communism thriving as the two instruments in Stalin's hand suggest. The source's accuracy is largely sarcastic and also quite beneficial in pointing out the reason behind the shocking pact between the two devils-the communist and the Fascist forces that threatened the West and the Capitalist countries. The source helps one to understand the apparently defunct and devious peace treaty that was signed which hid a deeper truth about a secret protocol that promised mutual shared power over countries like, Finland Estonia Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania and thus promised each other "territorial and political rearrangements". Source B begins with the line "Why did Britain and France help Hitler to achieve his aims" This line particularly helps one to answer the deep distrust within Soviet Union politicians and especially Stalin about the stance of the powerful Western countries like Britain and France. United-front here refers to anl alliances between the West and the Communist Soviet Union. While each member of this front stays independent, they work together while the Communists inside a united front would continue to promote a revolutionary platform. The disappointment voiced in the source has a history of Third Period policies that had led to the Nazi suppression of both the Social Democratic Party and the Communist Party of Germany in 1933 after the policy did not allow joint action thus dividing and weakening the German left, thereby allowing the Nazis to win power. The same intention has been voiced here. The Source accuses Britain and France of committing the same mistake of allowing Hitler to ta ke advantage of the disagreements between the powerful nations. But the source does not state the reasons for Britain's fear for such a united front against Hitler. Both Soviet Union and Germany was a threat to the European countries. At that time the Communist International was committed to destroying capitalist governments throughout the world. British Trade Unionists were talking about setting up Workers' Councils and overthrowing Parliament. Soviet Union money helped the strikers in the General strike and coal miners during the coal strikes. Thus Soviet Union was paradoxically a greater threat than Hitler, just as Britain thought that Hitler was a bigger threat to Soviet Union than to the other nations. Infact Soviet Union was still shadowed by the totalitarian rule of Lenin and Hitler was the best weapon who could destroy Soviet Union with similar destructive powers. Hence, the West wanted the two countries to destroy each other. Again, Hitler's Germany as a welcome barrier to the spread of
Sociol Economics Status Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Sociol Economics Status - Essay Example This brings back the issue of socialization where irrespective of the class learners should be taught how to interact with each other by not considering their social classes. In reality, this may not be the case as the educational institution has taken another route when it comes to handling such issues of social class. This is attributed to the fact that children of the high class find themselves in very expensive schools with high rates of school fees and other requirements (Marsh, 2010). As for the middle and those of the lower class, they have a chance to socialize with each other as they can only afford education in the average schools which may not even have quality facilities for learning. The facilities and opportunities offered to those in the upper social class are not the same when compared to those in the lower and middle social classes. This in itself is challenging even when the students are outside the academic setting. The perception that the students have about each other is one that depicts a negative impression towards each other and it is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that such a perception is handled while in school so that all social classes are able to merge well. The language used may not be a pleasing one for the different classes as it tends to depict a trait of discrimination for each other (Killen, 2009). Social stratification in society is becoming evident with the technological advances and it is upon those with the economic will to adopt the changes in order for them to change their social classes. This may not be possible for those in the lower and middle class as they may not be financially stable to adopt such changes. This leaves those in the upper class as the ones who are advanced through embracing changes and this determines the mode of interaction even while at school. This becomes a challenge especially for children in the upper class who are disengaged than their less fortunate peers. In a class setting the y are likely to portray weird characters such as fidgeting with objects when they are being addressed. As for those in the middle and lower classes they are confident and always maintain an eye contact when being addressed with several head nods an indication that they are concentrating (Churchill et al, 2011). This can be attributed to the fact that children in the upper social class are more reserved and are rarely exposed to environments that will allow them to gain rapport and become social in the social settings. This may affect their performance in class. In an educational institution attention has to be paid on both the class differences and the courses that are to be offered so that the content of the syllabus meets the demands of both social classes. This can be done by developing a better student support system where specific strategies are used in handling students of different social classes without concentrating on one social class than the other (Woolfolk & Margetts, 2 010). The teachers have to be specific about the classroom norms and rules of operation while in class as this can be a remedy to several challenges that are as a result of class differences. It is advisable that during teaching, the instructor should
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Optimizing the Water Injection System in the Offshore Drilling Wells Research Proposal
Optimizing the Water Injection System in the Offshore Drilling Wells - Research Proposal Example As noted by Krupnick et al surface as well as subsurface situations and conditions of the discovery made have significant effect on the extraction work, related expenses and determine the success or failure of the whole project. Technical success maybe achieved but the project may fail economically. First hand experience has shown that the most technical success is easy to achieve, but economic success is much difficulty. According to Spellman, and Whiting the process of analyzing the best way to optimize extraction of recoverable reserves starts by formulation of a development plan (266). This development plan takes into consideration all existing geologic as well as engineering data and information to come up with initial ways of optimizing water injection systems Research aims The following research will have two aims: 1. What are the contaminants in sea water? 2. What are the main methods used in optimizing water for injection in the offshore wells? Research design methodology (d ata collection methods and analysis of data) Research Design This research will be carried out using secondary research also qualitative research. The methods used to get information will be collection, analysis and evaluation of past studies rather than primary research, as noted by Mason secondary research can obtain its data from internal or external sources (26). The current online libraries provide a source where extensive research can be carried out on this topic and latest information obtained. Methodology The research will be conducted using secondary sources, whereby it will be based on past studies that were done on the same topic in order to answer the formulated research question. The topic under discussion requires extensive resources for a researcher to carry out a primary research, this is because it would involve visiting a number of offshore wells, carrying out interviews and formulating questionnaires. Though there are some limitations towards this methods, like th e researcher has to depend on views of other researchers, its main benefits is that it avails a big database of information to the research, and he can select relevant and substantial material to use in the research (Robson 78). For the sake of keeping the data to managerial size, it was thought that the research should concentrate basically on the methods used to optimize water injection in the offshore wells. Methods of Data Collection Since our study will be based on secondary research, data collection will entail getting information results from the previously done studies and analyzing the information. Though the results from the previous studies may be not 100% accurate meaning that this will affect our final outcome, still, this will be reliable data. It should be noted that methods of optimizing injection of water in offshore wells requires extensive resources and technology used do not change quickly. Data Collection procedures and Data Analysis To evaluate and review the d ata collected from the study seeking to answer the research question, the study will use known database application like Microsoft Excel to compile table and other data to compilation. This data will be used to statistically determine if the studies relevance of data collected fr
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Compare and contrast spanish, mexican and american periods in CA Essay
Compare and contrast spanish, mexican and american periods in CA history - Essay Example Thus, the Spanish period boosted the economy of California through agriculture. The Spanish periods was a time that Cattle rearing became very common amongst the people of California as this was introduced by the missions. California began to be under Mexican control in 1825. The dominance of the Mexicans of California was after their independence from Spain in 1821. Alta California, which was when the name of the region became an official territory of the Mexicans in 1825. Some influential Californians were distraught by the wealth and affluence of the Spanish missions and they sought help from the Mexicans and the newly independent Mexico helped to suppress the powers of the Spanish rule in California. Thus, the people of California were actually the ones that invited the Mexicans to come to their aid and rescue them from the hands of the Spanish missions. The Mexicans converted the mission lands in California to settlement region in 1833. The end of the Spanish rule in California saw the fading of the missions in the region and the emergence and further development of cattle ranching in the region as the lands that were seized from the missions were used for ranching and trade by the Mexicans. Thus, it could be inferred that, the Mexican period was more acceptable to the people of California than the Spanish period (Rolle 21-23). The Mexican period ended in the 1840s and there was actually a series of bloodless strife between the indigenes of California and the Mexican authority up to the time that the Mexican rule lasted in the region. The American settlement in California actually started towards the end of the Mexican period in the region. The Americans that initially went to the region before the 1840s were adventurers, fur trappers, and sailors. In 1840, hundreds of American settlers lived in California and this increased the numbers of United States settlers during the initial stage
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Occupy University of Virginia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Occupy University of Virginia - Essay Example istration of the university is the issue of wage parity for the employees who have been contracted and also consider paying wages in consideration of the relative rates of inflation. The university workers who are demanding better pay are the non-academic staff that includes but not limited to janitors and kitchen staffs. As demonstrated by the banners carried by the protestors, it is obvious that the workers have been struggling to make both ends meet and many of them are living on a cycle of destitution as the wages they get are peanuts. The workers have a grave concern to the university administration for the complete neglect by the University system hence have the feelings of a less fortunate person who is debt. Students were able to join the strike owing to their sympathy for the families of the workers who are earning very meager wages. Children from such families are compelled to work extra hard in school in the hope that their efforts may get noticed through good passes so as to get meaningful employment upon completion of schooling. It is a state of hopelessness as there are many consequences for families who are not having adequate income. They have to work extra hard in school and they have to hope and pray that someone notices them. These are the kids who are deemed to be static. Since mo st of the parents are just working to keep their families alive, students from such families feel the heat of economic injustice that would characterize their future adulthoods. Income-related inequalities, as is the case in modern world have been a big issue of controversy in the workplace. As is the case at UVA, the university administration is depriving the workers of the right to own substantial capital and other related assets through poor pay. Since adequate income guarantees personal security in the capitalist world, there is growing demand for accumulation of wealth to have the ability of going about basic necessities. It is in this aspect that the UVA
Monday, July 22, 2019
Intrinsic Motivation Essay Example for Free
Intrinsic Motivation Essay Second Language Acquisition (SLA) is learning development in which people acquire a new language – more commonly known as â€Å"second language†in addition to their native tongue. The second language is often referred as â€Å"target language†or â€Å"L2†. In addition, second language denotes any new language learned after early childhood years. This means subsequently languages learned – i. e. third or fourth language is still referred to as second language. A number of personal and environmental factors may affect the decision to learn a second language. Examples of such factors include family influences, social groups or peers, teachers, school, age, and self-concept. An individual may pursue a study on acquiring a second language skill for various reasons and motivations. In a study of UK and European students, it has been stated that the reasons a student pursues a study a foreign language are the following: 1) to be able to develop a career advantage for opportunities in the future; 2) a students personal inclination to learn the language; 3) to be able to learn and appreciate to cultural differences; 4) for an enhanced comprehension of the culture where the language is used; 5) and to be able to reside in nations where the language is used. The current teacher booklet aims to help the SLA teacher increase the intrinsic motivation of SLA learners by presenting sundry topics, including attitudes and motivation in second language learning; clarifying erroneous beliefs about language learning; what the SLA teacher ought to focus on: sources of language anxiety; the learning environment as source of language anxiety; variables of self-confidence; socio-psychological issues of language anxiety and self-confidence; instructor-learner interaction and classroom procedures; and interpretation of educator beliefs on language learning. Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language Learning In the book Attitudes and motivation in second language learning, Gardner and Lambert (1972) have identified Integrative Motivation and Instrumental Motivation as the common reason for a student’s desire to study a second language. In the context of language learning, a learner may pursue the study of English such as a second language because of one’s desire to work in abroad as well as for travel purposes. The learner’s practical rationale for acquiring a second language is referred to as instrumental motivation. On the other hand, a person may pursue the study of English language in order to successfully integrate within the community where one is currently living. The learner’s purpose can be referred to as integrative motivation. Following a learner’s utilitarian purpose, the clear benefit of acquiring English as second language is to have a competitive edge in the labor market. Such skills are very valuable as businesses are increasingly becoming global. In fact, professionals who are fluent bilingual speakers have the competitive edge compared to monolingual speakers. In addition, travel and migration of people has becoming a growing trend in recent years prompting a necessity to understand and integrate within the society which one lives in. Given that there a significant number of SLA learners, it is worthwhile to examine how the teacher may be able to increase the confidence and intrinsic motivation and lessen the anxiety of the SLA learner. Clarifying Erroneous Beliefs about Language Learning Horwitz, Horwitz Cope (1986) believe that the problem of anxiety and the accompanying erroneous beliefs about language learning, as discussed in their literature focusing on classroom anxiety, represent serious impediments to the development of second language fluency as well as to performance. In their discussion of clinical experience with anxiety as a barrier to second language development, they categorize this personality factor as that of apprehension, worry and even dread and anxious language learners often have difficulty concentrating, become forgetful, sweat, and have palpitations. Further, Chang, Horwitz, and Schallert (1999) report that there are generally two types or constructs of anxiety, which are related to second language learning in both speaking and writing. The report suggests that second language classroom anxiety refers to the anxiety felt by students in interacting with native-speaking students. It is the more general type of anxiety felt by most school students. On the other hand, second language writing anxiety refers to language-skill-specific anxiety felt by students. Chang, Horwitz, and Schallert (1999) suggest that these are two separate constructs and that anxiety levels in speaking or writing may be felt differently. Nevertheless, the report asserts that level of self-esteem is an important component for both constructs. In a research on English as Second Language, Huang (2004) reports that foreign students (i. e. Chinese) studying at North American universities have faired very well in TOEFL. While Chinese students have obtained very high marks, many still have difficulties in understanding academic lectures, taking notes, writing assignments and giving presentations. Further, this report would also illustrate that the two independent constructs reported by Chang, Horwitz, and Schallert (1999). Huang (2004) reports that the students in the study have proficiency in reading ability and grammar, and that listening and the speaking were the weakest. Moreover, the study also reports low level of confidence of foreign students in participation and interaction in classes due to this difficulty; thus, limiting their overall performance. Cummins (2000) supports that even though many have excellent English language skills in terms of social proficiency, many are still struggling with the type of cognitive academic language necessary for the success in the mainstream classroom. The Learner’s Willingness to Communicate Skehan (1989) further suggests that a learners willingness to communicate has also been related to anxiety. His research points toward some language learners attempting to avoid communicating in a second language due to fear of embarrassment over their current skill level in speaking the second language. Perhaps this is part of the reason why many second language learners, who study overseas, tend to remain connected to other foreign second language learners and avoid prolonged social contact with native-speaking peers. Though the reasoning behind each individuals level of willingness to communicate will likely vary based on the number of people present, the topic of conversation and the formality of the circumstances, avoiding discussion using the second language is a common anxiety among language learners. While many studies have shown the level of anxiety of second language learners increases because of erroneous personal beliefs of the students, most of studies assert that self-confidence is an important component in overcoming of both in classroom and writing anxieties. What the SLA Teacher Ought to Focus On: Sources of Language Anxiety Furthermore, Young (1991) provides a list of potential sources of language anxiety. In her review of the literature on language anxiety, Young asserts that language anxiety can have a variety of sources – that is, anxiety can be associated with the learner’s perceptions, teacher’s beliefs, as well as the instructional practice to second language learning. She argues that language can come from the following: a. personal and interpersonal anxieties, learner beliefs about language learning, instructor beliefs about language teaching, instructor-learner actions, and language testing. Personal perceptions and beliefs can have a great effect on the progress of language learning. These perceptions have been well-documented in the studies related to age and language learning. Hyltenstam (1992) asserts that age in relation to language learning is an important factor in achieving native-like fluency for second language learners. That is, younger students tend to learn the second language faster than their mature counterparts. On the other, self-perception of more mature learners tends to hinder in the development of second language skills, which can more appropriately termed as trait anxiety. For example, adults, who are pursuing study of a second language, may have a clear mission why they are pursuing such course and far more determination to persevere than their younger counterparts. However, a number of mature students, who enter a foreign language class, were victimized by various prejudices about second language learning. â€Å"I’m too old to learn†or â€Å"I’m linguistically challenged†are common erroneous beliefs that adult learners often succumb to. Ehrman et al (2003) suggest that the feelings of uneasiness, such as late start or a belief that one needs a special predisposition for learning learning, can be attributed to the barriers created by the student’s ego as one matures. Adult learners may perceive their performance in a foreign language classroom as unnatural or ridiculous in comparison to their experience in the first language acquisition process. Therefore, these factors often contribute to the apprehension and tension felt by adult learners in the context of second language learning, more specifically in the aspect of speaking, writing, and learning. In short, adult learners suffer language anxiety more as compared to their younger counterparts. Certainly, not all adult learners become paralyzed by negative emotions the moment they step into a foreign language classroom. However, it is a common perception of educators, who have lectured to a group of adults, that some non-native speaking students may be reluctant to participate, more especially when they realize or assume that other students are more fluent. Nonetheless, it is important to emphasize that this emotion is not alien to younger learners, but in the studies it have been well-documented that with age the tension and anxiety associated with learning a new language is stronger and more difficult to overcome. The Learning Environment as Source of Language Anxiety Furthermore, the learning environment can also be a source of language anxiety. MacIntyre and Gardner (1994) would denote this as situational anxiety. Hadfield (1992) has introduced the concept of classroom dynamics to describe everything that happens in and between the participants, both the teacher and the students. Heron further elaborates on the existential anxiety of students in a classroom setting. Moreover, Heron also lists three aspects of existential anxiety in relation to classroom dynamics: 1) acceptance anxiety, 2) orientation anxiety, and 3) performance anxiety. Acceptance anxiety would relate to apprehension of being judged in a foreign class. Often times, students as well as teachers may show approval and disapproval behaviors to others. Fellow students may show impatience or mock another as a sign of their approval or disapproval to their fellow students. This often manifest as a sign of competition for teacher’s approval among students in the classroom. Teachers may also exhibit judgmental attitude in their criticisms as well as their bodily movements to their students. The teachers may open criticize or mock a student in a class. A more subtle criticism can be observed when a teacher would correct an error of a student. Whether the teacher corrects the error explicitly, by providing the correction, or implicitly, by indicating the kind of error and giving the student the opportunity for self-correction, can make a difference in the student’s self-confidence. Orientation anxiety would relate to the personal understanding of the situational contexts of the discussion or what is going on. Teacher’s role in facilitating learning is undermined by the failure to manage classroom discourse. This leads for students to at times feel of being deprived of control. In a discussion, when turn stealing overrules turn taking, such feelings can occur. The student may feel the lack of control over his role in classroom interaction when he is late to answer a general question or the question is directed to another person. More often, students would find the teacher’s unclear or unsatisfactory explanation as frustrating and leaving a feeling of no control over the language as a system. Finally, the anxiety is further instilled with domineering and controlling teachers, who leaves students feeling they have no influence over what is going on in the classroom. Lastly, performance anxiety would relate to the apprehension or feeling of isolation in a class. The feeling of isolation may also express itself as a feeling of disregarded. The feeling of being alone among one’s peers is not uncommon in highly territorial classrooms in which students never want to change their seats or switch conversation partners. Moreover, this would relate to student’s anxiety to talk using the target language with fellow students in fear of being appearing stupid and judge as well. Hence, research reports would suggest that foreign students will tend to group with fellow non-native speakers and exhibit behavioral avoidance when studying in the mainstream English classes. Variables of Self-Confidence Self-confidence is a positive image yet realistic view of one-self and the situation. A confident person is someone who trust his own abilities, have a general sense of control in their lives, and believe that, within reason, they will be able to do what they wish, plan, and expect. According to Skehan (1989), available research does not show a single clearly-defined relationship between personality traits (such as self-confidence) and second language. He further points out that a major difficulty in investigating personality variables is that of identification and measurement, pointing toward a relatively new area of potential research needing attention. However, existing literature suggests that language anxiety can be correlated with students’ negative concepts of themselves as language learners, and negative expectations for language learning. With this in consideration, self-confidence levels can be viewed not only as a personality trait with complex factors affecting high or low confidence, but also as an outcome of high anxiety levels. This assumption is of considerable interest as anxiety tends to create negative self-perceptions about language performance and can then be tied directly to an increase in negative attitudes towards second language learning and a decrease in risk-taking and sociability. In different respect, overly high levels of confidence in language learning can have similar negative effects on language learning, hindering advancement in language proficiency as over-confidence, due to self-perceptions of high degrees of performance in oral/written communication or in positive socialization, can lead a language learner to believe that he or she has learned all there is to know about a language and lose sight of mastering higher complex linguistic skill in the SL. For example, an individual who sees that his or her skill level in the second language is superior to other SL learners who struggle with the SL, he or she might make substantial mistakes in grammar or comprehension, but remain completely unaware of their errors and thus not improve in the acquisition of the second language. Horwitz (1986) brings up an interesting concept regarding self-confidence by citing that language learning is a profoundly unsettling psychological proposition because it directly threatens an individuals self-concept and worldview. A bold statement, but it does indicate that language learning, as a whole, can be a major contributor to variable self-confidence levels based on how each individual interprets their learning in terms of culture, grammar, or any other related language learning aspect. Variable self-confidence levels in second language learners are profoundly impacted by a complex set of individualised variables that it would be difficult to label each and every possible contributor to self-confidence levels. Simply recognising self-confidence levels in SL learners as a result of language learning and of anxiety opens a variety of potential research methods to begin measuring cause and effect of variable self-confidence. Instructor-Learner Interaction and Classroom Procedures Young (1991) asserts that a learner’s beliefs about language learning can contribute to the psychological anxiety in students. Skills such as proper pronunciation, depth of vocabulary, and fluency may vary in importance for learners in relation to second language learning. Similarly, Horwitz also studied the effect of various learners’ perceptions to language learning. In fact, Horwitz reports that a number of foreign language students in his study may have unachievable personal goals and misconceptions about language learning. For example, a few respondents expressed their optimism in achieving native-like fluency in the second language in two years of study, while others expressed their belief that language learning is tantamount to learning how to translate. Clearly, these idealistic beliefs contribute to language anxiety, more evidently when their beliefs and reality clash. A very good example would be the overly optimistic goal of beginners to achieve native-like fluency in the target language in two years. Over time, the students would naturally tend to get frustrated to find the reality of their imperfect pronunciation even after a lot of practice. On the other hand, an instructor’s beliefs about language teaching can also be a source of anxiety among second language learners. The manifestations of instructor’s belief can more clearly be seen in the methodology or approach in which an instructor conducts the second language class. For example, most instructors, who employ the Grammar Translation Method to teach English, will undoubtedly argue that the most fundamental reason for learning the language is to give learners access to English literature, develop their minds through second language learning, and to build in students the kinds of grammar, reading, vocabulary, and translation skills requisite to pass any one of the variety of compulsory tests necessitated in educational institutions. These instructors often emphasize on the strict rules of grammar syntax and proper form in sentence construction. While the teacher believes that his role in class is to constantly test and correct student’s errors, some of the students might develop anxiety over their class performance. On the other hand, some instructors may choose to employ a different methodology in language teaching. Some instructors may choose to use Total Physical Response method for learners to enjoy the sessions and create a less stressful environment for the students. Practitioners argue that recreating the natural process for children first learning their native language will facilitate the learning of the second language in the same way. More importantly, it asserts that language learning method involves a substantial amount of listening and comprehension with a mixture of various physical response such as smiling, reaching, and grabbing. Thus, the aim was to lower the affective filter in order to accelerate language learning among students. Taking into account the beliefs of both learners and instructors as well as the sources of language anxieties felt by students in a classroom setting, it is also important to look into the dynamics of the learning environment. Hadfield (1992) has identified seven traits of a good classroom dynamics as shown in Table 1. Table 1: Traits of Good Classroom Dynamics 1. Student groups are cohesive and have a positive, supportive atmosphere. Group members are interested in each other and feel they have something in common. 2. The members of the group are able to compromise. They have a sense of direction as a group and are able to define their goals in group as well as individual terms. 3. Group members are not cliquey or territorial but interact happily with all members of the group. Members of the group listen to each other and take turns. 4. Individuals in the group are not competitive and do not seek individual attention at the expense of others. Members cooperate in completing tasks and are able to work together productively. 5. Group members are able to empathize with each other and understand each other’s points of view even if they do not share them. The members of the group trust each other. 6. The group has a sense of fun. 7. Group members have a positive attitude to themselves as learners, to the language and culture being studied, and to the learning experience. Interpretation of Educator Beliefs on Language Learning Many paradigms and principles in mentioned in existing literature in teacher cognition are generally by nature unobservable and researchers have defined such principles differently. Freeman defines the categories in teacher education as â€Å"knowledge, beliefs and perceptions that shape what the teachers know, and therefore what they do in their teaching. †The keywords in Freeman’s categorization would be knowledge, beliefs and perceptions. These keywords would therefore define the scope of the teacher’s competency in relation to language teaching. Ellis (2006) would further refine the three words to discuss the teacher’s biographical experience and how it contributes to their professional knowledge. Ellis (2006) proposes â€Å"knowledge, beliefs, and insights†as refinement of the Freeman’s categorization. Knowledge (cited after Woods by Ellis) would be related to facts and the â€Å"things we know†. Beliefs refers to the instructor’s â€Å"acceptance of a proposition †¦ for which there is an accepted disagreement. †Ellis further elaborates on this irony as â€Å"ESL students need explicit focus on grammar as well as communicative practice. †Lastly, insight would relate to the instructor’s â€Å"personal practical knowledge: knowledge which is experiential, embodied, and reconstructed out of the narratives of a teacher’s life†. Ellis (2006) further elaborates insight as â€Å"an understanding gained from personal experience that allows us to see how previously understood realities could be different. It illuminates something previously unseen, makes sense of something previously incomprehensible, or lends a new perspective on something taken for granted. †Conclusion Different language experiences will result to rich and diverse insights, which can be very useful to second language teachers. However, there is yet to be a methodical study of a knowledge database of the learning experiences of English second language teachers. Formal education would require and ensure teachers are equip with the knowledge about phonology, grammar syntax, bilingualism, and motivation and methodology, etc. In addition, beliefs about the theories within language learning are also formed in the process as teachers develop a technique or approach in second language teaching. More importantly, teachers gain insights from the personal experiences, particularly in teaching second language. These insights are gained from reflection and recognition the complex, interwoven, rich, and diverse nature of what teachers â€Å"know†. The contents of this teacher booklet all aim to give the SLA teacher some insight into the areas in which he exerts significant impact. If taken to heart, he will indeed be able to make a dent in language learning by lessening the anxiety of his students and increasing their self-confidence. References Chang, Y. S. , Horwitz, E. K. and Schallert, D. L. (1999). Language Anxiety: Differentiating Writing and Speaking Components. Language Learning, 49 (3), 417-446. Cummins, J. (2000). Immersion education for the millennium: What we have learned from 30 years of research on second language immersion. Retrieved on October 23, 2007 from www. iteachilearn. com/cummins/immersion2000. html Ehrman, M. E. , Leaver, B. L. Oxford, R. L. (2003). A brief overview of individual differences in second language learning. System, 31 (3), 313-330. Ellis, E. M. (2006). Language learning experience as a contributor to ESOL teacher cognition. Teaching English as Second Language or Foreign Language, 10 (1). Gardner, R. C. Lambert, W. E. (1972). Attitudes and motivation in second language learning. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House. Hadfield, J. (1992). Classroom dynamics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Horwitz, E. K. (1986). Student effective reactions and the teaching and learning of foreign languages. College of Education: The University of Texas at Austin, Texas. Horwitz, E. K. , Horwitz, M. B. Cope, J. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. The Modern Language Journal, 70 (2). Huang, J. (2004). Voices from Chinese students: Professor’s use of English affects academic listening. College Student Journal, 38(2), 212-223. Hyltenstam, K. (1992). Non-native features of near-native speakers: on the ultimate attainment of childhood L2 learners. In R. J. Harris (ed. ) Cognitive processing in bilinguals, 351 367. Amsterdam: North-Holland. MacIntyre, P. D. Gardner, D. (1994). How does anxiety affect second language learning? A reply to Sparks and Ganschow. The Modern Language Journal, 79 (1). Skehan, P. (1989). Individual differences in second-language learning. London: Edward Arnold Young, D. J. (1991). Creating a low-anxiety classroom environment: What does language anxiety research suggest? The Modern Language Journal, 75 (4).
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